P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, China Foreign Trade Centre, and China Import
and Export Fair. You can read more in this
President, AmCham South China Greetings, month’s cover story.
Vice Chairman, American
Chambers of Asia Pacific In October our Chamber signed a Global China Institute for Reform and Development
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Framework Agreement with Central government’s (CIRD) held the 87th Forum on China Reform
Business for Peace Award China Foreign Trade Center which operates the under the theme of “China in Building a New
Awarded by the Award Committee Canton Fair and hundreds of other international Development Paradigm and the World” in Hainan
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and fora and exhibitions. This extraordinary signing Island from October 29-31. As always, the Forum
Economics marks, not only the first time the Foreign Trade was attended by the leaders of nearly every think
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University Center has officially signed a mutual win-win tank in China and leading experts from around
global cooperation agreement with any Chamber the world. I am happy to report that, at the direct
of Commerce, but also sends a positive signal to invitation of Professor Chi Fulin, President of
our members as well as the whole foreign business CIRD I had the opportunity to attend and deliver
community about China’s recognition of our a speech representing the views of our more
Chamber as a major organization and its desire than 2,300 members. The Swiss Chamber and the
to attract and encourage foreign corporations to American Chamber of Commerce in South China
sell to China. The Global Framework Agreement were the only two foreign chambers invited to
stipulates that AmCham South China promote attend and speak at this very high-level Forum.
the sale and export of American products into You can read more about the forum on page 21.
China through the Canton Fair and other vehicles
operated by the China Foreign Trade Center. As we mentioned in our report to the
membership, we have held numerous meetings
A large majority of our members remain with various officials in South China to explain
thoroughly optimistic about the growth of the how our members have been impacted by the
Chinese market and its potential, but Western electricity shortages and happy to have brought
buyers prefer face-to-face trade because they about relief in many areas. In Guangdong,
can touch and feel the products for themselves. AmCham South China met with high-level officials
The China Import and Export Fair (Canton form the Department of Commerce, Guangdong
Fair) has for many years been the place where Investment Bureau, Guangdong Electric Supply
potential buyers could go twice a year to Bureau, and, Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office
experience what was going to be available for (FAO). At this point, under the premise of
them to sell the next year. Billions and billions ensuring the residents-utility-enterprise order, the
of dollars’ worth of deals have been signed at Guangdong provincial government is doing what
the Fair over the course of the last 65 years. it can to alleviate the problematic situation. We
Covid-19 put a severe damper on that because will continue to work on this issue and certainly
people could not come to see us in person, and keep you updated on this situation.
online only shopping could not satisfy all of the
Western buyer needs. Yet, online shopping is a Also, in this month’s SCBJ you can find out how
part of a new reality for businesses across the the AmCham-Fangda seminar recently waded
globe. While there will continue to be several through a number of laws and regulations
challenges on the road to normalization, plenty on cybersecurity and data protection. These
of opportunities exist for businesses in China. upcoming laws and regulations lay down critical
The 130th session of the China Import and obligations for companies on cybersecurity
Export Fair’s combination of online and offline maintenance and data compliance, which are
formats solved this conundrum, creating a closely related to companies' daily operations.
new platform for stabilizing the global supply Certain rules may substantially affect companies'
chain and promoting the development of the business decisions on various issues, such as
global economy. Once again, I can honestly product design involving personal information
say the Import Export Fair was a wild success. processing, internal data processing process,
Guangzhou has been the number one selection of network equipment suppliers,
preferred investment destination in China onshore and offshore data processing
four consecutive years. The success of this arrangement, global data server deployment
year’s China Import and Export Fair makes me strategy and even IPO planning.
believe Guangzhou will remain so. Needless
to say, we are also very proud to be part of the
official establishment of the global cooperative
relationship between AmCham South China,
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, China Foreign Trade Centre, and China Import
and Export Fair. You can read more in this
President, AmCham South China Greetings, month’s cover story.
Vice Chairman, American
Chambers of Asia Pacific In October our Chamber signed a Global China Institute for Reform and Development
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Framework Agreement with Central government’s (CIRD) held the 87th Forum on China Reform
Business for Peace Award China Foreign Trade Center which operates the under the theme of “China in Building a New
Awarded by the Award Committee Canton Fair and hundreds of other international Development Paradigm and the World” in Hainan
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and fora and exhibitions. This extraordinary signing Island from October 29-31. As always, the Forum
Economics marks, not only the first time the Foreign Trade was attended by the leaders of nearly every think
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University Center has officially signed a mutual win-win tank in China and leading experts from around
global cooperation agreement with any Chamber the world. I am happy to report that, at the direct
of Commerce, but also sends a positive signal to invitation of Professor Chi Fulin, President of
our members as well as the whole foreign business CIRD I had the opportunity to attend and deliver
community about China’s recognition of our a speech representing the views of our more
Chamber as a major organization and its desire than 2,300 members. The Swiss Chamber and the
to attract and encourage foreign corporations to American Chamber of Commerce in South China
sell to China. The Global Framework Agreement were the only two foreign chambers invited to
stipulates that AmCham South China promote attend and speak at this very high-level Forum.
the sale and export of American products into You can read more about the forum on page 21.
China through the Canton Fair and other vehicles
operated by the China Foreign Trade Center. As we mentioned in our report to the
membership, we have held numerous meetings
A large majority of our members remain with various officials in South China to explain
thoroughly optimistic about the growth of the how our members have been impacted by the
Chinese market and its potential, but Western electricity shortages and happy to have brought
buyers prefer face-to-face trade because they about relief in many areas. In Guangdong,
can touch and feel the products for themselves. AmCham South China met with high-level officials
The China Import and Export Fair (Canton form the Department of Commerce, Guangdong
Fair) has for many years been the place where Investment Bureau, Guangdong Electric Supply
potential buyers could go twice a year to Bureau, and, Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office
experience what was going to be available for (FAO). At this point, under the premise of
them to sell the next year. Billions and billions ensuring the residents-utility-enterprise order, the
of dollars’ worth of deals have been signed at Guangdong provincial government is doing what
the Fair over the course of the last 65 years. it can to alleviate the problematic situation. We
Covid-19 put a severe damper on that because will continue to work on this issue and certainly
people could not come to see us in person, and keep you updated on this situation.
online only shopping could not satisfy all of the
Western buyer needs. Yet, online shopping is a Also, in this month’s SCBJ you can find out how
part of a new reality for businesses across the the AmCham-Fangda seminar recently waded
globe. While there will continue to be several through a number of laws and regulations
challenges on the road to normalization, plenty on cybersecurity and data protection. These
of opportunities exist for businesses in China. upcoming laws and regulations lay down critical
The 130th session of the China Import and obligations for companies on cybersecurity
Export Fair’s combination of online and offline maintenance and data compliance, which are
formats solved this conundrum, creating a closely related to companies' daily operations.
new platform for stabilizing the global supply Certain rules may substantially affect companies'
chain and promoting the development of the business decisions on various issues, such as
global economy. Once again, I can honestly product design involving personal information
say the Import Export Fair was a wild success. processing, internal data processing process,
Guangzhou has been the number one selection of network equipment suppliers,
preferred investment destination in China onshore and offshore data processing
four consecutive years. The success of this arrangement, global data server deployment
year’s China Import and Export Fair makes me strategy and even IPO planning.
believe Guangzhou will remain so. Needless
to say, we are also very proud to be part of the
official establishment of the global cooperative
relationship between AmCham South China,