The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

AmCham South China Member News 会员新闻

Member News is a special section exclusively featuring the latest news from members of the American Chamber of Commerce in South China. It serves as an effective communication and interaction platform for AmCham's over 2,300 corporate and individual members.



CIS has been crowned the Tournament VEX IQ Champions of the ACAMIS VEX National Championships, and we're heading to 2025 VEX Robotics World Championships in Dallas, Texas, USA! Congrats, CIS RoboGrizzlies!
CIS在ACAMIS VEX全国锦标赛中荣获冠军, 并成功晋级2025年在美国德克萨斯州达拉斯举行的VEX机器人世界锦标赛!





Magnera首席执行官Curt Begle先生表示:“我们非常高兴地宣布双方合并完成,Magnera正式成为一家独立的上市公司,品牌名蕴含着我们迈入特种材料壮丽新时代的寓意。Berry集团 HHNF业务与Glatfelter公司的强强联合创造了行业内独树一帜的全球领导者,致力于整合先进技术,强化与世界领先品牌的合作关系,拓展业务规模,面向快速增长和高利润利基市场发掘机遇。双方的战略联合增强了我们致力创新,提供独特解决方案的实力,Magnera将更好地服务于1,000多家客户。”


Curt Begle先生同时表示: Magnera的宗旨、承诺和信念体系的制定经过深思熟虑,旨在与利益相关者产生深刻共鸣,体现我们追求增长和创新的渴望。在企业文化影响下,让每一次的合作都能激发可能性和驱动进步。整合全球9,000多名员工的优势,我们将巩固行业领导地位,提供独特的解决方案来应对重大问题。”Magnera的目标是通过对制造和可持续领域的有机投资以及在现有市场和相邻市场追求创新驱动的增长来促进业务成功,包括扩展到新的地理区域。通过整合和发挥创新能力,Magnera将开发独创解决方案,传递价值,使环境影响最小化,提升绩效,把握在相关市场和区域的战略机会。


SIS Earned 2 Honours in the Forbes China Awards 杰出国际学校及国际教育卓越贡献奖


These significant achievements reflect the entire SIS community's dedication, passion, and commitment. They solidify our reputation for providing a rigorous education in a caring community and inspiring our students to become principled, innovative contributors in a transforming world.

SIS Ranked #1 International School in Shenzhen by Forbes China
SIS has emerged as a beacon of resilience and innovation in an era marked by challenges for international schools after the pandemic. With consistent leadership, the school has introduced initiatives and facilities that elevate educational quality and strengthen community involvement.

This commitment has led to Forbes' recognition of SIS as the Top International School in Shenzhen.

SIS was recognised for its excellence in four key areas: 

  • Academic Quality
  • Teaching Conditions
  • Institutional Transparency
  • International Accreditation

Beyond Forbes' recognition, SIS has made significant strides in various areas of development.




  • 学术质量
  • 教学条件
  • 机构透明度
  • 国际认证权威


YIZUMI-HPM: Expanding Facility for North American Growth

On October 10th, local time, YIZUMI-HPM holds a grand ceremony for the new facility expansion at its Ohio factory, as well as an open house event. This move comes after the opening of YIZUMI's subsidiaries in Thailand and Mexico earlier this year, marking another significant milestone in the company's global layout.
YIZUMI, an advanced industrial molding equipment system and service provider, is bolstering its North American presence with a strategic expansion of its Ohio production plant. This move aims to boost inventory and quicken delivery times, thereby improving customer satisfaction. The project was completed successfully with the help of collaborative efforts between Chinese and American teams.
The expanded facility has doubled crane lifting capacity and enhanced logistics, leading to improved operational efficiency. It also houses advanced facilities for specialized applications, supporting YIZUMI's innovation and customer service endeavors. The Ohio expansion, along with the establishment of YIZUMI Mexico, optimizes the company's global manufacturing and supply chain, strengthening local service capabilities and aligning with YIZUMI's global strategy to enhance brand competitiveness through a mix of global reach and localized operations.
Looking ahead, YIZUMI is committed to furthering its "Global Operation" strategy by optimizing supply chains and service quality to solidify its market leadership and influence the future of the molding equipment industry.



