Page 28 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 28
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

The central government urged local governments for the resumption of outbound tourism in the
to protect vulnerable groups through regular Overall Plan, the comparatively free flow of people
health monitoring of the elderly and primary and between China and the rest of the world is yet
middle school students. All local governments to be seen. That said, with China endeavoring to
were ordered to gather experts and teams from pivot to “living with COVID” and China’s top leaders
universities and scientific research institutes to starting to put more emphasis on economic
improve the accuracy of monitoring and early growth once again, as revealed by the readout of
warning systems (Li). the Central Economic Work Conference, it won’t be
long for China to completely reopens its borders.
Ultimately, China finally decided to remove
some of its most stringent travel restriction With the orderly implementation of the
measures, a move that has been long-awaited by optimized COVID-19 pandemic prevention and
business groups in 2023. Starting from January control measures, Chinese government officials
8, 2023, among other changes, China will no expected the growth speed of the Chinese
longer conduct nucleic acid tests and centralized economy continue to gather steam. That was
quarantine for all inbound travelers, and a core message Premier Li Keqiang conveyed
measures to control the number of international in December 2022. As he said, in the face of
passenger flights will be lifted. According to Dezan the impact of COVID-19 and other factors that
Shira & Associates’ China Briefing, a circular exceeded expectations in 2022, China promptly
released by the NHC on the same day further introduced a package of policy measures to
clarified that China would no longer impose stabilize the economy, which quickly reversed
quarantine measures on COVID-19 infections. the economic downturn in the early second
Inbound travelers to China no longer needed to quarter, and the economy is now recovering and
apply for a health code from Chinese embassies stabilizing. On the whole, China has maintained
or consulates, though a negative nucleic acid stable employment and prices, stabilized the
test from the last 48 hours will still be required. macroeconomic market, and kept its economic
Nucleic acid tests and centralized quarantine for performance within a proper range. Li's reiterating
all inbound travelers will be canceled. If the health of China's commitment to advancing opening-up
declaration is normal and the customs port routine at a high level and steadily expanding institutional
quarantine check is normal, they can be released opening-up, as well as the country's consistent
into the community without further requirements. hospitality to foreign investment and business
Measures to control the number of international should serve to instill confidence that the world's
passenger flights, including the “five-one” policy second-largest economy is gearing up to regain
(in which every foreign airline was required to its pre-pandemic interaction with the world.
maintain only one air route to China and operate The positive responses from these international
no more than one flight a week) and the passenger organizations' leaders to Li's remarks also reflect
load factor limit, will be lifted. Nevertheless, the world's expectation, if not need, for China
airlines will still be required to prevent disease on to overcome the hindrances of the pandemic
board, and passengers shall be required to wear as quickly as possible to boost the sustainable
masks when flying. China will further optimize and balanced recovery of the world economy
arrangements for foreigners returning to China by better fulfilling its roles as the world's largest
for work resumption, business, study, family manufacturing base, leading trader in goods and
visits, and reunions, and provide visa facilities major investors. While some of the relatively less-
accordingly. The entry and exit of passenger developed inland areas are still holding a wait-and-
transport by water and land ports would be see attitude to the effects of the policy changes,
gradually resumed, and China would resume the coastal governments have taken the adjusted
outbound tourism in an orderly manner in light policy as a green light to act. Zhejiang, Jiangsu,
of the international epidemic situation and the Fujian and Guangdong provinces, the most
service support capacity of all sectors. However, vibrant coastal growth engines, all approved and
given that no specific visa policy is introduced for supported overseas business trips as soon as the
inbound travelers and no clear timeline is provided virus control policies were eased. That indicates

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