Page 132 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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technology platform ever established in the and talent, primarily focusing on industries such as
history of Hong Kong and will act as a key base for life and health technology, artificial intelligence and
cooperation in innovation and technology research data science, as well as advanced manufacturing
to attract top-tier enterprises, research institutions and new energy technology. The goal is to attract
and higher education institutes from Hong Kong, not less than 100 high-potential or representative
Chinese mainland and the rest of the world. More I&T enterprises to set up or expand their businesses
importantly, the Park has two major connecting in Hong Kong in the coming five years, including at
areas. One is the adjoining area of the Loop on least 20 top-notch I&T enterprises, bringing more
the Hong Kong side with 182 hectares of land, than RMB10 billion of investment to Hong Kong
designated as Area B in the development plan. and creating thousands of local job opportunities82;
This area is two times larger than the Loop (Area by 2035, it’s expected to see the integration of
A) and is reserved for further development. The innovation, industry and service and become a
other is the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology growth engine not only for Shenzhen and Hong
Park located adjacent to the Loop on the Shenzhen Kong, but also for the whole GBA83.
side (Area C) with a total area of 167 hectares. Both
cities agreed to seek stronger policy support from Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern
the Central Government for the Shenzhen/Hong Service Industry Cooperation Zone
Kong Technology and Innovation Cooperation
Zone, which will create cluster and synergy effects. On 26 August 2010, the State Council approved
The three areas encompass a total area of 426 the Overall Development Plan for Qianhai
hectares, of similar size to the Hsinchu Science Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry
Park in Taiwan. It will occupy sufficient space to be Cooperation Zone. The strategic positioning
developed into a global IT hub. of the cooperation zone is a modern service
industry system and mechanism innovation zone,
On 6 September 2021, Shenzhen and Hong a modern service industry development cluster
Kong signed the "Cooperation Arrangement on area, a pilot zone for cooperation where Hong
Promoting the Construction of "One Zone and Kong is closely connected with Chinese mainland
Two Parks" in the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and a leading zone for industrial upgrading in the
and Technology Park (HSITP). It focuses on the Pearl River Delta.
establishment of the Shenzhen Branch of the
Hong Kong Science Park and the Greater Bay Area On 6 September 2021, the Plan for
Inno Academy, to provide resources, training and Comprehensive Deepening Reform & Opening-
talent for both Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern
collaboration also includes the establishment of Service Industry Co-operation Zone was
Greater Bay Area Innovation and Technology Inno promulgated. The total area of the cooperation
Express to offer business development support zone expanded to 120.6km2. The new plan is
for Chinese mainland innovation and Hong Kong a powerful thruster of the regional economic
technology enterprises. At present, the HSITP integration of the GBA. It also emphasizes on
have three dominated development directions, bringing Hong Kong’s advantages into full play and
including life sciences, information science and deepening opening-up in areas such as services
materials science, and six key innovative areas, trade, finance and legal affairs in the zone, offering
including medical technology, big data and huge opportunities for Hong Kong’s development.
artificial intelligence, robotics, new materials,
microelectronics and FinTech. In the first half of 2022, Qianhai’s GDP reached
RMB82.11 billion (US$11.8 billion), up by 2.6% YoY,
By collaborating with the Office for Attracting and the actual use of foreign capital in the area was
Strategic Enterprises (OASES) and making use of the
RMB5 billion Strategic Tech Fund as well as the land 82 The Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address,
and space provided for I&T uses starting from 2024
in the HSITP in the Lok Ma Chau Loop, the Hong Kong policy/policy-full_tc.pdf
government will attract high-quality enterprises 83 Liaison office of the central people’s govern-
ment in the Hong Kong,
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