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P. 26
6 Special Report on the State of Business in South China 2015 Budgeted Comparing reinvestment budgets
2015 Actual for 2015 reported last year against
2015 Budgeted vs. Actualized Reinvestment realized reinvestment volumes for the
same period reported this year, we
35% found that more companies reinvested
30% in every level than had originally bud-
25% geted to do so except for in the “less
20% than $1 million” category, which saw a
15% decline from 34.6 percent having bud-
10% geted to do so against only 26.9 per-
cent actually securing reinvestments
5% with that value. However, we also see
almost 4 percent of the participating
companies which didn’t plan on rein-
vesting actually did so.

BeBteBtweteweewneeen$n5$01$10milmmliiillllLoiienoosnnsa tnaahdnnadd$n2$$$5151000mmmmiiiilllllllliiiioooonnnn
Greater than $250 million

Normalized reinvestment figures Estimated reinvestment volumes

(Response distribution applied to 100 companies by per- (Normalized, scaled by a factor representing chamber mem-
centage share) bership)

Projected 2016: $3,296,485,000 (+8.79%) Estimated 2016: $13,087,053,000 (+8.79%)
Projected 2015: $3,030,100,000 (-9.3%) Estimated 2015: $12,029,504,000 (-9.3%)
Projected 2014: $3,343,500,000 (+30.10%) Estimated 2014: $13,273,703,000 (+30.10%)
Projected 2013: $2,569,950,000 (+1.90%) Estimated 2013: $10,202,708,000 (+1.90%)
Projected 2012: $2,521,958,000 Estimated 2012: $10,012,180,000

Projected 2016-18: $2,729,495,000 (-8.65%) Estimated 2016-18: $12,646,945,000 (-8.65%)
Projected 2015-17: $2,988,100,000 (-16.9%) Estimated 2015-17: $13,844,682,000 (-16.9%)
Projected 2014-16: $3,599,200,000 (+1.30%) Estimated 2014-16: $16,676,076,000 (+1.30%)
Projected 2013-15: $3,552,850,000 (+40.88%) Estimated 2013-15: $16,461,324,000 (+40.88%)
Projected 2012-14: $2,943,304,000 Estimated 2012-14: $11,684,920,000

To accommodate fluctuating sample sizes, for the past six Whereas in 2014, we saw an over 9 percent decline in 1-year
years we have reported reinvestment figures normalized to 100 budgets and an almost 17 percent in 3-year reinvestment bud-
companies as a primary year-on-year comparison. This figure is gets, this year, we see an 8.79 percent increase in 1-year reinvest-
calculated as the product of the mean of each category range ment budgets and a decline of similar percentage in 3-year bud-
and the percentage of total participants indicating that cat- gets, suggesting confidence in 2016 but a substantial amount of
egory, except in the case of the largest ($250 million or more) uncertainty in the medium term.
category, for which the minimum value is used.

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