P. 3
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, and the People’s Republic of China with a
special focus on South China. Now, we must
President, AmCham South China Greetings, do whatever we can to get both the US and
Vice Chairman, American China back at the table to substantial trade
Chambers of Asia Pacific Fall is indeed my favorite season every year. talks. Of course, we have good news on
Winner of the 2017 Oslo It’s a bit better this year with good news that front as well. The ice between the two
Business for Peace Award coming from both sides of the Pacific. Foreign countries look as if it is beginning to melt.
Awarded by the Award Committee direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese US President Joe Biden and China President
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and mainland, in actual use, rose 22.3 percent Xi Jinping conducted what both parties
Economics year on year to 758.05 billion yuan in the first have called “a candid yet productive” phone
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University eight months of 2021. Foreign investment in conversation early last month. Biden said
the service industry came in at 599.33 billion the world is changing fast, the US-China
yuan during the period, up 25.8 percent relationship is the most consequential
year on year, with foreign investment in the relationship in the world, and the future of the
high-tech services sector rising 35.2 percent. bulk of the world will depend on how the two
Once again, foreign-invested enterprises largest economies get on with each other. You
played a unique and significant role in China's can read more on this developing situation on
new development model. AmCham South page 19 in this month’s SCBJ.
China supports China’s pushing forward
more higher-level opening-up as it widens Also check out our exclusive story concerning
market access. We also call for building high- Faraday Future on page 7. Faraday Future
standard international investment rules that founded by YT Jia finally saw the faint glimmer
are mutually productive and beneficial for all of a rainbow at the end of its turbulent and
parties involved. sometimes stormy past with his mobile
ecosystem company’s successful listing on
Progress looks more favorable now than NASDAQ earlier this year. Jump in and enjoy
it has been for a long time. The central the ride.
authorities' new development plans for
Qianhai, a special cooperation zone in Finally, once again, hefty deals were made
Shenzhen city, and Hengqin, an island and networking established last month for
in Zhuhai city are set to inject strong our AmCham South China entourage at the
impetus into the next stage of high-quality 21st China International Fair for Investment &
development of the Guangdong-Hong Trade (CIFIT). Official data showed that during
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The new plans the four-day event, Xiamen signed 40 foreign-
mark the country's latest move to further funded projects with a contractual foreign
deepen reforms and opening-up, providing investment of US$2.1 billion and another
ample opportunities for the long-term 15 projects with central-owned and private
development of the Bay Area. The expansion companies, with an estimated investment of
will be conducive to promoting institutional 55.1 billion yuan (US$8.56 billion) – with both
innovation and industrial upgrading in categories leading the province. These projects
Qianhai as well as piloting the reform policies. are widely expected to significantly contribute
According to the Qianhai plan, the total area to the city's economic and social development
of the cooperation zone will be expanded within three years. The projects cover modern
from 14.92 square kilometers to 120.56 sq agriculture and foods processing industry,
km. The NDRC will work with Guangdong, electronic information and digital industry, new
Macao and other relevant departments to energy, biology and new medicine and other
formulate a catalog of industries that will be sectors. The new deals were a good fit with
encouraged as well as a master development the development direction of the city's 100
plan for Hengqin, to boost Greater Bay Area's billion-yuan industrial production and supply
economic diversification. chain. We look forward to seeing these new
partnerships grow.
The development plans for Qianhai is in
complete alliance with AmCham Mission: to
promote development of trade, commerce
and invest¬ment between the United States
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, and the People’s Republic of China with a
special focus on South China. Now, we must
President, AmCham South China Greetings, do whatever we can to get both the US and
Vice Chairman, American China back at the table to substantial trade
Chambers of Asia Pacific Fall is indeed my favorite season every year. talks. Of course, we have good news on
Winner of the 2017 Oslo It’s a bit better this year with good news that front as well. The ice between the two
Business for Peace Award coming from both sides of the Pacific. Foreign countries look as if it is beginning to melt.
Awarded by the Award Committee direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese US President Joe Biden and China President
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and mainland, in actual use, rose 22.3 percent Xi Jinping conducted what both parties
Economics year on year to 758.05 billion yuan in the first have called “a candid yet productive” phone
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University eight months of 2021. Foreign investment in conversation early last month. Biden said
the service industry came in at 599.33 billion the world is changing fast, the US-China
yuan during the period, up 25.8 percent relationship is the most consequential
year on year, with foreign investment in the relationship in the world, and the future of the
high-tech services sector rising 35.2 percent. bulk of the world will depend on how the two
Once again, foreign-invested enterprises largest economies get on with each other. You
played a unique and significant role in China's can read more on this developing situation on
new development model. AmCham South page 19 in this month’s SCBJ.
China supports China’s pushing forward
more higher-level opening-up as it widens Also check out our exclusive story concerning
market access. We also call for building high- Faraday Future on page 7. Faraday Future
standard international investment rules that founded by YT Jia finally saw the faint glimmer
are mutually productive and beneficial for all of a rainbow at the end of its turbulent and
parties involved. sometimes stormy past with his mobile
ecosystem company’s successful listing on
Progress looks more favorable now than NASDAQ earlier this year. Jump in and enjoy
it has been for a long time. The central the ride.
authorities' new development plans for
Qianhai, a special cooperation zone in Finally, once again, hefty deals were made
Shenzhen city, and Hengqin, an island and networking established last month for
in Zhuhai city are set to inject strong our AmCham South China entourage at the
impetus into the next stage of high-quality 21st China International Fair for Investment &
development of the Guangdong-Hong Trade (CIFIT). Official data showed that during
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The new plans the four-day event, Xiamen signed 40 foreign-
mark the country's latest move to further funded projects with a contractual foreign
deepen reforms and opening-up, providing investment of US$2.1 billion and another
ample opportunities for the long-term 15 projects with central-owned and private
development of the Bay Area. The expansion companies, with an estimated investment of
will be conducive to promoting institutional 55.1 billion yuan (US$8.56 billion) – with both
innovation and industrial upgrading in categories leading the province. These projects
Qianhai as well as piloting the reform policies. are widely expected to significantly contribute
According to the Qianhai plan, the total area to the city's economic and social development
of the cooperation zone will be expanded within three years. The projects cover modern
from 14.92 square kilometers to 120.56 sq agriculture and foods processing industry,
km. The NDRC will work with Guangdong, electronic information and digital industry, new
Macao and other relevant departments to energy, biology and new medicine and other
formulate a catalog of industries that will be sectors. The new deals were a good fit with
encouraged as well as a master development the development direction of the city's 100
plan for Hengqin, to boost Greater Bay Area's billion-yuan industrial production and supply
economic diversification. chain. We look forward to seeing these new
partnerships grow.
The development plans for Qianhai is in
complete alliance with AmCham Mission: to
promote development of trade, commerce
and invest¬ment between the United States