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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Works Cited 12 “ e Survey of Foreign Investment in China’s Light Industry in
2009.” Invest in China. October 28, 2010.
1 e National Bureau of Statistics of China. “China Statistical cn/pub/FDI_EN/Economy/Sectors/Manufacturing/Light%20
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3 “US says China not a currency manipulator.” BBC News. November 14 “China to release stimulus plan for light industry soon.” Alibaba
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5 Martin Ravallion and Shaohua Chen. “Learning From Success.” 18, 2009.
Finance & Development. 2004. content_11396459.htm. Accessed January 19, 2010.
6 Lan Lan “‘No intention’ of capping emissions.” China 17 Kevin Yao. “China ash PMI rebounds to ease hard-landing
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Xinhua. September 4, 2012. World Investment Forum 2010.” Xinhua September 7,
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December 4, 2012. 09/07/c_13483118_4.htm. Accessed November 12, 2010.
8 “China’s 2011 industrial output growth may slow to 11%.” 19 omas Stanley and Vivian Xu. “China’s 12th Five-Year Plan:
Xinhua. February 24, 2011. Overview.” KPMG China.
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Overview-201104.pdf. Accessed November 20, 2011.
9 Liang Qiwen. “Delta region bears brunt of slowdown.” China
Daily. November 11, 2008. 20 Zhong Nan and Zhao Yanrong. “ e rise of the robots.”
cn/bizchina/2008-11/11/content_7193071.htm.Accessed China Daily. October 5, 2012.
November 11, 2008. cn/weekly/2012-10/05/content_15797110.htm.Accessed
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10 “China reduces tax burden on rms.” China Daily. November
11, 2008. 21 Sarah Chin and Gao Li Qun. “Deloitte Tax Analysis: PRC
content_7191910.htm. Accessed November 11, 2008. Tax.” Deloitte. June 20, 2010.
D c o m - C h i n a / L o c a l % 2 0 A s s e t s / D o c u m e n t s / S e r v i c e s / Ta x /
11 “Dawn of China’s foreign trade recovery.” TaxNewsletterEN2010/cn_tax_tap1102010eng_300610.pdf
China Daily. November 12, 2012. Accessed November 12, 2010.
December 4, 2012.
Works Cited 12 “ e Survey of Foreign Investment in China’s Light Industry in
2009.” Invest in China. October 28, 2010.
1 e National Bureau of Statistics of China. “China Statistical cn/pub/FDI_EN/Economy/Sectors/Manufacturing/Light%20
Yearbook 2007.” China Statistics Press. Beijing, People’s Republic Industry/t20101028_127766.htm. Accessed November 13,
of China. 2007. 2010.
2 Mark Williams. “Exporters adjusting to rising wages.” China 13 Zhou Yisu. “China attractive FDI destination.” China
Daily. November 21, 2012. Daily. August 23, 2011.
cndy/2012-11/21/content_15946477.htm. Accessed December bizchina/2011-08/23/content_13169686.htm.Accessed
4, 2012. November 20, 2011.
3 “US says China not a currency manipulator.” BBC News. November 14 “China to release stimulus plan for light industry soon.” Alibaba
27, 2012. News. February 12, 2009.
Accessed December 4, 2012. detail/business-in-china/100050949-1-china-release-smulus-
plan-light.html. Accessed January 18, 2010.
4 “Statistical Communiqué on Labor and Social Security
Development in 2008.” e National Bureau of Statistics 15 “China unveils plans to spur key industries.” Xinhua. February
of China. May 22, 2009. 5,2009.
newsandcomingevents/t20090522_402560900.htm. Accessed content_10767784.htm. Accessed 18 January, 2010.
November 13, 2010.
16 “China to create 3 mln jobs in light industry.” Xinhua. May
5 Martin Ravallion and Shaohua Chen. “Learning From Success.” 18, 2009.
Finance & Development. 2004. content_11396459.htm. Accessed January 19, 2010.
6 Lan Lan “‘No intention’ of capping emissions.” China 17 Kevin Yao. “China ash PMI rebounds to ease hard-landing
Daily. February 25, 2010. fears.” Reuters. October 24, 2011. http://www.reuters.
china/2010-02/25/content_9499066.htm. Accessed November com/article/2011/10/24/us-china-economy-hsbc-pmi-
13, 2010. idUSTRE79N0IC20111024. Accessed November 20, 2011.
7 “Development of China’s industrial economy in past decade.” 18 “Full text of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping’s speech at
Xinhua. September 4, 2012. World Investment Forum 2010.” Xinhua September 7,
cn/business/2012-09/04/content_15732802.htm.Accessed 2010.
December 4, 2012. 09/07/c_13483118_4.htm. Accessed November 12, 2010.
8 “China’s 2011 industrial output growth may slow to 11%.” 19 omas Stanley and Vivian Xu. “China’s 12th Five-Year Plan:
Xinhua. February 24, 2011. Overview.” KPMG China.
english2010/china/2011-02/24/c_13748232.htm.Accessed IssuesAndInsights/ArticlesPublications/Publicationseries/5-
November 21, 2011. y e a r s - p l a n / D o c u m e n t s / C h i n a - 1 2 t h - F i v e - Ye a r - P l a n -
Overview-201104.pdf. Accessed November 20, 2011.
9 Liang Qiwen. “Delta region bears brunt of slowdown.” China
Daily. November 11, 2008. 20 Zhong Nan and Zhao Yanrong. “ e rise of the robots.”
cn/bizchina/2008-11/11/content_7193071.htm.Accessed China Daily. October 5, 2012.
November 11, 2008. cn/weekly/2012-10/05/content_15797110.htm.Accessed
December 4, 2012.
10 “China reduces tax burden on rms.” China Daily. November
11, 2008. 21 Sarah Chin and Gao Li Qun. “Deloitte Tax Analysis: PRC
content_7191910.htm. Accessed November 11, 2008. Tax.” Deloitte. June 20, 2010.
D c o m - C h i n a / L o c a l % 2 0 A s s e t s / D o c u m e n t s / S e r v i c e s / Ta x /
11 “Dawn of China’s foreign trade recovery.” TaxNewsletterEN2010/cn_tax_tap1102010eng_300610.pdf
China Daily. November 12, 2012. Accessed November 12, 2010.
December 4, 2012.