Page 10 - 2020 Policy Watch-Comparison of Secret Sale Patent
P. 10
icy Watch: Comparison between the US and China as to Whether a Secret Sale before the Date of Filing Affacts the Patent Application

The prior art shall be the technical contents that are 现有技术应当是在申请日以前公众能够得知的技
available to the public before the date of filing. In other 术内容。换句话说,现有技术应当在申请日以前
words, the prior art shall be in such a state that it is 处于能够为公众获得的状态,并包含有能够使公
available to the public before the date of filing and shall 众从中得知实质性技术知识的内容。”
contain such content from which the public can obtain
substantial technical knowledge.” 《审查指南》排除处于保密状态的技术内容为现
The Guideline of Examination excludes technology in 有技术。保密状态不仅包括受保密规定或协议约
the state of secrecy as prior art. The state of secrecy in- 束的情形,还包括社会观念或者商业习惯上被认
cludes not only the situation where the obligation to 为应当承担保密义务的情形(例如来自隐含的协
keep secret arises from regulations or agreements re- 议或者默契)。
garding confidences, but also the situation where the
obligation to keep secret arises from social customs or 如果负有保密义务的人违反规定、协议或者默契
commercial practices (i.e. from implicit agreement or 泄露秘密,导致技术内容公开,使公众能够得知
understandings). 这些技术,这些技术也就构成了现有技术的一部
However, if the person with obligation to keep secret 分。
breaches the regulation, agreement, or implicit under-
standing, thereby rendering the technical contents dis- 《审查指南》列举三种公开方式:出版物公开、
closed and making the technologies available to the pub- 使用公开和以其他方式公开。使用公开包括能够
lic, these technologies shall form part of the prior art. 使公众得知其技术内容的制造、使用、销售、进
The Guideline of Examination lists three means of dis- 口、交换、馈赠、演示、展出等方式,通过上述
closure: disclosure by publications, disclosure by use, 方式使有关技术内容处于公众得知。
and disclosure by other means. Means of disclosure
by use include making, using, selling, importing, ex- 在Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. Teva Pharms. USA,
changing, presenting, demonstrating, exhibiting and Inc.中,Helsinn在其递交临时专利两年前与一家
the like, each of which can make the technical content 明尼苏达州医药公司MGI签订两份协议:一份许
available to the public. 可协议与一份供应购买协议。两份协议都包括剂
In the case of Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. Teva Pharms. 量信息,同时要求MGI对根据协议收到任何专有
USA, Inc., Helsinn entered into two agreements with 信息进行保密。
MGI, a Minnesota pharmaceutical company: a license
agreement and a supply and purchase agreement two
years before Helsinn filed the provisional patent. Both
agreements included dosage information and required
MGI to keep confidential any proprietary information
received under the agreements.

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