P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, There is hope going forward. Late last month,
Beijing's new top envoy in Washington Qin Gang
President, AmCham South China Greetings, said the ties are "at a new crossroads", and he
Vice Chairman, American used the words "rational, stable, manageable
Chambers of Asia Pacific On August 20, 2021, President Joe Biden and constructive" to outline the expected China-
Winner of the 2017 Oslo announced his intent to nominate Ambassador R. US ties he is working toward. Reestablishing
Business for Peace Award Nicholas Burns, for Ambassador Extraordinary and frequent yet candid engagement between the two
Awarded by the Award Committee Plenipotentiary to the People’s Republic of China. countries is a good start to re-establishing stability
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Ambassador Nicholas Burns, is a highly respected in our market. In the short term, getting back to
Economics former career member of the Foreign Service. He the table to build on reform progress from the
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University currently serves as Professor of the Practice of phase one agreement; removing the tariffs, which
Diplomacy and International Relations at Harvard harm both China and US interests; and easing
University’s Kennedy School of Government. He restrictions on travel between the two countries
is also Executive Director of the Aspen Strategy can help get the trade relationship back on track.
Group and Security Forum and Senior Counselor
at the Cohen Group. We applauded President Locally, AmCham South China continues to do
Biden’s decision and look forward to supporting its part. We have successfully released a report of
Ambassador Burn’s confirmation and welcoming our IPR study and analysis i.e. Policy Watch: Brief
him once he arrives in China. Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three
Influential International Trade Agreements and One
US companies in China remain profitable and Bilateral Trade Agreement: CPTPP, ETA, RCEP, CAI.
optimistic over the growth prospects in China’s The Policy Watch series is an ongoing effort by
fast-growing market. A recent (June 2021) survey AmCham South China and its member companies
conducted by the US-China Business Council that are experts in the relevant fields to examine
found 95 percent of its business members and clarify the real-world effects of contemporary
said they were profitable last year, up from 91 policy changes on the business environment in
percent that reported commercial success in South China, with a focus on foreign-invested
the previous year. The long-term confidence enterprises. Our new report is now available
of these companies operating in the China for free on our Chamber website. I urge you to
market seemed not to have been dented by the download your copy today.
persistent strained relations between China and
the US, as evidenced partly by the finding that As always, it has been a busy month for us
83 percent of the surveyed companies have not at the Chamber as you can see in this month’s
moved any segments of their supply chains out South China Business Journal. We had a lot of
of China in the past year. Already, 64 percent fun at the new Sam’s Club Pre-Grand Opening
of the companies saw revenue growth in 2020, Day in the Tianhe District in Guangzhou.
and still more — 70 percent — of the surveyed AmCham-InterCulture Charity Concert: Jazz up
companies expect their revenue to increase in with Summer Beat warmed our souls with cool
2021, bouncing back to historical levels after rhythms. The successful Opening and Grand
the COVID-19 pandemic and trade war distorted Ceremonies of the Fuzhou Service Center of the
outlooks in 2019 and 2020. Nevertheless, for the American Chamber of Commerce in South China
fourth consecutive year, companies say their highlighted the fact that business is booming at
top challenge is the rocky relationship between the Fuzhou High-tech Zone.
Washington and Beijing.
Looking ahead, you are cordially invited to join
So far, there have been no major changes in the AmCham annual delegation to the 2021
Biden’s China policy, but there’s still hope for a China International Fair for Investment and Trade,
stabilized relationship. As for the Chinese part, but you have to hurry. This year’s CIFIT starts
the Chinese government has not shown a great September 7 in beautiful Xiamen, Fujian.
interest in a speedy recovery in bilateral relations
either. The lack of real progress is a pity since One last thing, you might as well dust off your
the United States and China share an extensive dancing shoes because we are already planning
agenda of common bilateral and global interests the International Winter Ball for November 20 at
that call for cooperation. The bottom line is that the LN Garden Hotel in Guangzhou. It’s going to
the ice didn’t freeze in one day. It may take a be a Night to Rock for the International Partners.
long time for both the US and China to finally It’s always the hottest ticket in the winter season.
recognize the values of their cooperation, not Get your tickets now because they are going to
competition and confrontation. China and the sell out. You know they will!
US must remain committed to working for a
constructive relationship.
