P. 8
The third and final aspect involves striking a First, environmentally conscious companies will
balance between development and the reduction benefit from the change as it will help to make the
of emissions. This means that the reduction of renewables market more competitive. Companies
emissions must be carried out while effectively that are already seeking to reduce their reliance
guaranteeing crucial elements of the economy on fossil fuels due to global climate pledges will
and society, such as food security, energy therefore be able to increase their consumption
security, and industrial chain supply chain of renewables without exceeding energy
security, as well as preventing disruption to consumption controls, as would be the case under
people’s livelihoods. the total energy consumption controls.
Opportunities and challenges for Meanwhile, high-energy consuming companies
companies under dual emissions will no longer be restricted in the amount of total
controls energy that they can use, if they are striving to
reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and improve
The shift to carbon emissions controls will energy conservation over the longer term.
present a range of benefits and opportunities,
as well as various challenges, to companies The limits on energy-intensive industries also
operating in China. inhibited these industries’ overall development,
and by extension also the economic development
For instance, the pivot to controlling the total of various regions that are reliant upon these
carbon emissions of a region or an entity will industries in China. The change could therefore
require a high degree of emissions monitoring on provide a much-needed boost to resource-rich
the part of both governments and companies. regions that rely on energy-intensive industries
Under China’s current carbon trading rules, for economic growth.
companies are required to disclose accurate
information on their greenhouse gas (GHG) Companies will also have more flexibility in
emissions. The collection and analysis of the types of mechanisms they can employ to
emissions data will require the allocation of reduce energy consumption and thereby reliance
additional resources and may therefore increase on fossil fuels, as the end goal is to reduce
operational costs for companies. At the same total carbon emissions, rather than overall
time, implementing the tools and mechanisms consumption. This will allow companies to
for reducing carbon emissions and improving utilize various tools, such as carbon credits and
energy conservation may also be costly and emissions reduction technology.
time-consuming. This could be burdensome The shift is also good news for companies
for companies that have not already begun operating within the renewables industry, as
accounting for the costs of reducing their carbon well as carbon asset management and financial
footprint in their business plans. companies. With companies and other entities
under increasing pressure to decarbonize,
However, the shift is also poised to bring several demand for energy conservation and carbon
benefits to companies and will help to grow reduction products and services will increase,
demand for green industries. presenting a significant growth opportunity for
these industries.
The third and final aspect involves striking a First, environmentally conscious companies will
balance between development and the reduction benefit from the change as it will help to make the
of emissions. This means that the reduction of renewables market more competitive. Companies
emissions must be carried out while effectively that are already seeking to reduce their reliance
guaranteeing crucial elements of the economy on fossil fuels due to global climate pledges will
and society, such as food security, energy therefore be able to increase their consumption
security, and industrial chain supply chain of renewables without exceeding energy
security, as well as preventing disruption to consumption controls, as would be the case under
people’s livelihoods. the total energy consumption controls.
Opportunities and challenges for Meanwhile, high-energy consuming companies
companies under dual emissions will no longer be restricted in the amount of total
controls energy that they can use, if they are striving to
reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and improve
The shift to carbon emissions controls will energy conservation over the longer term.
present a range of benefits and opportunities,
as well as various challenges, to companies The limits on energy-intensive industries also
operating in China. inhibited these industries’ overall development,
and by extension also the economic development
For instance, the pivot to controlling the total of various regions that are reliant upon these
carbon emissions of a region or an entity will industries in China. The change could therefore
require a high degree of emissions monitoring on provide a much-needed boost to resource-rich
the part of both governments and companies. regions that rely on energy-intensive industries
Under China’s current carbon trading rules, for economic growth.
companies are required to disclose accurate
information on their greenhouse gas (GHG) Companies will also have more flexibility in
emissions. The collection and analysis of the types of mechanisms they can employ to
emissions data will require the allocation of reduce energy consumption and thereby reliance
additional resources and may therefore increase on fossil fuels, as the end goal is to reduce
operational costs for companies. At the same total carbon emissions, rather than overall
time, implementing the tools and mechanisms consumption. This will allow companies to
for reducing carbon emissions and improving utilize various tools, such as carbon credits and
energy conservation may also be costly and emissions reduction technology.
time-consuming. This could be burdensome The shift is also good news for companies
for companies that have not already begun operating within the renewables industry, as
accounting for the costs of reducing their carbon well as carbon asset management and financial
footprint in their business plans. companies. With companies and other entities
under increasing pressure to decarbonize,
However, the shift is also poised to bring several demand for energy conservation and carbon
benefits to companies and will help to grow reduction products and services will increase,
demand for green industries. presenting a significant growth opportunity for
these industries.