P. 12

The 600-page bilingual White Paper on the reinvested US$250 million or more than they
Business Environment in China, now in its had budgeted, which is expected to result in
15th year, is a well-structured and extensively- GDP growth in the second half of 2024.
researched volume which presents a multifaceted However, a rising demand for electricity and
and unbiased account of the business soaring coal and gas prices interacted with
environment in China. strict climate targets, which left China exposed
to a power crunch in 2021. In AmCham South
The 147-page bilingual Special Report on the China’s first study on the power shortage
State of the Business in South China, our 18th conducted in 2021 between October 8 and 12,
such endeavor, aggregates and analyzes the 21% of the impacted companies experienced
experiences of 230 companies who participated more than 40% reduction in production capacity
in the Chamber’s annual State of Business Study. due to the power rationing policy, but the overall
It provides a comprehensive and quantitative picture looked much more benign in the second
analysis of the business community and valuable study with the figure dropping to only 3%.
insights into the development trends in Nearly half of the studied companies believe that
South China. the shortages problem will be resolved by the
end of the first quarter of 2022.
2021 was an extraordinary and bittersweet year. Most companies show greater optimism for an
China stood out for its economic resilience in improved US-China bilateral relation in 2022.
the face of unprecedented global changes and
a once-in-a-century pandemic. Its GDP grew
by 8.1% to 114 trillion yuan (US$ 18 trillion)
in 2021, its fastest pace in a decade, which
showcased its strong growth momentum and
enormous market potential. Foreign companies
are increasingly venturing into China, looking for
business opportunities there. According to the
2022 Special Report on the State of Business in
South China, the actual reinvestment in China in
2021 experienced a year-on-year growth of 5%,
closing the gap to the pre-pandemic level. 80%
of the American companies reinvested last year.
Noticeably, in 2021, twice as many companies

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