Page 110 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 110
China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park - Modern services: Modern logistics,
financial insurance, commercial exhibition, cultural
The China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park leisure, technical consultation, service outsourcing,
is the third international park jointly built by the education and training, regional headquarters
Chinese government and a foreign government. economy, etc.
With the objective of building a demonstration
area for China-ASEAN cooperation, the park By the end of 2021, the park has achieved a total
positions itself as “an advanced manufacturing industrial output value of RMB39.17 billion, with
base, an information wisdom corridor, a cultural an average annual growth rate of 44.8% from last
and ecological new park, and a cooperation decade. In addition, the total volume of imports
and exchange window”, and will also become a and exports reached RMB20.17 billion, achieving
new urban area for the “integration of industrial an average annual growth rate of 40% during the
functions and urban residences” which keeps pace same period59.
with the main urban area and Binhai New Area
of Qinzhou. The long-term expected area of the After the implementation of RCEP, the park will
China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park is 55km2, become an important platform for cross-border
with a planned population of 500,000. The Park is logistics and trade between China and Malaysia
divided into four areas: the Industrial Park, R&D and deep cooperation will be expected particular
area, supporting service area and residential area. in the food and beverage, energy resources, steel,
automobile, mechanical equipment and electronic
The China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park appliances sectors.
focuses on six major industries: equipment
manufacturing, electronic information, food Guangxi-ASEAN Economic and Techno-
processing, materials and new materials, biotech logical Development Zone
and modern services. The details are as follows:
In March 2004, the Guangxi-ASEAN Economic
- Equipment manufacturing: Construction and Technological Development Zone (“ASEAN
machinery, automobile and parts, power, Economic Development Zone”) was established
agriculture and other special and general in Nanning, Guangxi. On 2 March 2013, with the
equipment, medical equipment, etc. approval of the State Council, the ASEAN Economic
Development Zone was upgraded to a state-level
- Electronic information: Intelligent economic and technological development zone.
electronic instruments, intelligent household The planning of the ASEAN Economic Development
appliances, automatic data processing equipment, Zone includes four functional zones: The
next generation mobile communication equipment, Comprehensive Industrial Park, Nanning Education
integrated circuits, new displays, multimedia Park, Cultural Tourism Leisure Zone and Modern
equipment, key devices, etc. Agricultural Demonstration Area. The ASEAN
Economic Development Zone is an important
- Food processing: Bird nest processing, organizer of the China-ASEAN Expo and one of the
health care and halal food, special agricultural 14 key industrial parks in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf
products, seafood deep processing, etc. Economic Zone.

- Materials and new materials: Palm product In 2021, the GDP of the ASEAN Economic
extraction new materials, new alloy materials, new Development Zone grew 14.2% YoY, and the
chemical materials, new marine materials, etc. total import and export increased substantially
by 83.99% YoY60. The Management Committee
- Biotech: General southern medicine 59 21Caijing,
and modern Chinese medicine, marine article/20220401/herald/eb8f641f44e-
biopharmaceuticals, agricultural biotech, biomedical 02d2a3cd1f9559d158067.html
health care, bioenvironmental protection 60 Management Committee of Guangxi-ASEAN
technology, etc. Economic and Technological Development Zone,
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