P. 11
the gap on the wide range of differences between the
two major powers, it did suggest that both sides want to
manage the intensive strategic rivalry and avoid conflict.
Despite this step forward, differences in the English
and Chinese readouts of the meeting point to issues
that will continue to pose challenges as working-level
discussions begin. Both sides agree that new norms
need to be established in the relationship but offered
different definitions of what these norms might be.
The Chinese readout discussed “guardrails” and “red
Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping agreed to a lines” as protective mechanisms: tools used to ensure
series of goodwill gestures intended to improve ties that peace is maintained as long as Beijing’s key
between their countries after the first in-person meeting interests vis-à-vis Taiwan are respected. The Biden
between the leaders of the US and China since the administration, meanwhile, defined guardrails as
pandemic began in mid-November. The two men met “clear rules of the road … to ensure that competition
for about three hours on the sidelines of the Group of does not veer into conflict.” Each readout also
20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, greeting each other with outlined the litany of issues where the United States
a handshake and conciliatory remarks in which they and China no longer see eye-to-eye.
both called for calming tensions.
“I’m convinced that he understood exactly what I was
Before their talks, the two leaders smiled and shook saying, and I understood what he was saying,” Biden
hands warmly in front of their national flags at a told reporters after the meeting. “I’ve met many times
hotel on Indonesia's Bali island. "It's just great to see with Xi Jinping, and we were candid and clear with
you," Biden told Xi, as he put an arm around him one another across the board.”
before their meeting.
“A statesman should think about and know where
Biden and Xi both said in their opening remarks that to lead his country. He should also think about and
they were looking for ways to coexist despite their know how to get along with other countries and the
disagreements. The two spent lots of time together wider world,” Xi told Biden. “Humanity is confronted
when they were both vice presidents more than with unprecedented challenges. The world expects
a decade ago — and both men referenced their that China and the United States will properly handle
lengthy relationship in warm greetings before the the relationship.”
talks began.
U.S. officials share this relative optimism. "The fact
While the meeting between President Biden and of a leaders' meeting coming together has created
Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi space in the Chinese system, for reopening what
Jinping did not lead to any major agreements or close we believe to just be simply ongoing work between
our side to get things done," a senior administration
official told reporters before the meeting.
Both presidents viewed the meeting as in-depth,
candid and constructive. They instructed their teams
to promptly follow up and implement the important
common understandings reached between them,
and take concrete actions to put China-U.S. relations
back on the track of steady development. The two
presidents agreed to maintain regular contact.
two major powers, it did suggest that both sides want to
manage the intensive strategic rivalry and avoid conflict.
Despite this step forward, differences in the English
and Chinese readouts of the meeting point to issues
that will continue to pose challenges as working-level
discussions begin. Both sides agree that new norms
need to be established in the relationship but offered
different definitions of what these norms might be.
The Chinese readout discussed “guardrails” and “red
Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping agreed to a lines” as protective mechanisms: tools used to ensure
series of goodwill gestures intended to improve ties that peace is maintained as long as Beijing’s key
between their countries after the first in-person meeting interests vis-à-vis Taiwan are respected. The Biden
between the leaders of the US and China since the administration, meanwhile, defined guardrails as
pandemic began in mid-November. The two men met “clear rules of the road … to ensure that competition
for about three hours on the sidelines of the Group of does not veer into conflict.” Each readout also
20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, greeting each other with outlined the litany of issues where the United States
a handshake and conciliatory remarks in which they and China no longer see eye-to-eye.
both called for calming tensions.
“I’m convinced that he understood exactly what I was
Before their talks, the two leaders smiled and shook saying, and I understood what he was saying,” Biden
hands warmly in front of their national flags at a told reporters after the meeting. “I’ve met many times
hotel on Indonesia's Bali island. "It's just great to see with Xi Jinping, and we were candid and clear with
you," Biden told Xi, as he put an arm around him one another across the board.”
before their meeting.
“A statesman should think about and know where
Biden and Xi both said in their opening remarks that to lead his country. He should also think about and
they were looking for ways to coexist despite their know how to get along with other countries and the
disagreements. The two spent lots of time together wider world,” Xi told Biden. “Humanity is confronted
when they were both vice presidents more than with unprecedented challenges. The world expects
a decade ago — and both men referenced their that China and the United States will properly handle
lengthy relationship in warm greetings before the the relationship.”
talks began.
U.S. officials share this relative optimism. "The fact
While the meeting between President Biden and of a leaders' meeting coming together has created
Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi space in the Chinese system, for reopening what
Jinping did not lead to any major agreements or close we believe to just be simply ongoing work between
our side to get things done," a senior administration
official told reporters before the meeting.
Both presidents viewed the meeting as in-depth,
candid and constructive. They instructed their teams
to promptly follow up and implement the important
common understandings reached between them,
and take concrete actions to put China-U.S. relations
back on the track of steady development. The two
presidents agreed to maintain regular contact.