Page 4 - The South China Business Journal
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Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, Tank forum held by China Institute for
Reform and Development Institute. RCEP,
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, includes Australia, Japan, Korea and New
Business for Peace Award Zealand among its members. Five RCEP
(together with Elon Musk, On May 30, we had a productive countries (Australia, China, Indonesia,
Durren Shahnaz and Murad meeting with the leadership of CCPIT Japan and South Korea) are members of
AI-Katib) Guangdong and agreed to work together the Group of 20 (G20). The agreement
Awarded by an Award to address and help resolve issues attempts to create a favorable environment
Committee of Nobel Laureates facing our members. CCPIT Guangdong to accelerate development, and create a
in Peace and Economics is committed to helping us take our unified set of trade rules for the Asia-Pacific
Among few individuals on 232 member issues to the Guangdong region to replace the multiple ‘ASEAN-plus-
years to be awarded the Thomas leadership to help create a positive and one’ trade deals. Aiming to facilitate and
Jefferson initiated Peace productive business environment and to liberalize trade and investment, the RCEP
through Commerce Medal by protect of our investments. is expected to eliminates more than 90
the US Government percent of tariffs on goods traded in the
This year marks the 70th anniversary of region over a period of 20 years.
the founding of the China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). I would like to give a hardy shout-out to
At this moment of pandemic, conflict, our friends at Fangda Partners. Together
food crisis, environmental degradation we hosted a seminar on May 19 regarding
and recession risks, international China's New Data Protection Laws &
cooperation is more important than Impact on Business. More than 50 people
ever. The world needs greater collective attended the seminar, many of whom
actions and inclusive collaborations were business executives. All of us learned
between developed countries and quite a bit concerning such diverse topics
developing economies. CCPIT has as China’s data security, cyber security and
promoted foreign trade and investment regulatory compliance.
cooperation between China and the
world. Craig Allen, president of the US- Finally, as inflation singes the US
China Business Council, said the council economy and roils US capital markets,
is proud to call the CCPIT a partner with voices are growing within the Biden
direct relationship lasting over 50 years. administration and across the US to lift
Over that time, both sides have achieved China tariffs that have led to self-harm
magnificent accomplishments together, for Washington. US Treasury Secretary
working hard to grow bilateral US-China Janet Yellen has suggested the US is open
commercial relations. The US and China to scaling back the widespread Trump-
are both great trading nations with a era tariffs on merchandise imports to
rich history of entrepreneurship and help provide Americans relief from the
innovation. American companies continue fastest inflation in four decades. Chinese
to focus on China with a long-term view of officials have repeatedly urged the Biden
bilateral relations. The work has not been administration to rescind tariffs imposed
easy, but shared objectives and values under Trump. Washington, however, is
remain pointed in the same direction waiting for China to make good on its
toward continued growth, productivity, pledge to buy $200 billion in additional
and prosperity. You can find out more US goods and services under the trade
about CCPIT in this month’s SCBJ cover agreement that took effect in February
story on page 7. 2020. Yellen said the United States
expected China to meet its commitments
High-level implementation of the under the Phase 1 trade deal signed
Regional Comprehensive Economic under former President Donald Trump,
Partnership agreement, which took effect but could look at eventually lowering
on Jan 1, is expected to propel regional some tariffs in a reciprocal way.
economic integration to inject new
impetus into world economic growth
throughout Asia. I was invited to share my
views in May at the RCEP Media & Think
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, Tank forum held by China Institute for
Reform and Development Institute. RCEP,
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, includes Australia, Japan, Korea and New
Business for Peace Award Zealand among its members. Five RCEP
(together with Elon Musk, On May 30, we had a productive countries (Australia, China, Indonesia,
Durren Shahnaz and Murad meeting with the leadership of CCPIT Japan and South Korea) are members of
AI-Katib) Guangdong and agreed to work together the Group of 20 (G20). The agreement
Awarded by an Award to address and help resolve issues attempts to create a favorable environment
Committee of Nobel Laureates facing our members. CCPIT Guangdong to accelerate development, and create a
in Peace and Economics is committed to helping us take our unified set of trade rules for the Asia-Pacific
Among few individuals on 232 member issues to the Guangdong region to replace the multiple ‘ASEAN-plus-
years to be awarded the Thomas leadership to help create a positive and one’ trade deals. Aiming to facilitate and
Jefferson initiated Peace productive business environment and to liberalize trade and investment, the RCEP
through Commerce Medal by protect of our investments. is expected to eliminates more than 90
the US Government percent of tariffs on goods traded in the
This year marks the 70th anniversary of region over a period of 20 years.
the founding of the China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). I would like to give a hardy shout-out to
At this moment of pandemic, conflict, our friends at Fangda Partners. Together
food crisis, environmental degradation we hosted a seminar on May 19 regarding
and recession risks, international China's New Data Protection Laws &
cooperation is more important than Impact on Business. More than 50 people
ever. The world needs greater collective attended the seminar, many of whom
actions and inclusive collaborations were business executives. All of us learned
between developed countries and quite a bit concerning such diverse topics
developing economies. CCPIT has as China’s data security, cyber security and
promoted foreign trade and investment regulatory compliance.
cooperation between China and the
world. Craig Allen, president of the US- Finally, as inflation singes the US
China Business Council, said the council economy and roils US capital markets,
is proud to call the CCPIT a partner with voices are growing within the Biden
direct relationship lasting over 50 years. administration and across the US to lift
Over that time, both sides have achieved China tariffs that have led to self-harm
magnificent accomplishments together, for Washington. US Treasury Secretary
working hard to grow bilateral US-China Janet Yellen has suggested the US is open
commercial relations. The US and China to scaling back the widespread Trump-
are both great trading nations with a era tariffs on merchandise imports to
rich history of entrepreneurship and help provide Americans relief from the
innovation. American companies continue fastest inflation in four decades. Chinese
to focus on China with a long-term view of officials have repeatedly urged the Biden
bilateral relations. The work has not been administration to rescind tariffs imposed
easy, but shared objectives and values under Trump. Washington, however, is
remain pointed in the same direction waiting for China to make good on its
toward continued growth, productivity, pledge to buy $200 billion in additional
and prosperity. You can find out more US goods and services under the trade
about CCPIT in this month’s SCBJ cover agreement that took effect in February
story on page 7. 2020. Yellen said the United States
expected China to meet its commitments
High-level implementation of the under the Phase 1 trade deal signed
Regional Comprehensive Economic under former President Donald Trump,
Partnership agreement, which took effect but could look at eventually lowering
on Jan 1, is expected to propel regional some tariffs in a reciprocal way.
economic integration to inject new
impetus into world economic growth
throughout Asia. I was invited to share my
views in May at the RCEP Media & Think