Page 9 - 2018 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 9
r Members, 亲爱的会员:
The opening of the Chinese economy in 1978 provided
opportunities for foreign investors, such as the members of the 1978年,中国经济对外开放,为外国投资者带来了
American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham 商机,也为美中双方带来了共同的商业利益,华南美国商
South China), to develop businesses that benefited both sides. 会(下简称“美商会”)的会员企业也受益其中。过去几
Business has thrived for the past few decades, and China has 十年来,商业蓬勃发展。自2010年以来,中国已成为世界
been the second largest economy since 2010—first in purchasing 第二大经济体;且自2014年以来,中国已成为全球第一购
power parity since 2014. 买力国。
As fruit of its reform and opening-up policies, China
became the manufacturing hub for the world. Foreign companies 改革开放使中国成为了世界制造中心,这让外国企业
could produce their products much cheaper in China than they 能以低于母国的成本在华生产产品。外国企业将他们的技
could in their home countries. Foreign businesses shipped 术、设计、管理,甚至原材料带来中国,并由中国工人完
their technologies, designs, management, and sometimes raw 成最终的产品制造。大量就业岗位的涌现,让中国在很大
materials to China where factory workers built the final products. 程度上推动了联合国减半极贫人口的千禧年发展目标,同
As a result of the influx of jobs, China largely drove the United 时也使国内渴望西方产品及服务的中产阶级日益壮大。 因
Nation’s millennium goal of halving extreme poverty while 此,外国投资对中国经济的增长功不可没。
simultaneously creating a growing domestic middle-class that
is hungry for Western products and services. China’s growth can 我们最初撰写《华南地区经济情况特别报告》(下简
therefore be attributed largely to foreign investment. 称《特别报告》)及《中国营商环境白皮书》(下简称《
We originally created the Special Report on the State 出版物代表了我们会员企业在全球最日新月异、最具挑战
of Business in South China and White Paper on the Business 性的市场之一——中国的经历、计划及卓识。今年,244
Environment in China to help foreign businesses navigate the 个来自各行各业、不同规模的企业参与了问卷调查。在过
domestic terrain. The publication of our Special Report, and its 去数年中,我们一直鼓励国内中资企业与外资企业一同分
incorporation into our White Paper, have become an annual 享他们的经历。我深信,这会让我们从中得出的结论更启
milestone for us. These two publications represent a distillation 人深思。
of our members’ experiences, plans and insights in one of the
most dynamic—and sometimes challenging—markets in
the world. This year, 244 companies participated in our survey 本次调查一如既往地反映了中国经济动向的不断
study, a group that spans every type of enterprise of every size. 变化及其从出口导向型经济向消费导向型经济的有意转
In the past several years we have encouraged domestic Chinese 变。2003年,我们的调查表明,只有不到23%的受访企业
companies to share their experiences alongside those of foreign- 在华为本地市场生产商品及提供服务;今年的调查显示,
invested ones, and I believe that we can draw more interesting 该比例上升至73.3%。
conclusions as a direct result.
