P. 22

The American Chamber of Commerce in South "RCEP": Between China and 14 countries
China through its IPR Committee headed by The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
its Board Member, Dr. David Buxbaum and the Agreement (hereinafter, "RCEP") signed on 2020
firm of Anderson and Anderson has conducted by 15 countries, including 10 member states of the
an analysis of Intellectual Property Sections of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),
Three International Trade Agreements and one Australia, China, Japan, South Korea and New
Bilateral Trade Agreement. They include "ETA": Zealand. So far, China, Thailand and Japan have
Between US and China; "CAI": Between China and internally ratified the Agreement, while other member
EU; "RCEP": Between China and 14 countries; countries indicated that they will approve by 2021,
"CPTPP": Between 11 countries from East to West which may make RCEP effective on 1st January 2022.
and North to South (US withdrew).
"CPTPP": Between 11 countries from East to
"ETA": Between US and China West to South (US withdrew)
The Economic and Trade Agreement between the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for
Government of the People's Republic of China and Trans-Pacific Partnership (hereinafter, "CPTPP")
the Government of the United States of America Signed by Japan, Australia, Chile, New Zealand,
(hereinafter, "ETA"), Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico and
Peru, after the withdrawal of the US. In particular,
"CAI": Between China and EU Canada, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, New Zealand and
Comprehensive Agreement on Investment Australia ratified it in 2018. According to CPTPP, the
(hereinafter, "CAI") between China and EU that is Agreement became effective on the approval of more
currently under negotiation. than 6 countries. In 2019, Vietnam ratified CPTPP.

A Discussion on the Importance of
International Trade and Comparison
of Intellectual Property Sections
of Three International Trade
Agreements and one Bilateral Trade

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