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2021 AmCham’s CHRMA
HR Best Practice Awards Ceremony
2021 AmCham’s CHRMA HR Best Practice to understand the basic concepts, stages and
Awards Ceremony (BPA) was hosted at Westin methods of empowering enterprise change by
Hotel Tianhe Guangzhou on December 15th. sharing typical cases, then she mentioned her
More than 160 HR Directors attended the award experience as a coach in the enterprise, shared
ceremony, and were joined by members of the the most impressive coaching cases in her career,
Board of Governors and distinguished speakers and answered the questions of the audience.
from AmCham member companies. The whole
ceremony was divided into five sessions as follow: Session III: 2021 AmCham’s CHRMA HR
Best Practice Awards Ceremony
Session I: Opening Remark
This year, five Human Resources Best
The ceremony started on schedule with an Practice Award gold medals were awarded to
opening remark from Dr. Harley Seyedin. The AveryDennison Greater China, Dow, Edgewell,
President of AmCham South China expressed Jabil and Times China, while five silver medals
his sincere appreciation for the support from were awarded to Dailywin, FedEx Express,
everyone and warmly welcomed all the attendees. Onsemi, Xinji Technology and D&U Clinic.
Liza Cheung, Executive President of AmCham’s
CHRMA, then delivered an opening remark Session IV: Sharing Best Practices
as well.
Companies which have received the gold medals
Session II: Keynote Speech by MCC were then invited to share their best practices
Coach He Qiao of attracting talented people and retaining
employees. Sharon Chen from Avery Dennison
At 2:30pm, MCC Coach Angie He gave a Greater China introduced the basic culture of
presentation themed Empowering Enterprise her company, B2B business model, and methods
Change, in which she first guided the audience to help employees cope with Covid-19. Tracy
2021 AmCham’s CHRMA
HR Best Practice Awards Ceremony
2021 AmCham’s CHRMA HR Best Practice to understand the basic concepts, stages and
Awards Ceremony (BPA) was hosted at Westin methods of empowering enterprise change by
Hotel Tianhe Guangzhou on December 15th. sharing typical cases, then she mentioned her
More than 160 HR Directors attended the award experience as a coach in the enterprise, shared
ceremony, and were joined by members of the the most impressive coaching cases in her career,
Board of Governors and distinguished speakers and answered the questions of the audience.
from AmCham member companies. The whole
ceremony was divided into five sessions as follow: Session III: 2021 AmCham’s CHRMA HR
Best Practice Awards Ceremony
Session I: Opening Remark
This year, five Human Resources Best
The ceremony started on schedule with an Practice Award gold medals were awarded to
opening remark from Dr. Harley Seyedin. The AveryDennison Greater China, Dow, Edgewell,
President of AmCham South China expressed Jabil and Times China, while five silver medals
his sincere appreciation for the support from were awarded to Dailywin, FedEx Express,
everyone and warmly welcomed all the attendees. Onsemi, Xinji Technology and D&U Clinic.
Liza Cheung, Executive President of AmCham’s
CHRMA, then delivered an opening remark Session IV: Sharing Best Practices
as well.
Companies which have received the gold medals
Session II: Keynote Speech by MCC were then invited to share their best practices
Coach He Qiao of attracting talented people and retaining
employees. Sharon Chen from Avery Dennison
At 2:30pm, MCC Coach Angie He gave a Greater China introduced the basic culture of
presentation themed Empowering Enterprise her company, B2B business model, and methods
Change, in which she first guided the audience to help employees cope with Covid-19. Tracy