Page 30 - 2016_SpecialReport_web
P. 30
6 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
Q: Did your company’s 1-year budgeted reinvestment volume change over the course of the year?
50% 40% Greater than $250 million
45% 35% Between $50 million and $250 million
40% 30% Between $10 million and $50 million
35% 25% Between $1 million and $10 million
30% 20% Less than $1 million
25% 15% No change
20% 10%
10% 0%
0% Decrease < No change > Increase
Decrease < No change > Increase 2015
Continuing a downward trend in the proportion of com- million and $50 million” and “Between $50 million and $250
panies increasing their 1-year reinvestment budgets over the million”. Instead, we observed notable growth in the proportion
course of the year, only 44.9 percent of this year’s participants of participants having increased 1-year reinvestment budgets by
reported doing so, down from 60 percent in 2012. Meanwhile “Greater than $250 million”.
we see a modest increase from last year in the proportion of
study participants who decreased their 1-year reinvestment While of those companies who decreased their budgets over
budgets. the cross of 2015, 86.7 percent saw decreases of $10 million or
less, while 6.7 percent decreased their budgets by “Between $50
Of the companies who increased their budgets, compara- million and $250 million”.
tively fewer companies increased them by “Less than $1 mil-
lion”, “Between $1 million and $10 million”, “Between $10
Q: Did your company’s 3-year budgeted reinvestment volume change over the course of the year?
40% 35% Greater than $250 million
Between $50 million and $250 million
35% 30% Between $10 million and $50 million
Between $1 million and $10 million
30% 25% Less than $1 million
25% No change
10% 10%
5% 5%
0% 0%
Decrease < No change > Increase Decrease < No change > Increase
2016 2015
The percentage of participating companies who adjusted tween $ 1 million and $10 million”. Meanwhile the percentage
their 3-year reinvestment budgets roughly tracks the 1-year bud- of participating companies reported increases of “Greater than
get changes, albeit with a slightly bigger proportion reporting no $250 million” is over 4 times that of last year’s.
changes for the 3-year term and a slightly smaller percentage re-
porting having decreased their 3-year budget. Of those participants who reported decreases in 3-year re-
investment budgets, 91.6 percent reported changes of less than
Of the 50.4 percent who reported increases to their budgets, $10 million and 8.3 percent reported decrease of “Between $10
78 percent indicated increases of “Less than $1 million” or “Be- million to $50 million”.
Q: Did your company’s 1-year budgeted reinvestment volume change over the course of the year?
50% 40% Greater than $250 million
45% 35% Between $50 million and $250 million
40% 30% Between $10 million and $50 million
35% 25% Between $1 million and $10 million
30% 20% Less than $1 million
25% 15% No change
20% 10%
10% 0%
0% Decrease < No change > Increase
Decrease < No change > Increase 2015
Continuing a downward trend in the proportion of com- million and $50 million” and “Between $50 million and $250
panies increasing their 1-year reinvestment budgets over the million”. Instead, we observed notable growth in the proportion
course of the year, only 44.9 percent of this year’s participants of participants having increased 1-year reinvestment budgets by
reported doing so, down from 60 percent in 2012. Meanwhile “Greater than $250 million”.
we see a modest increase from last year in the proportion of
study participants who decreased their 1-year reinvestment While of those companies who decreased their budgets over
budgets. the cross of 2015, 86.7 percent saw decreases of $10 million or
less, while 6.7 percent decreased their budgets by “Between $50
Of the companies who increased their budgets, compara- million and $250 million”.
tively fewer companies increased them by “Less than $1 mil-
lion”, “Between $1 million and $10 million”, “Between $10
Q: Did your company’s 3-year budgeted reinvestment volume change over the course of the year?
40% 35% Greater than $250 million
Between $50 million and $250 million
35% 30% Between $10 million and $50 million
Between $1 million and $10 million
30% 25% Less than $1 million
25% No change
10% 10%
5% 5%
0% 0%
Decrease < No change > Increase Decrease < No change > Increase
2016 2015
The percentage of participating companies who adjusted tween $ 1 million and $10 million”. Meanwhile the percentage
their 3-year reinvestment budgets roughly tracks the 1-year bud- of participating companies reported increases of “Greater than
get changes, albeit with a slightly bigger proportion reporting no $250 million” is over 4 times that of last year’s.
changes for the 3-year term and a slightly smaller percentage re-
porting having decreased their 3-year budget. Of those participants who reported decreases in 3-year re-
investment budgets, 91.6 percent reported changes of less than
Of the 50.4 percent who reported increases to their budgets, $10 million and 8.3 percent reported decrease of “Between $10
78 percent indicated increases of “Less than $1 million” or “Be- million to $50 million”.