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6 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Potential Policy Gains Works Cited
Continued Adoption of and Participation in International 1 “Production of China’s Machinery Industry Up 26.42% in First 8
Standards Months.” National Population and Family Planning Commission
of China. September 26, 2011.
While domestic innovation and “strong support” for the detail.aspx?articleid=111010171232421897.
fruits thereof make sense in many contexts, straying from in-
ternationally-developed and -adopted standards can be a signif- 2 The National Bureau of Statistics of China. “China Statistical Year-
icant cost to companies who have to redesign technical aspects book 2009.” China Statistics Press. Beijing, People’s Republic of
of products for each market, in addition to standard localiza- China. 2009.
tion efforts.
3 Zheng Chenguang. “China’s Machinery Industry Sees Strengthened
In areas which are not considered of importance to nation- Self-innovative Capability.” CRI News. January 22, 2008. http://
al or strategic security, conformity to standards will not only
help international companies in China, but also Chinese firms,
as the costs of development, implementation and troubleshoot- 4 “China’s Machinery, Electronic Exports Rank 1st Worldwide.”
ing will undoubtedly decrease when companies are able to rely China Daily. September 28, 2010.
upon a (hopefully) global body of existing knowledge. cn/m/hubei/2010-09/28/content_11360909.htm.
Similarly, as Chinese design and manufacturing becomes 5 “Nearly 70% of Exported Machinery, Electronic Products
more sophisticated, domestic industry players can benefit from Done by Foreign-funded Firms.” China Daily. February 17,
global discourse on the topic through their own participation— 2010.
legislative or otherwise artificial manipulation is not likely to content_9472109.htm.
improve innovation or productivity.
6 “China’s Machinery Industry Posts Slower Output, Sales Growth
in H1.” Xinhua. July 22, 2011.
7 “China Should Increase High Tech Exports.” China Daily. September
25, 2010.
8 “China Unveils Plans to Spur Key Industries.” Xinhua. February
9 “China’s Top Political Advisor Urges Efforts to Boost Development
of Machinery Industry.” Xinhua. March 29, 2011. http://news.
10 Yoko Kubota and Wan Xu. “Global Machinery Makers Bank on
China Rebound in 2013.” Reuters. October 30, 2012. http://
w w w. re uter s .c om / ar ti c l e / 2 0 1 2 / 1 0 / 3 0 / ma c h in er y- e arn ing s -
11 Pete Sweeney and Langi Chiang. “WRAPUP 3-China Approves
$157-billion Infrastructure Spending.” Reuters. September 7,2012.
Potential Policy Gains Works Cited
Continued Adoption of and Participation in International 1 “Production of China’s Machinery Industry Up 26.42% in First 8
Standards Months.” National Population and Family Planning Commission
of China. September 26, 2011.
While domestic innovation and “strong support” for the detail.aspx?articleid=111010171232421897.
fruits thereof make sense in many contexts, straying from in-
ternationally-developed and -adopted standards can be a signif- 2 The National Bureau of Statistics of China. “China Statistical Year-
icant cost to companies who have to redesign technical aspects book 2009.” China Statistics Press. Beijing, People’s Republic of
of products for each market, in addition to standard localiza- China. 2009.
tion efforts.
3 Zheng Chenguang. “China’s Machinery Industry Sees Strengthened
In areas which are not considered of importance to nation- Self-innovative Capability.” CRI News. January 22, 2008. http://
al or strategic security, conformity to standards will not only
help international companies in China, but also Chinese firms,
as the costs of development, implementation and troubleshoot- 4 “China’s Machinery, Electronic Exports Rank 1st Worldwide.”
ing will undoubtedly decrease when companies are able to rely China Daily. September 28, 2010.
upon a (hopefully) global body of existing knowledge. cn/m/hubei/2010-09/28/content_11360909.htm.
Similarly, as Chinese design and manufacturing becomes 5 “Nearly 70% of Exported Machinery, Electronic Products
more sophisticated, domestic industry players can benefit from Done by Foreign-funded Firms.” China Daily. February 17,
global discourse on the topic through their own participation— 2010.
legislative or otherwise artificial manipulation is not likely to content_9472109.htm.
improve innovation or productivity.
6 “China’s Machinery Industry Posts Slower Output, Sales Growth
in H1.” Xinhua. July 22, 2011.
7 “China Should Increase High Tech Exports.” China Daily. September
25, 2010.
8 “China Unveils Plans to Spur Key Industries.” Xinhua. February
9 “China’s Top Political Advisor Urges Efforts to Boost Development
of Machinery Industry.” Xinhua. March 29, 2011. http://news.
10 Yoko Kubota and Wan Xu. “Global Machinery Makers Bank on
China Rebound in 2013.” Reuters. October 30, 2012. http://
w w w. re uter s .c om / ar ti c l e / 2 0 1 2 / 1 0 / 3 0 / ma c h in er y- e arn ing s -
11 Pete Sweeney and Langi Chiang. “WRAPUP 3-China Approves
$157-billion Infrastructure Spending.” Reuters. September 7,2012.