Distinguished international audiences—from Consuls General to Chinese officials, from CEOs to friends from foreign chambers—took part in the annual spring festivities hosted by the international Chambers of Commerce.
This year we have another theme of raising fund for victims in
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In additional to the goods and services auctioned off in the name of orphaned children and homeless disaster victims, many lucky attendees walked off with some truly luckily drawn prizes, including roundtrip air tickets to the United States, hotel rooms in five different cities—including the Presidential Suite of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Guangzhou!
It was a fabulous evening, but more fabulous is the community action that represent.
We would like to thank the China Hotel for hosting us, and other foreign Chamber as well as all of our sponsors for helping to make this happen. We couldn’t have done it without you.
And most of all, we really must thank the community at large. This party was about you, and we sincerely hope you enjoyed yourselves!
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