P. 4

Dear Members,


Dr. Harley Seyedin It continues to be quite the busy time US$3.95 trillion and, exports to the U.S. edged
for us. On February 8, we attended the up 1% over 2021 to US$581.8 billion despite
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Guangdong Provincial Department of tariff hikes still in place. Recent economic data
Business for Peace Award Commerce held a conference at the have also shown signs of a robust recovery.
(together with Elon Musk, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition The International Monetary Fund has raised its
Durren Shahnaz and Murad Center to promote the province's latest forecast for China's economic growth in 2023
AI-Katib) investment and trade policies to Hong to 5.2 percent, up 0.8 percentage point from
Awarded by an Award Kong investors. During the festivities, its projection in October.
Committee of Nobel Laureates Zhang Jinsong, director general of the
in Peace and Economics Department of Commerce of Guangdong Amway, global NO.1 direct-selling
Among few individuals on 231 Province, noted that Guangdong has business and owner of Nutrilite brand, is
years to be awarded the Thomas advantages in economic scale, population one company that especially shines as an
Jefferson initiated Peace and market, industrial facilities, convenient exemplary model of success of the past
through Commerce Medal by transportation, business environment and few years. 2022 saw a double-digit growth
the US Government ecological environment, and expects to of Amway China’s revenue, which could
attract more investment in manufacturing be attributed to unprecedented demand
and more regional headquarters of for health-related products, and its new
multinationals. According to Zhang, in terms corporate positioning as “holistic health
of investment incentives, qualified regional promoter”, as well as ingenious restructuring
headquarters of multinational companies of its direct-selling business model. You can
whose annual actual foreign investment read more about this incredible company on
exceeds 10 million USD will be rewarded at page 7 of this edition.
2% of their real foreign investment for the
year, with a maximum award of 100 million Speaking of publications, AmCham South
RMB. For the introduction of manufacturing China releases its 2023 White Paper on the
projects with a total investment of more Business Environment in China and 2023
than 1 billion RMB in the Pearl River Delta Special Report on the State of Business in
cities and projects with a total investment South China February 27. Every year, the
of more than 500 million RMB in the conference surrounding the publication is
eastern, western and northern Guangdong, attended by over 200 government officials,
they will be rewarded with a maximum business executives and members of media
amount of 2% of their newly added actual including over 40 foreign consulates mostly
fixed asset investment. represented by their consuls general. The 481
page bilingual White Paper on the Business
I must also share with you that Hong Environment in China, now in its 16th year, is
Kong is back in business with a vigor. a well-structured and extensively-researched
Since the lifting of quota restrictions and volume which presents a multifaceted
testing requirements within the last few and unbiased account of the business
weeks, the number of visitors to Hong Kong environment in China. The 141 page bilingual
and consumer spending have surpassed Special Report on the State of the Business in
everyone’s expectations. More on Hong South China, our 19th such endeavor, provides
Kong’s recovery next month. a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of
the business community and valuable insights
As China deepens reform and expands into the development trends in South China.
high-level opening-up, with its economic
recovery gaining pace, foreign investors are It’s always nice to see old and new friends.
expected to funnel more resources into the One of my favorite nights of the year to do
country. Despite headwinds and challenges, that is coming soon. The AmCham South
China posted better-than-expected 3% China Spring Ball will be on March 11. This is
economic growth in 2022. FDI into the always one of the most glamorous events is
Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded all the entire Pearl River Delta area. It will be a
8% year-on-year to US$189.13 billion. China’s sell-out event so order your tickets now. Make
trade surplus swelled to a record US$877.6 sure you bring your dancing shoes. You know
billion. Exports increased 7% from 2021 to I will.

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