Aslan教育团队喜获新成员Matthew Albas
Aslan team welcomes new member Mr. Matthew Albas

Date: September 26th, 2024

Aslan教育非常高兴地欢迎Mr. Matthew Albas加入我们的高级领导团队,担任深圳办公室经理,负责深圳、广州和佛山的市场活动及办公室管理,并指导雅思/托福和Forage名企证书课程。



Aslan Shenzhen is thrilled to welcome Mr. Matthew Albas to our Senior Leadership Team as the new Manager of Shenzhen office. With over 6 years of experience in education, both in China and internationally, Mr. Albas brings invaluable expertise to our team. His role will focus on communicating with international parents, networking in InterChambers, and enhancing learning and teaching, ensuring the best outcomes for all students. We look forward to his positive impact!

As a member of the AmCham, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity and various resources provided by the Chamber and look forward to building new or stronger connections within the China and U.S. business community.


万慧达知识产权上榜“2024 IAM全球专利千强”,多位合伙人荣登杰出个人榜单

近日,国际知识产权领域权威媒体《智力资产管理》(Intellectual Asset Management,IAM)公布了2024年度“IAM全球专利1000强”榜单。万慧达知识产权凭借在专利领域的综合优势,再度上榜中国区专利诉讼及确权业务两大板块的第二梯队。



《智力资产管理》是Law Business Research旗下的专业媒体,主要关注智力资产在企业发展中的价值转化。其特刊《专利千强》基于对全球主要国家或地区专利法律服务机构及个人的调研及分析,以榜单的形式向大家推荐值得信赖的专利法律服务提供商(律师)。其榜单多年来被业内人士广泛关注。


Aslan Education reaches business cooperation with Tealy Coffee

Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Aslan Education is very pleased to announce that it has reached a common understanding and cooperation with Tealy Coffee in cultural promotion. This cooperation is based on same goals, expectations, and efforts to provide personalized and quality education to students at different stages. Aslan Education believes that this join-effort will bring more possibilities for both sides in the arena of domestic international education on top of supporting a first-class global education in Guangdong province. 

We are looking forward to establishing more solid cooperative relations with other educational institutions and enterprises on the platform of AmCham to land additional achievable projects and to render better educational solutions to our community.


Shekou International School (SIS) has been recognized as a Green School by the Education Department of Guangdong Province

Date: February 6, 2024

Shekou International School (SIS) has been recognized as a "Green School" by the Education Department of Guangdong Province, a testament to its dedication to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. This award highlights the school's efforts to create a sustainable and environmentally conscious school environment, achieved through the collaborative work of students, faculty, and staff.

A Green School is committed to sustainable development, incorporating environmental education into teaching, learning, and management. This approach involves comprehensive environmental management systems and active participation from teachers, students, and parents.

Under the leadership of Head of School, Mr. Harish Kanabar, SIS has adopted the Green School initiative as a critical strategy. Initiatives include forming a Sustainable Development Committee, which developed a three-year action plan for sustainability encompassing goals, timelines, campus improvements, and curricular integration. SIS's commitment to raising environmentally aware global citizens is evident in its curriculum. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are integrated into class units, and students engage in inquiry-based projects on ecosystems, biodiversity, and climate change. Hands-on experiences in rooftop gardens and vegetable plots further deepen students' understanding of environmental interdependence.

The school's dedication to an eco-friendly campus includes energy-efficient construction, external greening, and internal energy conservation efforts. Water and electricity usage is closely monitored, recycling bins are placed throughout the campus, eco-friendly paper is utilized, and a ban on single-use plastic and disposable items are enforced. Additionally, SIS has established 'Mian Fei Bay' at The Bay campus, a donation space for reusable items like clothes and toys.

As a "Green School," SIS is motivated to explore new sustainable concepts and innovations. Future plans include installing solar panels and the introduction of 'Meatless Mondays'. These initiatives demonstrate SIS's commitment to fostering a greener learning environment and contributing to global climate change efforts.

