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Dear Members,


Dr. Harley Seyedin Once again, we’ve had an extremely Governor of Guizhou Mr. Cai Chaolin and
productive time at AmCham South China. other officers delivered speeches and then
Winner of the 2017 Oslo The exciting month of March began mingled with attending enterprises who had
Business for Peace Award early with the wildly successful release the opportunity to showcase their products
(together with Elon Musk, of the 2023 White Paper on the Business and services and discuss potential partnerships
Durren Shahnaz and Murad Environment in China and 2023 Special with local businesses.
AI-Katib) Report on the State of Business in South
Awarded by an Award China in late February. The release of the On the national front, if you don’t already
Committee of Nobel Laureates 481-page bilingual White Paper, now in know, China has officially acceded to the
in Peace and Economics its 16th year, was attended by over 300 Apostille Convention. This will save time
Among few individuals on 231 government officials, business executives, and costs for companies and individuals,
years to be awarded the Thomas and members of media including over 51 as many public foreign documents for use
Jefferson initiated Peace foreign consulates mostly represented by in China will no longer need to undergo
through Commerce Medal by their consuls general. According to the multiple rounds of authentication by
the US Government 2023 Special Report, not only do most different authorities. According to our
companies still consider China as a critical friends at Dezan & Associates, this will
part in their future strategic development eliminate the need for further certification
plans, 68% of American companies that or legalization by consular or embassy
are determined to dig deeper into the officials, simplifying the process and
Chinese market. You can read more on saving time and costs for those who need
page 7 of this issue. to use foreign public documents for legal
purposes. The change will be the most
The next day it was masks off for the beneficial for companies that frequently
133rd Canton Fair Promotion Meeting have cross-border dealings, whether that
in Guangzhou on February 28. We are is domestic companies hiring foreign
looking forward to be synchronized employees, import-export businesses, or
online and offline opening of the fair multinationals with cross-border operations.
on April 15. We will be there and so China’s accession to the Apostille
should you. The Canton Fair serves as an Convention forms part of China’s wider
important channel for China's foreign efforts to improve ease of business and
trade and an important window for reduce red tape in the country.
opening to the outside world.
And finally, now that Elvis has officially left
All these impressive achievements are building, I really have to give kudos out to
attributed to the government which has our staff for yet another incredible AmCham
been dedicated to providing the best South China Spring Ball. This year’s theme
services for enterprises and creating an was based on the King of Rock and Roll. How
enabling environment for innovation, wonderful that we finally had a maskless
entrepreneurship and trade. AmCham formal, a clear indication that the pandemic
South China will work for a stronger will soon only live on in history books. Our
connection with Canton Fair Committee staff worked tirelessly with the LN Garden
and spare no effort to contribute to the Hotel folks to turn the ballroom into a Las
high-quality development. Then, on March Vegas glamour night for the ages. That is
10, AmCham South China and the Guizhou not easy to do when you are hosting over
Provincial government held a Guizhou 500 guests. Thank you all for putting on your
Promotion Conference in Guangzhou. Vice dancing shoes.

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