Page 4 - The South China Business Journal
P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, AmCham South China would like to express
our deepest condolences to all those affected
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, by the tragic loss of China Eastern Airlines
Business for Peace Award flight MU5735. The domestic Boeing 737-
(together with Elon Musk, March is Woman’s History Month in the 86P flight was scheduled from Kunming to
Durren Shahnaz and Murad United States, a month set aside to honor Guangzhou on March 21 when it suddenly
AI-Katib) women’s contributions in American history. descended steeply mid-flight and struck
Awarded by an Award The designation originated during the Carter the ground at high speed in Teng County,
Committee of Nobel Laureates administration. At the time, President Jimmy Wuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
in Peace and Economics Carter said, “From the first settlers who came Region, killing all 123 passengers and 9
Among few individuals on 232 to our shores, from the first American Indian crew. China has invested heavily in its air
years to be awarded the Thomas families who befriended them, men and safety regime, taking cues from the US
Jefferson initiated Peace women worked together to build this nation. National Transportation Board’s technology.
through Commerce Medal by Too often, the women were unsung and Thus, accidents such as this are extremely
the US Government sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. rare in the country. We extend our deepest
But the achievements, leadership, courage, condolences for the loss of those on-board
strength and love of the women who built China Eastern Airlines Flight MU 5735. Our
America was as vital as that of the men whose thoughts and prayers are with the passengers
names we know so well.” In celebration, the and crew, their families and all those affected
American Chamber of Commerce in South by this accident.
China held the 2022 International Women
Leaders Conference in Grand Hyatt Guangzhou We are also deeply saddened by the passing
on March 10. Eleven influential female leaders, of former Secretary of State Madeleine
including five foreign consulates represented Albright. Hers was a remarkable life filled with
by their consuls general, shared their career incredible accomplishments, fleeing the Nazis
experience and life lessons in leading teams, in Czechoslovakia as a child, U.S. Ambassador
institutions, and corporations. You can read to the United Nations, a brilliant diplomat, a
more about in this month’s SCBJ cover story on courageous trailblazer, a dedicated mentor.
page 7. We also learned a great deal from an She created the Community of Democracies, a
AmCham South China Academic Collaboration coalition of countries that defends democratic
between Dr. Zhong Nashan, Macau University values around the world. Madam Secretary,
of Science and Technology, University of Hong your vision and courage shall be missed.
Kong, and Stanford Center on China’s Economy
and Institutions (SCCEI) on March 16 entitled
The Pandemic—Decisions, Direction, and the
Future (page 25).
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, AmCham South China would like to express
our deepest condolences to all those affected
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Greetings, by the tragic loss of China Eastern Airlines
Business for Peace Award flight MU5735. The domestic Boeing 737-
(together with Elon Musk, March is Woman’s History Month in the 86P flight was scheduled from Kunming to
Durren Shahnaz and Murad United States, a month set aside to honor Guangzhou on March 21 when it suddenly
AI-Katib) women’s contributions in American history. descended steeply mid-flight and struck
Awarded by an Award The designation originated during the Carter the ground at high speed in Teng County,
Committee of Nobel Laureates administration. At the time, President Jimmy Wuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
in Peace and Economics Carter said, “From the first settlers who came Region, killing all 123 passengers and 9
Among few individuals on 232 to our shores, from the first American Indian crew. China has invested heavily in its air
years to be awarded the Thomas families who befriended them, men and safety regime, taking cues from the US
Jefferson initiated Peace women worked together to build this nation. National Transportation Board’s technology.
through Commerce Medal by Too often, the women were unsung and Thus, accidents such as this are extremely
the US Government sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. rare in the country. We extend our deepest
But the achievements, leadership, courage, condolences for the loss of those on-board
strength and love of the women who built China Eastern Airlines Flight MU 5735. Our
America was as vital as that of the men whose thoughts and prayers are with the passengers
names we know so well.” In celebration, the and crew, their families and all those affected
American Chamber of Commerce in South by this accident.
China held the 2022 International Women
Leaders Conference in Grand Hyatt Guangzhou We are also deeply saddened by the passing
on March 10. Eleven influential female leaders, of former Secretary of State Madeleine
including five foreign consulates represented Albright. Hers was a remarkable life filled with
by their consuls general, shared their career incredible accomplishments, fleeing the Nazis
experience and life lessons in leading teams, in Czechoslovakia as a child, U.S. Ambassador
institutions, and corporations. You can read to the United Nations, a brilliant diplomat, a
more about in this month’s SCBJ cover story on courageous trailblazer, a dedicated mentor.
page 7. We also learned a great deal from an She created the Community of Democracies, a
AmCham South China Academic Collaboration coalition of countries that defends democratic
between Dr. Zhong Nashan, Macau University values around the world. Madam Secretary,
of Science and Technology, University of Hong your vision and courage shall be missed.
Kong, and Stanford Center on China’s Economy
and Institutions (SCCEI) on March 16 entitled
The Pandemic—Decisions, Direction, and the
Future (page 25).