Page 112 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 112
of Guangxi-ASEAN Economic and Technological differentiated support policies, infrastructure
Development Zone also promulgated several construction, financial and tax support, financial
measures to promote the scientific and innovation, and expanding tourism.
technological innovation and announced its plans
to encourage the transition and upgrading of Dongxing Experimental Zone covers Dongxing
manufacturing industry last year as well. City and Gangkou District under the administration
of Fangchenggang Municipality, as well as the
Guangxi Dongxing National Key Experi- towns of Fangcheng, Jiangshan and Maoling of
mental Zone for Development and Open- Fangcheng District, with a total area of 1,226km2
ing-up and population of 483,000. Dongxing Experimental
Zone connects ASEAN countries through sea and
The Guangxi DongxingNationalKeyExperimental land transportation. With a land border of 100.9km
Zone for Development and Opening-up (“Dongxing and a sea border of 537.8km, it has five national
Experimental Zone”) is one of the first three frontier ports including the largest port in western China,
developments and opening-up experimental zones Fangcheng Port, and five barter trade zones for
in China and is in the core region of the Guangxi border residents.
Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and belongs to the
southwest China, Pan-Pearl River Delta (PRD) and In the past 10 years, the GDP of the Dongxing
ASEAN economic circles. It is a national important Experimental Zone has reached a new level
gateway for promoting implementation of the Belt of RMB80 billion from RMB45.35 billion. It has
and Road Initiative and is pivotal for southwest accurately grasped the new development stage,
China’s development and opening-up. actively integrated into the new development
pattern, unswervingly implemented the new
In July 2012, the State Council approved the development concept of innovation, coordination,
“Implementation Plan for the Construction green, openness and sharing, vigorously promoted
of the Dongxing Experimental Zone”, which high-quality development, and explored a number
“strives to build the Dongxing Experimental of “Dongxing Experimental Zone Experience”
Zone into an important platform for deepening and “Dongxing Experimental Zone Mode” for
strategic cooperation between China and the development and opening up along the
ASEAN, representing an important border border of the country. By end of 2025, Dongxing
area economic growth point, a key hub for Experimental Zone will strive to double the total
international channels to connect to China and GDP and the gross industrial output value above
southeast Asia, and a demonstration area for designated size61.
diplomatic policies to create an amicable, secure
and prosperous neighborhood”. In August 2012, Details of the five functional zones of the
construction of the Dongxing Experimental Dongxing Experimental Zone are:
Zone was officially launched. In December 2012,
the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang - The International Economic and Trade
Autonomous Region issued Several Policy Zone: Located in the border and coastal areas of
Measures on Accelerating the Construction Dongxing City and Fangcheng District, this zone
of the Dongxing Key Experimental Zone for prioritizes the development of international trade
Development and Opening-up and introduced and exhibitions, logistics, import and export
34 supporting policies. In December 2015, the processing, cultural tourism and other industries,
State Council released the Opinions on Several and has a highly open international economic
Policy Measures in Support of Development and and trade cooperation base and an international
Opening-Up of Key Border Regions, which specify tourism base.
a series of support policies for the Dongxing
Experimental Zone from 31 aspects, including - The Port Logistics Zone: Located
programs to develop border areas and improve in Yuwangang District in Fangchenggang
the lives of the border residents, system and Municipality, this zone prioritizes the development
institutional reform, trade structure adjustment,
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