P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, Meanwhile, the US and China have jumped
back to the table with two high ranking US
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, federal officials visiting Beijing. Treasury
Business for Peace Award Secretary Janet Yellen told Chinese officials
(together with Elon Musk, We have been very busy over the past few that Washington wants healthy economic
Durren Shahnaz and Murad months with an extremely successful release competition. Yellen said earlier the two
AI-Katib) of our 2023 Mid-Year report and keeping governments “can and need to find a way to
Awarded by an Award up with the productive news coming out of live together” in spite of their strained relations
Committee of Nobel Laureates Beijing and Washington. over geopolitics and economic development.
in Peace and Economics Her July visit followed one by Secretary of State
Among few individuals on 233 The 2023 Mid-Year Report paints a fairly Antony Blinken who met President Xi in June in
years to be awarded the Thomas hopeful picture of business operation in the highest-level US visit to Beijing in five years.
Jefferson initiated Peace China, with 92% of the companies studied Restarting dialogue between the two nations
through Commerce Medal by reporting full or partial recovery. Nearly half was the real goal. Blinken said, “The best you
the US Government of companies experienced significant or can hope for this time around would be if the
Visiting Professor, Jinan slight increases in revenue in the first quarter Chinese agrees to some kind of structure for
University of 2023, including 64% of Chinese companies continuing economic conversations.”
President, Allelon Energy and 38% of American companies. 45% of
Partners American companies experienced 1% to Our friends at Dezan Shira and Associates
President, American Chamber of 15% revenue losses caused by cancellation has informed us that China’s Ministry of Public
Commerce in South China and relocation of orders in the second half of Security (MPS) has made the application of
2022 due to expectations that the Zero Covid port visas for foreign business personnel and
policy would continue into 2023. After the multiple entry visas easier. It said foreigners
abandonment of “zero-COVID” policy, China’s who come to China for business purposes, if
economy has been on track to recovery as they had no time to apply for a visa abroad,
impacts from the pandemic has continued can apply for a port visa by presenting an
to gradually wane and consumer market invitation letter from an enterprise and the
continues to slowly bounce back. The report proper supporting materials. Due to the need
can be downloaded for free on our website. for multiple round-trip businesses, a valid trade
I highly recommend that you do so if you visa for multiple entries within three years can
haven’t already. be issued upon entry. In addition, new rules
on residence permits will allow applicants to
Once again in early September, we sent retain their passports during the application
a superstar delegation to the annual China procedure. The new measures do not yet
International Fair for Investment and Trade provide specific details on the requirements for
(CIFIT) in beautiful Xiamen. This year's the on-arrival business entry visa. According
CIFIT emphasized global development and to MPS officials, the relevant departments will
international cooperation by allocating strive to finalize the measures and implement
dedicated sections of the event to the new rules by the end of August. At this
international investment promotion, and moment it is unclear whether travelers will be
regional and international collaboration. required to enter China through specific ports
Major discussions involved foreign to apply for the business visa on arrival, as is
investment attraction, global reach strategies, the case with other on-arrival entry permits.
the Belt and Road Initiative, and multilateral Further announcements from the MPS in the
and bilateral economic and trade exchanges. coming month are expected to clarify the
Notable activities include the World specific implementation procedures. This will
Business Leaders Roundtable and the RCEP significantly facilitate cross-border people
International Cooperation Forum. The 22nd exchange and make it easier for employees of
CIFIT attracted the participation of more than foreign and multinational companies to visit
90 countries and regions, over 800 business their offices in China.
delegations, and 4,000 enterprises as well as
about 60,000 guests in the on-site exhibition This has been a blazing hot summer this year
or online. Government representatives and on more fronts than just the weather. I hope
business elites from more than 300 cities you remain healthy and active.
in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities attended the fair, and nearly We’ll see you soon.
100 mainstream media and more than 500
journalists at home and abroad followed the
event in all directions. Billions of dollars of
trade were made. You can read more in this
Month’s SCBJ cover story on page 7.