For more information, please visit SIS website








Aslan Education reaches enrollment cooperation with LEH International School Foshan




Aslan Education is very pleased to announce that it has reached a common understanding and cooperation with LEH International School Foshan in recruiting students for the school. This cooperation is based on same goals, expectations, and efforts to provide personalized and quality education to students at different stages. Aslan Education believes that this join-effort will bring more possibilities for both sides in the arena of domestic international education on top of supporting a first-class global education in Guangdong province. 

As a member of the South AmCham, Aslan hereby thanks the Chamber of Commerce for facilitating this collaboration. We are looking forward to establishing more solid cooperative relations with other educational institutions and enterprises on the platform of AmCham to land additional achievable projects and to render better educational solutions to our community.


2022 Advanced Technology Award- Mobile Cobot at Apex Medica 20230306

Apex's new Cobot mountedon an Autonomous Mobile Robot(AMR) allows it to move between machining cells, tending multiple units where a static system could only support a single cell. This allows increased production with no new people, while maximizing the productivity of deployed capital. It is a solution on the cutting edge of automation technology


Air Products Wins Sustainability Role Model Award 2022 in China --- 20230105

Company Recognized at China Philanthropy Festival for Eight Consecutive Years

(January 5, 2023) Air Products (NYSE:APD), a world-leading industrial gases company serving China market for 35 years, has won the prestigious Sustainability Role Model Award 2022 at the 12th China Philanthropy Festival for its outstanding contributions to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and China’s sustainable development. This marks the eighth consecutive year that the company has been recognized at this influential event.

Over the past seven years, Air Products has already received the “Best Social Responsibility Brand Award” four times, the “Overall Community Care Award” three times, and the “Best Community Program Award” twice, demonstrating the company’s long-term commitment and real actions in sustainability.

A responsible corporate citizen, Air Products has actively driven and participated in a variety of CSR activities in China, including the LIN (liquid nitrogen) Ambassador gas science education program to foster the next generation’s interest in innovation and scientific thinking through fun and safe LIN experiments; the Safe and Healthy Drinking Water initiative through the Air Products Foundation to care for younger generations in rural schools.

The two community outreach programs have benefited over 80,000 students and teachers from 180 schools in 26 cities. The company and its employee volunteers also supported COVID-19 recovery, disaster relief efforts and other donations to help people in need.



Epicor Recognized as a Leader in the 2022 Nucleus Research SMB ERP Value Matrix 20220615

Epicor, a global leader of industry-specific enterprise software to promote business growth, today announced it has been positioned as a Leader in the inaugural Nucleus Research Small and Midsize Business (SMB) ERP Value Matrix published in June 2022. The Leader position is based on the evaluation of the Epicor Industry ERP Cloud, the company’s portfolio of people-centric, open, and connected industry productivity solutions that help the essential businesses that make, move, and sell succeed in today’s complex market. Nucleus ranked ERP vendors with a proven track record of servicing organizations between $10 million to $499 million in annual revenue on the functionality and usability of their solutions, as described by their customers. “The Epicor Industry ERP Cloud portfolio is built to deliver a variety of integration, automation, and performance capabilities that help customers maximize the power of their data and grow their businesses,” said Lisa Pope, Epicor President. “Our Leader position in the Nucleus SMB ERP Value Matrix underscores our deep commitment to work hand-in-hand with our customers, creating industry-specific software solutions and services that enable a world of better business.” In the ranking report, Nucleus commented that “The Epicor Industry ERP Cloud platform combines financial, supply chain management, planning, CRM, product management, project management, business intelligence, and analytics capabilities into one integrated system. One of Epicor’s core value propositions lies in its configurable infrastructure, offering various industry-specific ERP packages. With low-code/no-code functionality, pre-built API connectors, and extensive library add-on modules, businesses can set up their Epicor ERP system to meet their organization’s unique requirements.” A complimentary copy of the report is available for download here. For more information on the Epicor Industry ERP Cloud portfolio, please visit our website. Epicor, a global leader of industry-specific enterprise software to promote business growth, today announced it has been positioned as a Leader in the inaugural Nucleus Research Small and Midsize Business (SMB) ERP Value Matrix published in June 2022. The Leader position is based on the evaluation of the Epicor Industry ERP Cloud, the company’s portfolio of people-centric, open, and connected industry productivity solutions that help the essential businesses that make, move, and sell succeed in today’s complex market. Nucleus ranked ERP vendors with a proven track record of servicing organizations between $10 million to $499 million in annual revenue on the functionality and usability of their solutions, as described by their customers. “The Epicor Industry ERP Cloud portfolio is built to deliver a variety of integration, automation, and performance capabilities that help customers maximize the power of their data and grow their businesses,” said Lisa Pope, Epicor President. “Our Leader position in the Nucleus SMB ERP Value Matrix underscores our deep commitment to work hand-in-hand with our customers, creating industry-specific software solutions and services that enable a world of better business.” In the ranking report, Nucleus commented that “The Epicor Industry ERP Cloud platform combines financial, supply chain management, planning, CRM, product management, project management, business intelligence, and analytics capabilities into one integrated system. One of Epicor’s core value propositions lies in its configurable infrastructure, offering various industry-specific ERP packages. With low-code/no-code functionality, pre-built API connectors, and extensive library add-on modules, businesses can set up their Epicor ERP system to meet their organization’s unique requirements.” A complimentary copy of the report is available for download here. For more information on the Epicor Industry ERP Cloud portfolio, please visit our website.
中新智慧园开园!中新合作成就科创热土— 20220626

