Page 124 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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medical treatment, health management, care and On 30 December 2018, the People’s Government
rehabilitation, and medical anti-aging. It aims to of Hainan Province released the Implementation
combine international and domestic high-end Plan of the China (Haikou) Cross-Border E-Commerce
medical tourism services and international cutting- Comprehensive Pilot Zone. According to the Plan,
edge medical science and technology to create an through three to five years of practical exploration,
international medical service cluster. In the past Hainan will strive to generate from the China
two years, as the only medical special zone in (Haikou) Cross-Border E-Commerce Comprehensive
China, Bo'ao Lecheng Pilot Zone has established Pilot Zone a new format and model for cross-border
cooperation with 80 global top pharmaceutical e-commerce with “online integration + cross-
enterprises in 18 countries and regions, introduced border trade + integrated services” as the main
226 kinds of international innovative medicines characteristics and “logistics clearance channels
and instruments69, and achieved the goal of "three + cross-border e-commerce + integrated service
synchronization" with advanced international supervision information system + financial value-
advanced levels in terms of medical technology, added services” as the core competitiveness,
equipment and drugs. with integration of board, tax, foreign exchange,
business, goods, connection and online, cross-
In the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021- border e-commerce integrated service supervision
2025) for Hainan Economic and Social Development platforms into the integrated park platform.
and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year
2035, local government sets specific tasks on Since the approval of the Pilot Zone, Haikou's
developing the high-quality health care industry cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly,
and emphasizes that Bo’ao Lecheng International leading domestic cross-border e-commerce
Medical Tourism Pilot Zone will lead the high-level enterprises have entered Haikou. The retail
medical service industry cluster and promote import value of Hainan cross-border e-commerce
the development of pharmaceutical research, in 2017 was only RMB105,000, however, in 2021,
clinical trials and treatment, and elder care service. the number reached RMB888 million. In July of the
Particularly, it will focus on boosting the health same year, Hainan's cross-border e-commerce
management and medical beauty industries. Specific export achieved a breakthrough of zero, with the
measures include, taking the lead in introducing export value reaching RMB96 million71.
the innovative medicine and medical equipment,
accelerating the construction of advanced clinical Summary
medical centres and medical technology research
and transformation bases. By 2025, the annual The Hainan Free Trade Zone is committed
growth of value-added of the medical and health to (i) improving the level of investment and
industry is expected to exceed 12%, the total trade facilitation, (ii) expanding the opening-up
revenue of the pilot zone will reach RMB50 billion, of the financial sector, and (iii) accelerating the
and tax income will increase to RMB4 billion70. creation of a convenient business environment
through the “separation of licenses and licenses”
China (Haikou) Cross-border E-commerce reform, relaxing credit and trade restrictions,
Comprehensive Pilot Zone developing high-tech technology and supporting
industry funds, guiding the digital transformation
In August 2018, the State Council issued the Official of enterprises, and creating a networked and
Reply of the State Council on Approving Proposed intelligent digital industry. Hainan Province focuses
Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot on supporting the development of the agriculture,
Zones in 22 Cities Including Beijing, approving the medical care, tourism and leisure industries,
establishment of the China (Haikou) Cross-border encouraging foreign investment, establishing
E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone. electronic ports, supporting private enterprises
to develop financial services, and building a high-
69 Sina, tech agricultural demonstration zone and a leading
612603/6328b6bb02001avj5 international medical tourism zone in Bo’ao.
70 Government site of Hainan, https://www. 71 Haikou news,
d4cf190bc0b6258cafa58.shtml html/2022-07/29/content_606898.htm

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