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Foreign businesses bullish
on China's future

By ZHENG CAIXIONG in Guangzhou | chinadaily. | Updated: 2021-02-26 15:05

Despite tensions in the China-US relationship themselves but the entire globe.
and the coronvirus pandemic last year, 94 "While a combination of factors, including
percent of American companies surveyed see the coronavirus pandemic, severely impacted
bright prospects in the Chinese market for the global economy last year, only a slight
2021, according to the American Chamber of decrease in actual investment in China was
Commerce in South China on Friday. realized," said Seyedin at a news conference in
Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on Friday.
None of the companies surveyed showed a "Factors including huge market potential,
willingness to leave the country. The research preferential policies and uncertainties of the
was reported in the 2021 White Paper on the pandemic in other countries and regions have
Business Environment in China and the 2021 whetted companies' interest to increase their
Special Report on the State of Business in investment in China, or shift investment to
South China. China," he said.

Harley Seyedin, president of AmCham South Seventy-three percent of the American
China, said China remains the top destination companies surveyed and 70 percent of the
for foreign investment worldwide. Many Chinese ones plan to reinvest in China this
companies believe they will see an improvement year, while 57 percent of participants from the
in Sino-US relations this year, he said. European Union and others have reinvestment
plans, Seyedin said.
"There is a g eneral consensus within
the business community that the Biden The vast majority of companies surveyed have
administration will view the Sino-US expansion plans in China over the next three
relationship through a different looking years, he said.
glass," he said. "And I predict a rather long
honeymoon period within which the two sides Guangzhou has been voted the most preferred
will have an opportunity to examine their destination for foreign investment in China in
differences, evaluate what is important to each four consecutive years, Seyedin said.
side and begin friendly and mutually respectful
dialogue." The southern metropolis is followed by
Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing, while other
Seyedin said he expects the US and China to cities, including Dongguan, Chengdu and
hit a reset button and very likely open a new Zhuhai, are also attracting investors' interest,
era of cooperation that will benefit not just he added.

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