The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Amcham News

AmCham-Hewitt C & B Presentation on April 8 &9

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Hewitt's "2009 Compensation & Benefit Study" Launch was held in Guangzhou on April 8 and in Shenzhen on April 9. Harley Seyedin, president of AmCham South China addressed remark for the presentation in Grand Hyatt, Guangzhou. Secretary of the Board Thomas Podgurski made a speech at the Shenzhen seminar on April 9. Almost 200 members attended the seminar respectively from Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
As the global financial tsunami hits the real economy, the guest speakers analyzed the challenges and risks for the companies operating in China. The global economic downturn has brought with it both concerns and opportunities for organizations around finding the right human capital strategy in 2009. Andy An, Senior Consultant of Hewitt, introduced the 2009 Compensation and Benefits Study and made a presentation for all the attendees. Michael Yeung, Head of Reward Practice of Hewitt Associates’ Hong Kong operations presented a PPT with the theme of “Today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities” and explained the Compensation & Benefits study in depth by combining with the recent business environment.
And the key points for the seminar which the guest speakers shared with our members are as follows:
Part I: Competitive Benefits in a Downturn
u      The Role Benefits Play in the China Market
u      Common Benefit Trends and Market Practices During the Downturn
u      3 Typical Benefit Solutions to Meet the Current Challenge
Part II: 2009 Compensation and Benefits Study Launch
u      Global and China Market Update
u      Hewitt 2009 Study Background, Pricing, and Schedule
u      HR Monthly Watch Results - Trends on Cost Reductions
Several attendees asked some questions on how to differentiate the rewards to enhance business performance at the time of financial crisis. The guest speakers answered the questions and gave some suggestions to them accordingly.

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