P. 4

Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, Neil Bush, Chairman of President George Herbert
Walker Bush US-China Relations Foundation;
President, AmCham South China Greetings, Governor Brian Schweitzer, 23rd Governor of
Vice Chairman, American Montana and former Chair of Western Governors
Chambers of Asia Pacific July 4th reminds me our country is great Association and United States presidential
Winner of the 2017 Oslo because of great Americans like you who are Candidate; Martin Maciak, former head of
Business for Peace Award generous, charitable and who give rather than origination and RMB internationalization at HSBC,
Awarded by the Award Committee take. Those who hold themselves to these Americas; and, Klaus Zenkel, Chairman of the
of Nobel Laureates in Peace and values have truly made our country great. South China Board of the European Chamber. We
Economics Those who are honest, fair, honorable, kind and also expect confirmation from additional leaders
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University full of love for their fellow humans, those who in US soon. The Seminar includes a presentation
know there is a great difference between being by our IPR Committee Chair and Board Member,
a human being and being human, those who Dr. David Buxbaum and the firm of Anderson
put their country ahead of their personal needs, and Anderson on the analysis of intellectual
it is you! You are what makes America great. property sections of agreements including,
Thank you for being you. Happy Fourth of July! "ETA": Between US and China; "CAI": Between
China and EU; "RCEP": Between China and 14
Throughout the year we have had the good countries; "CPTPP": Between 11 countries from
fortune of making many new friends especially East to West and North to South (US withdrew).
within the foreign service community. July is in
many ways bitter sweet as it coincides with end This virtual seminar could not have come at a
of the assignments and the departure of many better time for I am happy to note that the Sino-
friends for their new posts in other nations. US economic talks seem to be back on track.
Therefore, it is important to give recognition There are encouraging signs the two largest
to the great American diplomats, as well as economies are talking and by some indication,
those of other nations who have served us with making some progress. Last month, Secretary of
distinction during their tour of office in China. the Treasury Janet L. Yellen held an introductory
These are dedicated men and women who have virtual meeting with the Vice Premier of the
committed their lives to the service of their People’s Republic of China, Liu He. Both sides
countries and who are helping to create better believed that the exchanges were professional,
relations between our nations which in turn candid and constructive, and that the two
help us here and our citizens back home. To countries' economic and trade communications
each and every one of them I bade godspeed have returned to normal.
and wish them the best of good fortune on
their next posting. AmCham South China hails this effort as a
positive first step and highly encourages both
We have several high-level events happening sides to continue to engage in discussions. Only
this July which you would not want to miss. You through continued exchange of views we will
know how much of a jazz fan I am, so I can’t wait see an end to the current stalemate, removal of
to see Mark Obama’s sold-out piano concert with most trade barriers and an ultimate solution.
jazz by the Guangzhou Soul Project featuring
Martin Fleischer, the German Consul General in Since the US and China are the world's top two
Guangzhou. The rescheduled charity concert economies, healthy Sino-US economic and trade
event will be held July 22 at the Guangzhou ties are not only important for the two nations,
Opera House Steinway Hall. 100% of revenues of but also for world economic recovery amid the
this event will go to the Mark Obama Foundation COVID-19 pandemic.
to help bring music to poor children in many
countries. Neither AmCham nor its co-organizer, To pragmatically "solve specific problems
InterCulture will receive any of the money. for producers and consumers", tariff rollbacks
are essential, especially for US producers and
On July 29th we will hold a virtual seminar consumers, who have been much harder hit than
entitles “A Discussion on the Importance their Chinese counterparts by the two countries'
of International Trade and a Comparison tariff hikes.
of Intellectual Property Sections of Three
International Trade Agreements and one Bilateral
Trade Agreement”, featuring an all-star cast of
internationally recognized speakers including:
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