Page 4 - AmCham South China Media Kit 2023
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nted Media Online Media

纸质媒介 线上媒介

South China Business Journal Weekly Focus
《华南商务快讯》 每周快讯

The Chamber’s award-winning magazine serves as a monthly The Chamber’s weekly electronic publication via email.
update on the U.S. – China trade relationship, local business 华南美国商会通过电子邮件发送给会员的每周资讯。
news, chamber events, etc.
作为华南美国商会服务会员的月度刊物,《华南商务快 Bespoke Email
讯》覆盖美中贸易关系、国内商务资讯、商会活动等的最 定制电子邮件
Customized email sent directly to our members.

Membership Directory Social Media
《会员名录》 社交媒体平台

The Chamber’s annual index of its members, their basic Our WeChat, Video Channel, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
contact information and background, and useful sources in YouTube services provide various notices and updates about
south China region. AmCham and the community.
作为华南美国商会服务会员的年度刊物,《会员名录》提 华南美国商会通过其官方微信、视频号、Facebook、领英及
供会员基本联系信息及其背景,以及华南地区有效的资源 YouTube平台发送关于商会及商界的各类推送及更新。
2 | AmCham South China
The Chamber’s homepage raises brand awareness among the
south China community.
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