Page 176 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
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2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

produced with less pesticides, is also fueling the Works Cited
trend. The area used for glass greenhouses grew
28% in 2020, well above the 5.9% rise seen in 2019, GT. “China's Soybean Planting Area Projected to
and faster than the 6% growth seen in 2020 in Drop by 5.4% IN 2021-22.” Global Times, 12 May 2021,
areas housing cheaper plastic greenhouses. Plastic
greenhouses help shield crops, but are considered
less efficient than glass greenhouses. The latter CD. “Food Security Is Top Priority Even in
can churn out high quality produce that is sold
directly to retailers, reducing reliance on traditional New Five-Year Plan.”, 24 Feb.
supply chains. China is seeing an irreversible trend
since the pandemic in consumers buying more 2021,
of their groceries online, and spending more on
healthier choices and agricultural brands they WS603587daa31024ad0baaa8de.html.
trust. Historically, China's vegetable production
was concentrated in certain areas and required CGTN. “China to Improve Financial Services for
complex cold chain logistics networks for food New Agricultural Businesses.” CGTN: Economy, 25
to reach major cities' wholesale markets. The May 2021,
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