This year’s study continues to reflect China’s changing 场中的增长潜力。对于大多数受访企业(53.3%)而言,
economic dynamic and its intentional movement from an export- 中国在其全球投资计划中位居榜首,只有约10%的受访企
based economy to a consumer-based economy. While in 2003 业认为中国在其全球投资计划中重要性较低。大多数外国
our study showed that less than 23% of surveyed companies 投资仍在涌向人口和自由贸易机会最多的地区。在中国大
were selling their goods and services produced in China to China, 陆所有城市中,最受受访企业青睐的投资地区仍是一线城
this year’s study shows that 73.3% of them are now primarily 市——北上广深。有趣的是,今年广州在中国44个城市的
producing goods and services in China for the Chinese market. 投资排名中脱颖而出,成为最受欢迎的投资城市,深圳、
China remains popular for international investment 眼。然而,调查地区中也有一些城市却因专注于收回属于
due to its potential for global market growth. For most of the 外资企业的工业用地而跌至榜尾。这些城市有意从房地产
respondents (53.3%), China accounted for the top spot in their 开发中“赚快钱”,而非放远目光,保留这些外资企业及
global investment plans, while only about 10% of respondents 引进其最新研发的技术。
viewed China in a lower position in their global investment
plan. Most foreign investments are still heading toward those
The opening of the Chinese economy in 1978 provided
opportunities for foreign investors, such as the members of the 1978年,中国经济对外开放,为外国投资者带来了
American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham 商机,也为美中双方带来了共同的商业利益,华南美国商
South China), to develop businesses that benefited both sides. 会(下简称“美商会”)的会员企业也受益其中。过去几
Business has thrived for the past few decades, and China has 十年来,商业蓬勃发展。自2010年以来,中国已成为世界
been the second largest economy since 2010—first in purchasing 第二大经济体;且自2014年以来,中国已成为全球第一购
power parity since 2014. 买力国。
As fruit of its reform and opening-up policies, China
became the manufacturing hub for the world. Foreign companies 改革开放使中国成为了世界制造中心,这让外国企业
could produce their products much cheaper in China than they 能以低于母国的成本在华生产产品。外国企业将他们的技
could in their home countries. Foreign businesses shipped 术、设计、管理,甚至原材料带来中国,并由中国工人完
their technologies, designs, management, and sometimes raw 成最终的产品制造。大量就业岗位的涌现,让中国在很大
materials to China where factory workers built the final products. 程度上推动了联合国减半极贫人口的千禧年发展目标,同
As a result of the influx of jobs, China largely drove the United 时也使国内渴望西方产品及服务的中产阶级日益壮大。 因
Nation’s millennium goal of halving extreme poverty while 此,外国投资对中国经济的增长功不可没。
simultaneously creating a growing domestic middle-class that
is hungry for Western products and services. China’s growth can 我们最初撰写《华南地区经济情况特别报告》(下简
therefore be attributed largely to foreign investment. 称《特别报告》)及《中国营商环境白皮书》(下简称《
We originally created the Special Report on the State 出版物代表了我们会员企业在全球最日新月异、最具挑战
of Business in South China and White Paper on the Business 性的市场之一——中国的经历、计划及卓识。今年,244
Environment in China to help foreign businesses navigate the 个来自各行各业、不同规模的企业参与了问卷调查。在过
domestic terrain. The publication of our Special Report, and its 去数年中,我们一直鼓励国内中资企业与外资企业一同分
incorporation into our White Paper, have become an annual 享他们的经历。我深信,这会让我们从中得出的结论更启
milestone for us. These two publications represent a distillation 人深思。
of our members’ experiences, plans and insights in one of the
most dynamic—and sometimes challenging—markets in
the world. This year, 244 companies participated in our survey 本次调查一如既往地反映了中国经济动向的不断
study, a group that spans every type of enterprise of every size. 变化及其从出口导向型经济向消费导向型经济的有意转
In the past several years we have encouraged domestic Chinese 变。2003年,我们的调查表明,只有不到23%的受访企业
companies to share their experiences alongside those of foreign- 在华为本地市场生产商品及提供服务;今年的调查显示,
invested ones, and I believe that we can draw more interesting 该比例上升至73.3%。
conclusions as a direct result.
This year’s study continues to reflect China’s changing 场中的增长潜力。对于大多数受访企业(53.3%)而言,
economic dynamic and its intentional movement from an export- 中国在其全球投资计划中位居榜首,只有约10%的受访企
based economy to a consumer-based economy. While in 2003 业认为中国在其全球投资计划中重要性较低。大多数外国
our study showed that less than 23% of surveyed companies 投资仍在涌向人口和自由贸易机会最多的地区。在中国大
were selling their goods and services produced in China to China, 陆所有城市中,最受受访企业青睐的投资地区仍是一线城
this year’s study shows that 73.3% of them are now primarily 市——北上广深。有趣的是,今年广州在中国44个城市的
producing goods and services in China for the Chinese market. 投资排名中脱颖而出,成为最受欢迎的投资城市,深圳、
China remains popular for international investment 眼。然而,调查地区中也有一些城市却因专注于收回属于
due to its potential for global market growth. For most of the 外资企业的工业用地而跌至榜尾。这些城市有意从房地产
respondents (53.3%), China accounted for the top spot in their 开发中“赚快钱”,而非放远目光,保留这些外资企业及
global investment plans, while only about 10% of respondents 引进其最新研发的技术。
viewed China in a lower position in their global investment
plan. Most foreign investments are still heading toward those