P. 18
C. TODAY Nevada
How 7 States Will In August 2021, federal regulators announced the
first-ever water shortage for the American Southwest
Benefit as the Lake Mead reservoir dropped to its lowest
recorded level. To protect businesses, farmers, and
from the Bipartisan ranchers in the state, water infrastructure needs to be
Infrastructure Bill modernized to be more efficient. Nevada would benefit
from the bipartisan infrastructure package through the
By RICHARD HARTNETT, U.S. Chamber of Commerce investment of over $1 billion in water recycling and
reuse projects and $300 million for implementing the
Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan.
On Monday, September 27th, Missouri
members of the U.S. House
of Representatives will have a Missouri’s central location in the continental
once-in-a-generation opportunity U.S. has made the state a leader in highway
to vote for one of the most freight tonnage. According to a 2020 study
consequential and ambitious published by the Missouri Chamber of
investments in America’s future. Commerce, the state’s commodity value for
The Infrastructure Investment highway freight is expected to increase 70%
and Jobs Act will not only between 2011 and 2030, ultimately accounting
provide long-term funding to for $1.2 trillion in value. The bipartisan
address America’s crumbling infrastructure package would provide $6.5
infrastructure but it will also put billion in new highway funding for the state and
millions of Americans to work and over $484 million to repair the state’s bridges.
improve our overall quality of life.
Most Americans are familiar with
the ongoing need to repair our
roads and bridges or to improve
access to broadband across rural
America. However, the same
cannot be said of much of the
other infrastructure upon which
our economy and wellbeing rely.
While every state stands to
benefit from the bipartisan
infrastructure bill, here’s a closer
look at some of the lesser-known
benefits in seven states.
How 7 States Will In August 2021, federal regulators announced the
first-ever water shortage for the American Southwest
Benefit as the Lake Mead reservoir dropped to its lowest
recorded level. To protect businesses, farmers, and
from the Bipartisan ranchers in the state, water infrastructure needs to be
Infrastructure Bill modernized to be more efficient. Nevada would benefit
from the bipartisan infrastructure package through the
By RICHARD HARTNETT, U.S. Chamber of Commerce investment of over $1 billion in water recycling and
reuse projects and $300 million for implementing the
Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan.
On Monday, September 27th, Missouri
members of the U.S. House
of Representatives will have a Missouri’s central location in the continental
once-in-a-generation opportunity U.S. has made the state a leader in highway
to vote for one of the most freight tonnage. According to a 2020 study
consequential and ambitious published by the Missouri Chamber of
investments in America’s future. Commerce, the state’s commodity value for
The Infrastructure Investment highway freight is expected to increase 70%
and Jobs Act will not only between 2011 and 2030, ultimately accounting
provide long-term funding to for $1.2 trillion in value. The bipartisan
address America’s crumbling infrastructure package would provide $6.5
infrastructure but it will also put billion in new highway funding for the state and
millions of Americans to work and over $484 million to repair the state’s bridges.
improve our overall quality of life.
Most Americans are familiar with
the ongoing need to repair our
roads and bridges or to improve
access to broadband across rural
America. However, the same
cannot be said of much of the
other infrastructure upon which
our economy and wellbeing rely.
While every state stands to
benefit from the bipartisan
infrastructure bill, here’s a closer
look at some of the lesser-known
benefits in seven states.