P. 45
d Anglia School Guangzhou Panyu GUANGDONG WIN LONG LAW FIRM
广州市番禺区诺德安达学校 广东盈隆律师事务所

Opening in September 2020, Nord Anglia School Established in 1997, Win Long Law Firm is a
Guangzhou, Panyu (NAS Guangzhou) will provide a unique comprehensive law firm with a domestic and
bilingual learning and teaching environment with a total international business network, throughout Europe
student capacity of 1,728 and a boarding capacity of 728 and the United States, Japan, Southeast Asia, Hong
for students aged 6-16. The school is located on Xihe Road, Kong, Macao, Taiwan and domestic provinces and
Panyu District, Guanghzou, covering an area of 43 acres. cities, providing legal services for hundreds of Global
NAS Guangzhou will offer students the best of Eastern and 500 companies, leading state-owned enterprises, listed
Western education resources and philosophies, promoting companies, foreign companies and governmental
bilingual teaching in Chinese and English. Based on Chinese departments in commercial, criminal and non-litigation
culture, NAS Guangzhou will follow a progressive blend matters. In addition to legal services for high-end
of core elements of the Chinese National Curriculum commercial litigation and arbitration, Win Long Law
with other renowned international teaching methods Firm also provides professional legal services in TMT
and curricula to enhance the core literacy necessary for (Technology, Media, Telecom), Medicine and Health,
students in a global context and lead them to succeed in the Intellectual Property Rights Commercial Criminal
increasingly fierce global competition in the future. Being Matters, Foreign-Related Matters, Corporate Law, etc.
part of Nord Anglia family, NAS Guangzhou will share
the “Global Campus” learning platform with the other 66 盈隆律师事务所成立于1997年,是一家拥有中国国内外业
schools located across 29 countries and regions. Together 务网络的综合性律师事务所,担任上百家世界500强企业、
with more than 64,000 students in the family, children will 大型国企、上市公司、外企、政府单位的常年法律顾问,承
participate in exciting learning experience and expedition 办过数百宗在国内外有较大影响的商事、刑事和非诉讼法律
and build a multicultural awareness in “Global Campus”, 事务,业务遍及欧美、日本、东南亚、港澳台及国内各个省
cultivating the flexibility of thinking and the ability of 市区。除高端商事诉讼仲裁业务外,TMT(科技、媒体、通
collaboration and independent learning, and broadening 讯)与医药健康、知识产权、商业刑事、涉外法律事务、公
international horizon and knowledge. 司合规法律事务也是本所具有显著优势与特色的法律业务。

广州市番禺区诺德安达学校将于2020年9月迎来第一批学 Contact Person: Hui ZHANG 张卉
子入读。学校位于广州市番禺区西和路,占地43亩,可容 Add: 6/F., Huayitai International Building,418 Dong
纳1728名学生,将满足728名学生的寄宿需求。学校将融 Feng Zhong Road, Yue Xiu District, Guangzhou City,
合中西教育理念、推进中英双语教学。学校将以中华文化为 Guangdong Province 510030, P.R. China
根基,融合实施广州市中小学核心课程及受到全球广泛认可 地址:中国广东省广州市越秀区东风中路418号华以泰国
的国际化教学方法及教学元素,提升学生在全球背景下必备 际大厦F6(510030)
的核心素养,引领他们在未来日益激烈的全球竞争中走向成 Fax: (020)83379936
功。作为诺德安达教育集团学校大家庭的一员,学校将和集 E-mail:
团分布在全球29个国家和地区的66所学校一起分享“全球 Website:
兴奋的学习体验和探险活动,孩子们将会在“全球校园”中 Tricor Group
主学习的能力,拓展国际视野,博闻强识。 Tricor Group (Tricor) is the leading business expansion
specialist in Asia, with global knowledge and local
Contact Person: Maggie Yang expertise in business, corporate, investor, human
Add: 88, Xihe Road, Nancun Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou,China resources & payroll, corporate trust & debt services, and
地址:中国 广州番禺区南村镇西和路88号 strategic business advisory.
Fax: 02032656500-5704
e-mail: Strategically headquartered in Hong Kong SAR, we operate
Website: out of 21 countries/territories and across a network of
47 offices. Tricor serves 50,000 clients, including 2,000
Platinum Design Limited companies publicly listed in Asia and over 40% of the
东莞特品鞋业技术有限公司 Fortune Global 500 companies. With 2,700 employees, of
which 630 are certified professionals, we deliver critical
Platinum Design Limited is a large American shoes functions to help ambitious companies accelerate their
trading company. In May 2011, it was purchased by STEVE growth in Asia and beyond.
MADDEN, an American listed company. The main business
scope here is to develop new products of shoes (design and SOUTH CHINA BUSINESS JOURNAL 42
sample making) and to provide relevant technical services.

司.2011年被美国上市公司STEVE MADDEN收购。主要
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