Page 208 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 208
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Official environmental monitoring data showed a people fear those targets are under threat with
slight increase in radiation near Taishan in 2021 the government focused on economic challenges.
compared with other nuclear plants in China, but In the first quarter of 2022, Chinese regulators
within the normal range of environmental radiation gave the green light to coal plants with a total
levels in Guangdong (AFP, China Reconnects). capacity of 8.63 gigawatts. That is nearly half of
the entire coal-fired capacity approved in 2021.
China approved two new nuclear power plants The figure for new coal plant approvals dipped in
in South China in September 2022, taking the total mid-2021 but rebounded later in the year as China
number of newly sanctioned nuclear power units experienced widespread power outages due to
to 10 in 2022, the highest yearly number in more a supply crunch. Electricity consumption surged
than a decade. The projects approved will cost this summer of 2022 as China suffered through an
about 80 billion RMB (US$11.5 billion). China had intense heatwave, with air conditioning cranked up
last approved a larger number of nuclear power at homes and businesses to try and keep people
plants in 2008, when it gave the go-ahead to 14 cool. China relies on coal for around 60 percent of
new ones. The State Council approved the second its electricity, and has asked domestic miners to
phase of the Zhangzhou project in the southeastern increase capacity by 300 million tons. The State
Fujian province and the first phase of the Lianjiang Council announced 10 billion RMB (US$1.5 billion)
project in Guangdong province in the south during of investment in coal power generation in May
a meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang. The dual 2022, as coal producers were pressured to ramp
aims are to add energy capacity and promote up output before the 2025 threshold. Skyrocketing
green development. State-owned China National global commodity prices in the wake of Russia's
Nuclear Corporation will be responsible for the invasion of Ukraine have renewed China's focus
second phase of Zhangzhou, while State Power on energy security (AFP, China Speeding).
Investment, the world’s largest renewable power
producer, will oversee the first phase of Lianjiang. China is mined and imported more coal as its
The total investment of the 10 units approved in worst heatwave and drought in six decades hits
2022 is close to 200 billion RMB (US$29 billion). hydroelectricity in 2022. Nationwide, power plants
As of the end of June 2022, China had 54 nuclear burnt 8.16 million tonnes of thermal coal daily for
power units in operation, with a total installed the first two weeks of August, up 15 percent from
capacity of 55.78 million kilowatts, ranking third a year ago, according to most recent data from the
in the world. As many 23 nuclear power units are National Development and Reform Commission.
either under construction or have been approved, On August 3, daily thermal coal consumption hit
also the largest number in the world. Nuclear power a record high of 8.5 million tonnes. China is now
accounts for 2 percent of China’s installed power more reliant on coal for power than it was in
capacity and supplies 5 percent of the country’s 2021. In July 2022, electricity generated from coal
power. China will accelerate the expansion of the increased 22 percent from June, accounting for 69
installed capacity and maintain the approved start- percent of the total. In the same month in 2021,
up rhythm of 6-8 nuclear power units per year coal-fired power made up 67.4 percent of China’s
between 2022 and 2025 (Patranobis). electricity supply. Sichuan Coal Industry Group,
the province’s largest coal miner, has more than
Coal-fired Power doubled its thermal coal production to nearly
15,000 tonnes per day since mid-August. Sichuan
China has ramped up approvals for new coal Guang’an Power Generation, the region’s biggest
power plants in 2022 with authorities trying to coal-fired power plant, boosted its electricity
lower the risk of economically painful electricity generation by 170 percent, compared with the
shortages. China is the world's biggest emitter same period in 2021. Sichuan ordered most
of the greenhouse gases driving global warming, factories to close for 11 days through in response
and President Xi Jinping last year vowed to phase to the power crunch. The power rationing has
down coal use from 2026 as part of an ambitious roiled supply chains and impacted the production
set of national climate commitments. Some of major companies, such as Toyota, Foxconn, and
Tesla in Shanghai. The country also began buying

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