Page 448 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 448
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Televisions 3 The province is now vigorously promoting the marine
economy as its new growth engine. Fujian initiated
Cloth 5 related pilot projects in 2013, targeting a total output
value of the industry of RMB730 billion by 2015. And
Paper 6 in Fujian鈥檚 13th Five Year Plan, the government aims to
invest RMB1 trillion in its marine economy by 2020, with
Hydropower 7 an annual growth of over 10 percent. The province is also
set to improve the organization of its ports and optimize
Microcomputer equipment 10 resource allocation. The province鈥檚 coastal resources for
building deep water berths of 10,000 tons to 30,000
Mobile telephones 13 tons rank first in the country; this is planned as the basis
for an ambitious move to turn Fujian an internationally
Beer 12 competitive shipping center. To this end, the provincial
government has plans to establish a special fund of
Source: National Data (Official website of NBS) RMB10 billion for the development of marine economy.

Spotlight on Xiamen Fujian鈥檚 13th Five Year Plan encourages foreign
investment in newly emerging strategic industries,
While Fuzhou is the capital of Fujian Province, Xiamen modern services, energy conservation and
is one of China鈥檚 four original special economic zones environmental protection, and other key industries. The
(along with Guangzhou province鈥檚 Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Plan also aims to:
Shantou) and a key trade hub 鈥� its port and airport are
both the third busiest in the region, behind Guangzhou 路 Increase cooperation with large international
and Shenzhen. corporations through technological cooperation and
asset mergers and acquisitions (M&As);
The import and export volume connected to trade
conducted by foreign-invested enterprises takes up 路 Optimize the structure of exported products by
more than half of the total volume in Xiamen, which in encouraging the export of high-tech, electrical and
turn occupies more than half of the total import and mechanical products with independent intellectual
export volume of the entire province. These provide property right (IPR), as well as high added-value labor-
opportunities for service outsourcing enterprises in intensive products;
Xiamen to open up their overseas markets.
路 Promote the accelerated transformation and
Xiamen鈥檚 more prominent service outsourcing upgrading of the processing trade, and encourage
businesses include information technology service domestic and foreign enterprises to cooperate in the
outsourcing targeted towards the Japanese market, expansion from simple assembly and processing to the
logistics and supply chain outsourcing, as well as inclusion of research and development (R&D), design,
integrated circuit design, animated games and call core component manufacturing, and logistics;
center service outsourcing businesses targeted
towards Taiwan. 路 Restrict the export of high-energy consumption,
high-pollution and resource-intensive products;
The Fujian provincial government has a standing
policy to promote the development of emerging 路 Encourage the import of advanced equipment and
industries, including next-generation information technologies, important resources, key component parts
technology, biotechnology and new medicine, new and goods for daily consumption that are necessary for
materials, new energy, energy-saving technology, high- economic development so as to optimize the province鈥檚
end equipment manufacturing, and the marine high- import structure;
tech industry. By 2020, the provincial government aims
to increase the value of emerging industries to RMB585 路 Strengthen the certification of enterprises and
billion, accounting for 15 percent of Fujian鈥檚 GDP. products entering the global market; and

路 Expand cooperation with Hong Kong and
encourage Hong Kong financial institutions to set up
branches in Fujian.

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