P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, are for business like CIFIT, but others
are just for fun. If you weren’t there,
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, you missed out of a scrumptious night
Business for Peace Award when we held our Whisky, Caviar &
(together with Elon Musk, China International Fair for Italian Bubbles night in late July with
Durren Shahnaz and Murad Investment & Trade is the epitome Oggi Trattoria Pizzeria, Oak & Barley,
AI-Katib) of China’s high-quality opening up Royal Caviar Club and Summergate Fine
Awarded by an Award efforts and a reflection of Xiamen’s Wines & Spirits. I have to admit, this
Committee of Nobel Laureates determination to create a world-class was a real treat. Don’t worry. We look
in Peace and Economics business environment of rule of law, forward to several parties such as this in
Among few individuals on 231 internationalization and facilitation. the next few weeks. Stay tuned.
years to be awarded the Thomas CIFIT showcases China and its
Jefferson initiated Peace investment environments, investment One final thing in case you didn’t
through Commerce Medal by policies, investment projects and know, Hong Kong has shortened
the US Government corporate products in all the provinces, arrival quarantine periods. Visitors
autonomous regions and municipalities from overseas and Taiwan will now
of the country. It provides overseas only undergo a seven-day quarantine
investors with information on China's consisting of three days at hotel and
investment policies and key projects and four days at home. those confirmed
helps them select from the widest range positive of COVID-19 after nucleic
of investment projects and business acid tests will receive a red code on
partners. It also creates opportunities the Leavehomesafe app. The rest
for advanced foreign technologies, will receive a yellow code until they
managerial practices and needed finish the quarantine. The health code
talent and for those whose services and will turn blue automatically after the
expertise is in demand to enter China. quarantine is over provided the visitors
test negative. Those with yellow health
In recent years, each session of CIFIT code can take public transportation
has attracted more than 15,000 overseas and go to work, shopping malls and
business professionals from over 120 wet markets. However, they cannot
countries and regions. The event takes enter premises which require a vaccine
place in Xiamen, China and is held at pass. Recent travelers with a yellow
Xiamen International Conference & health code, during the four-day health
Exhibition Center. This will be our 19th observation period, will need to take
year participating in this mega-forum. Rapid Antigen Test on daily basis. Those
We are traditionally the largest business who have already booked seven-day
delegation to CIFIT and averaged USD 2 hotel quarantine can still proceed with
billion in deals culminated at CIFIT each their trip to Hong Kong. The hotels will
year. I have every reason to believe that refund them if they are fit to leave after
this year’s delegation will be no different three days of quarantine.
however difficult and challenging due
to the pandemic. We would never miss As always, be safe and well. We’ll see
an opportunity to attend CIFIT. And we you soon.
appreciate being a part of it this year.
We are always delighted when we have
a large turnout for our events. Some
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, are for business like CIFIT, but others
are just for fun. If you weren’t there,
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, you missed out of a scrumptious night
Business for Peace Award when we held our Whisky, Caviar &
(together with Elon Musk, China International Fair for Italian Bubbles night in late July with
Durren Shahnaz and Murad Investment & Trade is the epitome Oggi Trattoria Pizzeria, Oak & Barley,
AI-Katib) of China’s high-quality opening up Royal Caviar Club and Summergate Fine
Awarded by an Award efforts and a reflection of Xiamen’s Wines & Spirits. I have to admit, this
Committee of Nobel Laureates determination to create a world-class was a real treat. Don’t worry. We look
in Peace and Economics business environment of rule of law, forward to several parties such as this in
Among few individuals on 231 internationalization and facilitation. the next few weeks. Stay tuned.
years to be awarded the Thomas CIFIT showcases China and its
Jefferson initiated Peace investment environments, investment One final thing in case you didn’t
through Commerce Medal by policies, investment projects and know, Hong Kong has shortened
the US Government corporate products in all the provinces, arrival quarantine periods. Visitors
autonomous regions and municipalities from overseas and Taiwan will now
of the country. It provides overseas only undergo a seven-day quarantine
investors with information on China's consisting of three days at hotel and
investment policies and key projects and four days at home. those confirmed
helps them select from the widest range positive of COVID-19 after nucleic
of investment projects and business acid tests will receive a red code on
partners. It also creates opportunities the Leavehomesafe app. The rest
for advanced foreign technologies, will receive a yellow code until they
managerial practices and needed finish the quarantine. The health code
talent and for those whose services and will turn blue automatically after the
expertise is in demand to enter China. quarantine is over provided the visitors
test negative. Those with yellow health
In recent years, each session of CIFIT code can take public transportation
has attracted more than 15,000 overseas and go to work, shopping malls and
business professionals from over 120 wet markets. However, they cannot
countries and regions. The event takes enter premises which require a vaccine
place in Xiamen, China and is held at pass. Recent travelers with a yellow
Xiamen International Conference & health code, during the four-day health
Exhibition Center. This will be our 19th observation period, will need to take
year participating in this mega-forum. Rapid Antigen Test on daily basis. Those
We are traditionally the largest business who have already booked seven-day
delegation to CIFIT and averaged USD 2 hotel quarantine can still proceed with
billion in deals culminated at CIFIT each their trip to Hong Kong. The hotels will
year. I have every reason to believe that refund them if they are fit to leave after
this year’s delegation will be no different three days of quarantine.
however difficult and challenging due
to the pandemic. We would never miss As always, be safe and well. We’ll see
an opportunity to attend CIFIT. And we you soon.
appreciate being a part of it this year.
We are always delighted when we have
a large turnout for our events. Some