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China relations: companies in South China have no appetite for
decoupling, butexpect tensions to grow, says AmCham

Global Economy Although companies are slightly more positive
about the relationship in 2021 than previous
Amanda Lee in Beijing years, some 86 per cent of businesses believed
Published: 6:38am, 26 Feb, 2021 the US-China trade dispute is “very likely” or
“probably” likely to expand, said the special
· Firms surveyed by AmCham in South China report on the state of business in South China,
are more positive about US-China ties in 2021 one of the country’s main growth engines.
than previous years, although most think
frictions will grow Still, 95 per cent of firms said they had no
appetite to decouple from the country, even
· But 95 per cent say they have no intention to as many business leaders expect the Biden
decouple from China, with more than 60 administration to maintain a tough stance when
per cent saying the country is still their No 1 it comes to hi-tech equipment and components.
investment destination

The survey, conducted between September
23 and December 22 last year, canvassed the
views of 191 companies mostly from the United
States or mainland China, with 12 per cent from
Europe and the remaining 18 per cent come
from Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia or Oceania.

Some 95 per cent of firms in South China say they “There is a general consensus within
have no appetite to disengage from the country, the business community that the Biden
according to a new AmCham survey. Photo: EPA-EFE administration will view the US-China
relationship through a different looking glass,”
Most small and medium-sized companies Dr Harley Seyedin, president of AmCham in
operating in China’s south plan to stay in the South China, said in a statement.
country despite concerns that frictions between
Beijing and Washington are likely to grow “I predict a rather long honeymoon period
this year, according to a new survey from the within which the two sides will have an
American Chamber of Commerce in South China. opportunity to examine their differences,
evaluate what is important to each side

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