Page 6 - 2020 Policy Watch-Comparison of Secret Sale Patent
P. 6
icy Watch: Comparison between the US and China as to Whether a Secret Sale before the Date of Filing Affacts the Patent Application
The following essay is a detailed analysis of the inspir- 下文是关于Helsinn Healthcare S.A. 诉Teva
ing Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. Pharms. USA, Inc.案的详细分析。该案最终
case. The final Judicial decision indicates that a com- 的司法裁定结果证明,发明向负有约定义务对
mercial sale to a third party who is required to keep 发明保密的第三方销售的行为符合《美国发明
the invention confidential may place the invention “on 法案》对于发明“销售”的定义。
sale” under the AIA.
Whereas the Chinese Patent Law does not specify an 然而,中国专利法没有像《莱希史密斯美国发
on-sale bar like the Leahy-Smith American Invention 明法案》明确“销售阻却”原则。中国认为申
Act. It is held in China that whether a patent applica- 请日前进行销售的专利申请是否可授予专利决
tion that was on sale before the date of filing is pat- 定于其是否被公开或者是否为公众能够获得。
entable depends on whether it is disclosed or available 如果它可以为公众所获知,该销售行为使其成
to the public. If it is available to the public, the sale 为现有技术,并因此丧失其新颖性。根据中国
makes it a prior art and thus lose its novelty. A patent 《专利法》第二十二条,丧失新颖性的专利申
application with a lack of novelty is un-patentable in 请不能被授予专利权。
accordance with Article 22 of the Chinese Patent Law.
The following essay is a detailed analysis of the inspir- 下文是关于Helsinn Healthcare S.A. 诉Teva
ing Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. Pharms. USA, Inc.案的详细分析。该案最终
case. The final Judicial decision indicates that a com- 的司法裁定结果证明,发明向负有约定义务对
mercial sale to a third party who is required to keep 发明保密的第三方销售的行为符合《美国发明
the invention confidential may place the invention “on 法案》对于发明“销售”的定义。
sale” under the AIA.
Whereas the Chinese Patent Law does not specify an 然而,中国专利法没有像《莱希史密斯美国发
on-sale bar like the Leahy-Smith American Invention 明法案》明确“销售阻却”原则。中国认为申
Act. It is held in China that whether a patent applica- 请日前进行销售的专利申请是否可授予专利决
tion that was on sale before the date of filing is pat- 定于其是否被公开或者是否为公众能够获得。
entable depends on whether it is disclosed or available 如果它可以为公众所获知,该销售行为使其成
to the public. If it is available to the public, the sale 为现有技术,并因此丧失其新颖性。根据中国
makes it a prior art and thus lose its novelty. A patent 《专利法》第二十二条,丧失新颖性的专利申
application with a lack of novelty is un-patentable in 请不能被授予专利权。
accordance with Article 22 of the Chinese Patent Law.