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, Meanwhile, the US and China have jumped
back to the table with two high ranking US
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, federal officials visiting Beijing. Treasury
Business for Peace Award Secretary Janet Yellen told Chinese officials
(together with Elon Musk, We have been very busy over the past few that Washington wants healthy economic
Durren Shahnaz and Murad months with an extremely successful release competition. Yellen said earlier the two
AI-Katib) of our 2023 Mid-Year report and keeping governments “can and need to find a way to
Awarded by an Award up with the productive news coming out of live together” in spite of their strained relations
Committee of Nobel Laureates Beijing and Washington. over geopolitics and economic development.
in Peace and Economics Her July visit followed one by Secretary of State
Among few individuals on 233 The 2023 Mid-Year Report paints a fairly Antony Blinken who met President Xi in June in
years to be awarded the Thomas hopeful picture of business operation in the highest-level US visit to Beijing in five years.
Jefferson initiated Peace China, with 92% of the companies studied Restarting dialogue between the two nations
through Commerce Medal by reporting full or partial recovery. Nearly half was the real goal. Blinken said, “The best you
the US Government of companies experienced significant or can hope for this time around would be if the
Visiting Professor, Jinan slight increases in revenue in the first quarter Chinese agrees to some kind of structure for
University of 2023, including 64% of Chinese companies continuing economic conversations.”
President, Allelon Energy and 38% of American companies. 45% of
Partners American companies experienced 1% to Our friends at Dezan Shira and Associates
President, American Chamber of 15% revenue losses caused by cancellation has informed us that China’s Ministry of Public
Commerce in South China and relocation of orders in the second half of Security (MPS) has made the application of
2022 due to expectations that the Zero Covid port visas for foreign business personnel and
policy would continue into 2023. After the multiple entry visas easier. It said foreigners
abandonment of “zero-COVID” policy, China’s who come to China for business purposes, if
economy has been on track to recovery as they had no time to apply for a visa abroad,
impacts from the pandemic has continued can apply for a port visa by presenting an
to gradually wane and consumer market invitation letter from an enterprise and the
continues to slowly bounce back. The report proper supporting materials. Due to the need
can be downloaded for free on our website. for multiple round-trip businesses, a valid trade
I highly recommend that you do so if you visa for multiple entries within three years can
haven’t already. be issued upon entry. In addition, new rules
on residence permits will allow applicants to
Once again in early September, we sent retain their passports during the application
a superstar delegation to the annual China procedure. The new measures do not yet
International Fair for Investment and Trade provide specific details on the requirements for
(CIFIT) in beautiful Xiamen. This year's the on-arrival business entry visa. According
CIFIT emphasized global development and to MPS officials, the relevant departments will
international cooperation by allocating strive to finalize the measures and implement
dedicated sections of the event to the new rules by the end of August. At this
international investment promotion, and moment it is unclear whether travelers will be
regional and international collaboration. required to enter China through specific ports
Major discussions involved foreign to apply for the business visa on arrival, as is
investment attraction, global reach strategies, the case with other on-arrival entry permits.
the Belt and Road Initiative, and multilateral Further announcements from the MPS in the
and bilateral economic and trade exchanges. coming month are expected to clarify the
Notable activities include the World specific implementation procedures. This will
Business Leaders Roundtable and the RCEP significantly facilitate cross-border people
International Cooperation Forum. The 22nd exchange and make it easier for employees of
CIFIT attracted the participation of more than foreign and multinational companies to visit
90 countries and regions, over 800 business their offices in China.
delegations, and 4,000 enterprises as well as
about 60,000 guests in the on-site exhibition This has been a blazing hot summer this year
or online. Government representatives and on more fronts than just the weather. I hope
business elites from more than 300 cities you remain healthy and active.
in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities attended the fair, and nearly We’ll see you soon.
100 mainstream media and more than 500
journalists at home and abroad followed the
event in all directions. Billions of dollars of
trade were made. You can read more in this
Month’s SCBJ cover story on page 7.