P. 4

Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, China’s state media noted the “friendly tone” of
the opening of the discussions, and reflected the
President, AmCham South China Greetings, “personal relationship” between the two leaders.
Vice Chairman, American It’s rare for heads of state to have such a long
Chambers of Asia Pacific Last month saw positive signals that the conversation, and such a good relationship is
Winner of the 2017 Oslo important relationship between the two greatest seen as a positive condition for handling bilateral
Business for Peace Award economies may be approaching a new dawn. ties. Xi said from a room in the Great Hall of the
Awarded by the Award Committee Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping held a three- People in Beijing, "China and the United States
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and and-a-half-hour virtual summit in November, the should respect each other, coexist in peace and
Economics first time the two leaders met in a more formal pursue win-win cooperation". AmCham South
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University setting. The two leaders have spoken by phone China and its members agree. The world will
twice since Biden’s inauguration in January, but only be able to move forward peaceably through
Xi has not travelled overseas since the start of mutually beneficial US-China relationships and
the coronavirus pandemic, ruling out the chance diplomacy. Our hope is that these two old friends
of a face-to-face meeting. can get it done together.

Although there was what many described as Meanwhile AmCham South China continues
“healthy debate” during last month’s summit, to do our part to show that mutually beneficial
no breakthroughs were accomplished. international relationships and networking can
Nevertheless, it was a promising start to some work to everyone’s advantage. We were very
of the most critical talks of Biden's presidency. proud to attend the 2021 Global Mayor’s Forum
The deteriorating ties between Washington and speak at the Guangzhou-Auckland-Los
and Beijing, and the reality of managing the US Angeles Tripartite 2021 Exchange Conference.
relationship with China, will amount to Biden's The Global Mayors' Forum aims to establish
most critical international objective. Nearly a proactive, city-based and world-oriented
every issue Biden is focused on, domestically multilateral exchange and cooperation platform
and internationally, has a link to China. Supply for local governments. Cities around the world
chain issues that are driving inflation at home should always partner with each other for a more
can be traced in part to shortages in Chinese prosperous economy, enhance exchange, and
plants. Combatting climate change requires Xi’s mutual learning for a more equitable society.
acceptance and willingness to actively support. Cooperation between international cities is also a
Managing global trouble-spots like North Korea beautiful way to promote cultural understanding.
and Iran each involves coordination with Beijing.
The Global Times, a state-backed Chinese tabloid, I will be a persona non grata in the AmCham
said the meeting "injected certainty" into the South China office if I did not mention the
US-China relationship and showed that while the wonderful work our staff accomplished in
two countries cannot avoid competition, there putting together our best Winter Ball to date.
are also many areas for collaboration. Every member of our staff is a dynamo. They
are truly energetic and indefatigable when it
Biden is fond of citing the dozens of hours comes to getting things done on a daily basis.
and thousands of miles he clocked with Xi They are unstoppable when banned together
when both were serving as their country's vice for a single project like our seasonal balls. Over
presidents. He's claimed to have spent more 500 of our members and guests reveled in the
time with the Chinese president than any other glamour, dancing and cuisine. Every year, my
world leader. Xi called Biden an "old friend" staff members amaze me with their ingenuity
during the summit and said their countries need and imagination.
to "increase communication and cooperation.”
The two leaders have their own agendas Of course, December is a special month. May
concerning trade and a host of other issues. your Christmas be merry and bright. And with
Both men communicated on these subjects the New Year, we look forward to many more
directly with honesty. The results simply were times together with you.
the first positive signals in bilateral cooperation
and improved relations in years. China and the
United States need to move forward toward
strategic clarity and friendly competition.

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