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, There is hope going forward. Late last month,
Beijing's new top envoy in Washington Qin Gang
President, AmCham South China Greetings, said the ties are "at a new crossroads", and he
Vice Chairman, American used the words "rational, stable, manageable
Chambers of Asia Pacific On August 20, 2021, President Joe Biden and constructive" to outline the expected China-
Winner of the 2017 Oslo announced his intent to nominate Ambassador R. US ties he is working toward. Reestablishing
Business for Peace Award Nicholas Burns, for Ambassador Extraordinary and frequent yet candid engagement between the two
Awarded by the Award Committee Plenipotentiary to the People’s Republic of China. countries is a good start to re-establishing stability
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Ambassador Nicholas Burns, is a highly respected in our market. In the short term, getting back to
Economics former career member of the Foreign Service. He the table to build on reform progress from the
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University currently serves as Professor of the Practice of phase one agreement; removing the tariffs, which
Diplomacy and International Relations at Harvard harm both China and US interests; and easing
University’s Kennedy School of Government. He restrictions on travel between the two countries
is also Executive Director of the Aspen Strategy can help get the trade relationship back on track.
Group and Security Forum and Senior Counselor
at the Cohen Group. We applauded President Locally, AmCham South China continues to do
Biden’s decision and look forward to supporting its part. We have successfully released a report of
Ambassador Burn’s confirmation and welcoming our IPR study and analysis i.e. Policy Watch: Brief
him once he arrives in China. Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three
Influential International Trade Agreements and One
US companies in China remain profitable and Bilateral Trade Agreement: CPTPP, ETA, RCEP, CAI.
optimistic over the growth prospects in China’s The Policy Watch series is an ongoing effort by
fast-growing market. A recent (June 2021) survey AmCham South China and its member companies
conducted by the US-China Business Council that are experts in the relevant fields to examine
found 95 percent of its business members and clarify the real-world effects of contemporary
said they were profitable last year, up from 91 policy changes on the business environment in
percent that reported commercial success in South China, with a focus on foreign-invested
the previous year. The long-term confidence enterprises. Our new report is now available
of these companies operating in the China for free on our Chamber website. I urge you to
market seemed not to have been dented by the download your copy today.
persistent strained relations between China and
the US, as evidenced partly by the finding that As always, it has been a busy month for us
83 percent of the surveyed companies have not at the Chamber as you can see in this month’s
moved any segments of their supply chains out South China Business Journal. We had a lot of
of China in the past year. Already, 64 percent fun at the new Sam’s Club Pre-Grand Opening
of the companies saw revenue growth in 2020, Day in the Tianhe District in Guangzhou.
and still more — 70 percent — of the surveyed AmCham-InterCulture Charity Concert: Jazz up
companies expect their revenue to increase in with Summer Beat warmed our souls with cool
2021, bouncing back to historical levels after rhythms. The successful Opening and Grand
the COVID-19 pandemic and trade war distorted Ceremonies of the Fuzhou Service Center of the
outlooks in 2019 and 2020. Nevertheless, for the American Chamber of Commerce in South China
fourth consecutive year, companies say their highlighted the fact that business is booming at
top challenge is the rocky relationship between the Fuzhou High-tech Zone.
Washington and Beijing.
Looking ahead, you are cordially invited to join
So far, there have been no major changes in the AmCham annual delegation to the 2021
Biden’s China policy, but there’s still hope for a China International Fair for Investment and Trade,
stabilized relationship. As for the Chinese part, but you have to hurry. This year’s CIFIT starts
the Chinese government has not shown a great September 7 in beautiful Xiamen, Fujian.
interest in a speedy recovery in bilateral relations
either. The lack of real progress is a pity since One last thing, you might as well dust off your
the United States and China share an extensive dancing shoes because we are already planning
agenda of common bilateral and global interests the International Winter Ball for November 20 at
that call for cooperation. The bottom line is that the LN Garden Hotel in Guangzhou. It’s going to
the ice didn’t freeze in one day. It may take a be a Night to Rock for the International Partners.
long time for both the US and China to finally It’s always the hottest ticket in the winter season.
recognize the values of their cooperation, not Get your tickets now because they are going to
competition and confrontation. China and the sell out. You know they will!
US must remain committed to working for a
constructive relationship.