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6 Special Report on the State of Business in South China

export value under CEPA has reached MOP 636,195,829 from Ports and waterways
January 2004 to the end of September 2015 . With respect to trade Macau Port includes an outer harbor for passenger vessels
in services, Macau Economic Services has approved 411 “Macau
Service Supplier” certificates, for companies primarily engaged in to/from Hong Kong, as well as an inner port for cargo. The
transport and logistics; conventions and exhibitions; management Ka-Ho Harbor includes a fuel oil terminal and company-ex-
consulting; construction; distribution; telecommunications; legal, clusive piers. There are regular ferries and helicopters providing
advertising, sales and marketing services for air transport; real es- 24-hour service to Hong Kong. Ferries also connect with the
tate; audiovisual services, travel agencies, medical and dental ser- Shekou Port in Shenzhen.
vices, job referral agency services, air transport services as well as
trademark agencies, and more.

Spotlight on Hengqin Island
Hengqin New Area, located in the Zhuhai Special Econom-

ic Zone and part of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone, is only
a stone’s throw away from Macau. As part of the One Coun-
try, Two Systems policy, the central government is trying to
integrate the economies of Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland
China. Hengqin is directly across the water from Macau, and as
such is a pilot zone for integration. It has already attracted over
RMB 226.3 billion (US$36.4 billion) in total investment. With
professional zone management, as well as the most preferential
investment policies in South China, Hengqin New Area offers
appealing incentives to investors.

In March 2014, China issued a “Preferential Corporate In-
come Tax Catalog” for Hengqin New Area, which identified
five industries and 72 business categories, such as ocean-sourced
pharmaceuticals and health care, for preferential tax treatment.
While China’s standard rate of corporate income tax is 25 per-
cent, eligible enterprises listed in the Catalog will be taxed at a
reduced 15 percent rate closer to corporate income tax levels in
Hong Kong and Macau.


Macau is accessible by air from most major cities in Asia plus

a number of domestic destinations. All passengers using the
modern Macau International Airport are subject to an airport
tax and passenger tax.

Macau consists of a peninsula and the two islands of Taipa

and Coloane. Three bridges, the Nobre de Carvalho Bridge,
Friendship Bridge (Ponte da Amizade) and Sai Van Bridge, link
the peninsula to Taipa. In addition, the two islands are linked
by the six-lane 2.2 kilometer Taipa-Coloane Causeway. Con-
struction of the Hong-Kong-Zhuhai Macau Bridge began at
the end of 2009 and is due to be completed by the end of 2016.

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