P. 4
Dear Members,
Dr. Harley Seyedin With coronavirus lockdowns and travel Kong Island conveniently without
restrictions behind us, hundreds of interchanges. It takes less than 45
Winner of the 2017 Oslo millions of Chinese flocked to tourist minutes and 50 minutes respectively
Business for Peace Award attractions around the country for the to travel from Lo Wu and Lo Ma Chau
(together with Elon Musk, May Day public holiday. The China stations to Admiralty Station. Travel to
Durren Shahnaz and Murad Tourism Academy predicted that and from other cities in the Greater Bay
AI-Katib) more than 240 million passenger trips Area has never been easier. You can
Awarded by an Award were made during the five-day period read more from this conversation in our
Committee of Nobel Laureates beginning April 29, beating even pre- cover story on page 7.
in Peace and Economics pandemic figures. Hotspots and resorts
Among few individuals on 231 that looked like ghost towns only a few ChatGPT became the newest internet
years to be awarded the Thomas months ago have come fully back to life, sensation last year when it allowed
Jefferson initiated Peace with some even forced to post online users to generate text and answer
through Commerce Medal by notices warning holidaymakers to look complex questions in a manner that
the US Government elsewhere as they'd reached capacity. seems almost human. But, beyond the
Visiting Professor, Jinan prowess of ChatGPT, the underlying
University Further evidence of opening up and impact of the technology on business
President, Allelon Energy economic recovery this month is that HK is only just coming into focus. It was
Partners drivers have been given a green light to no surprise that AmCham South China
President, American Chamber of cross into Guangdong starting July 1. Members Only Seminar: ChatGPT-
Commerce in South China More than 450,000 Hong Kong drivers Revolution for Next-Gen were fantastic
will benefit from the new measures. successes. Those in attendance had
There are no restrictions, including many questions focused on the ethical
investment, tax payment and other and legal considerations surrounding
conditions, on applying for the permit. the use of AI, while others centered
on the practical applications of AI in
Of course, many people will still areas such as advertising, product
want the convenience of traveling by development, and content creation.
train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.
We had the honor to interview MTR This month month AmCham South
chairman Rex Aueung for this month’s China has several events planned for
SCBJ cover story. Chairman Aueung you including two of my favorites. Don’t
tells us that railway is the backbone you miss Whiskey Nights in Guangzhou
of Hong Kong's public transportation (May 17) and Shenzhen (May 24). You
system. MTR’s domestic service covers know I won’t. You also know that I am
all 18 local districts. The company also already polishing up my clubs for the
provides cross-boundary train services International Golf Tournament on June
to strengthen the connection between 2. Pray for good weather and a helpful
Hong Kong and the Mainland. Cross- wind. You won’t want to miss your tee
boundary passengers can travel to Hong time on the green.
Dear Members,
Dr. Harley Seyedin With coronavirus lockdowns and travel Kong Island conveniently without
restrictions behind us, hundreds of interchanges. It takes less than 45
Winner of the 2017 Oslo millions of Chinese flocked to tourist minutes and 50 minutes respectively
Business for Peace Award attractions around the country for the to travel from Lo Wu and Lo Ma Chau
(together with Elon Musk, May Day public holiday. The China stations to Admiralty Station. Travel to
Durren Shahnaz and Murad Tourism Academy predicted that and from other cities in the Greater Bay
AI-Katib) more than 240 million passenger trips Area has never been easier. You can
Awarded by an Award were made during the five-day period read more from this conversation in our
Committee of Nobel Laureates beginning April 29, beating even pre- cover story on page 7.
in Peace and Economics pandemic figures. Hotspots and resorts
Among few individuals on 231 that looked like ghost towns only a few ChatGPT became the newest internet
years to be awarded the Thomas months ago have come fully back to life, sensation last year when it allowed
Jefferson initiated Peace with some even forced to post online users to generate text and answer
through Commerce Medal by notices warning holidaymakers to look complex questions in a manner that
the US Government elsewhere as they'd reached capacity. seems almost human. But, beyond the
Visiting Professor, Jinan prowess of ChatGPT, the underlying
University Further evidence of opening up and impact of the technology on business
President, Allelon Energy economic recovery this month is that HK is only just coming into focus. It was
Partners drivers have been given a green light to no surprise that AmCham South China
President, American Chamber of cross into Guangdong starting July 1. Members Only Seminar: ChatGPT-
Commerce in South China More than 450,000 Hong Kong drivers Revolution for Next-Gen were fantastic
will benefit from the new measures. successes. Those in attendance had
There are no restrictions, including many questions focused on the ethical
investment, tax payment and other and legal considerations surrounding
conditions, on applying for the permit. the use of AI, while others centered
on the practical applications of AI in
Of course, many people will still areas such as advertising, product
want the convenience of traveling by development, and content creation.
train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.
We had the honor to interview MTR This month month AmCham South
chairman Rex Aueung for this month’s China has several events planned for
SCBJ cover story. Chairman Aueung you including two of my favorites. Don’t
tells us that railway is the backbone you miss Whiskey Nights in Guangzhou
of Hong Kong's public transportation (May 17) and Shenzhen (May 24). You
system. MTR’s domestic service covers know I won’t. You also know that I am
all 18 local districts. The company also already polishing up my clubs for the
provides cross-boundary train services International Golf Tournament on June
to strengthen the connection between 2. Pray for good weather and a helpful
Hong Kong and the Mainland. Cross- wind. You won’t want to miss your tee
boundary passengers can travel to Hong time on the green.