On 26 June, China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City hosted its 12th-anniversary celebration of foundation laying and the opening ceremony of China-Singapore Smart Park. The event showcased the achievements of the 12-year China-Singapore cooperation in CSGKC and highlighted the science and innovation projects introduced into CSSP. As an important engine driving high-quality development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, CSGKC demonstrated its vigorous vitality. The celebration received significant attention from all levels, with government and business representatives of both sides attending online and offline.


TUMOR SNIPER——CyberKnife M6 Arrived in China!

On June 18, 2022, Foshan Fosun Chancheng Hospital (hereinafter referred to as "Chanyi") announced that the first CyberKnife machine in Foshan finally put into use in Chanyi after four months of adjusting and authorization. CyberKnife M6 is a new type of whole-body stereotactic radiosurgery robot. The synchrony respiratory tracking system can monitor and track the tumor even the tumor is moving with respiration. With submillimeter precision, as the patient breaths normally, it can spare organs at risk and minimize the damage to healthy tissue. It’s used to treat conditions throughout the body, like primary cancers, metastatic cancers, recurring cancers, benign tumors on lung, liver, prostate, brain, pancreas, spinal cord, lymph nodes etc. The CyberKnife System was cleared by the FDA in 2001 for the treatment of tumors anywhere in the body. Besides, the medical team in Chanyi has clinical experience of CyberKnife for almost two decades before importing the machine to Foshan. Hundreds of thousands of tumor patients have been treated to date with the CyberKnife System and live in a normal life.  
6月18日,佛山复星禅诚医院(以下简称“禅医”)宣布:佛山首台射波刀经过4个月的调试、审核终于落地禅医。射波刀(CyberKnife M6)是新型的全身立体定向放射外科手术机器人,它通过影像引导追踪锁定肿瘤,克服因呼吸运动导致的肿瘤位移,误差范围在0.1毫米内,最大限度减少放疗并发症,保护周围器官,相应的副作用也会减少。射波刀可以治疗全身各处的实体肿瘤,包括发生在肺部、肝脏、前列腺、脑部、胰腺、脊髓、淋巴结等部位的原发肿瘤、转移性癌症、复发肿瘤、良性肿瘤等。射波刀为多种癌症提供了革命性的治疗选择,但其实射波刀有着较长时间的临床实验。美国 FDA早在2001年就批准了射波刀在全身的肿瘤上的应用,禅医的肿瘤放疗团队也在引进这套设备之前,有了近20年的操作经验。目前全球数十万的癌症患者,一边接受射波刀治疗,一边享受着正常人的生活。


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