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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

President’s Message

OUR 2015 WHITE Paper on the Business Environment evolving world. Last year, a combined total of 1,351 copies of
in China occurs during an undoubtedly interesting the 2014 White Paper and Special Report were downloaded
junction in the two year old administration of President from our website, in addition to the printed copies we had in
Xi Jinping. circulation. is year, we are increasing our print run by 60%
in the wake of China’s continuing evolution.
In 2013 and most recently in 2014, each year’s Plenum of
the Communist Party of China has unveiled frameworks for A critical question confronts the leadership at this stage:
broad, bold and ambitious economic and legal reforms – plat- Can President Xi Jinping and his administration continue to
forms for reform which, if fully implemented, are bound not press forward in aggressively tackling corruption while also
only to transform the China of the future, but also have the po-
tential to a ect the rest of the world. e fact that implemen- ercely undertaking economic reforms?
tation of these groundbreaking and far-reaching reforms are
beginning to occur amidst the backdrop of the Chinese govern- Our conclusion is, they must – they have to – and they
ment’s aggressive anti-corruption campaign, makes President should. Last year, we urged China’s leaders to “Keep moving
Xi Jinping’s two-year milestone even more remarkable. forward”, to continue to o er more opportunities for health,
wealth and happiness for the Chinese people and elevate their
is 2015 White Paper outlines, in exhaustive detail, quality of life. is year, while we examine the issues and chal-
the ongoing plans and initiatives being implemented by the lenges, we also applaud this administration’s accomplishments
government in the wake of these reforms and cites a cross- and successes and encourage China’s leadership to continue –
section of informed opinions and analyses from both China to “Keep moving forward and accelerate the pace”.
and overseas about the impact of these policies. At the same
time, to illustrate how far China has come since the time of With best regards,
President Xi’s ascension to power in late 2012 and provide
a solid basis for comparison of China then and now, highly Harley Seyedin
relevant sections of our 2013 White Paper are incorporated President
in this latest version. Given all that is documented here, it
is evident that China is now embarking on a transformative e American Chamber of Commerce in South China
decade, one that should exponentially bene t its own people, Vice Chairman, China A airs
as well as the foreign investors who are stakeholders in the
country’s continued growth. It is noteworthy to point out that e Asia Paci c Council of American Chambers of Commerce
results of our latest Special Report on the State of Business
in South China indicate that member companies intend to
increase investment in their China business operations as long
as they feel they are being treated equally and with utmost

Providing a well-researched, objective and comprehensive
overview of the business environment in China continues to be
our goal with the publication of the 2015 White Paper which,
we hope, adds value to businesses operating in this rapidly

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