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doTERRA (Shanghai) Commercial Co.,Ltd. ISA Science City International School
多特瑞(上海)商贸有限公司 广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校

Founded in 2008, dōTERRA International, LLC is ISA Science City International School is the flagship
one of the world largest aromatherapy and essential school of ISAIEG. With a total construction area
oil companies with its headquarters in Utah, United of 78,000 square metres, it will be a home for
States. Its main products include essential oil 2200 students. The school will also provide a great
and other household products. So far, dōTERRA residential facility for 500 boarding students (G6-
has established its business in over 140 countries G12). With the support of an excellent management
and regions across the globe, with over 8 million and teaching team, curriculum, campus, and arts
customers and 2 billion annual revenue. dōTERRA and sports facilities, ISA Science City will be an
(Shanghai) Commercial Co., Ltd.(herein referred to extraordinary place for learning where students
as “dōTERRA China”)is a subsidiary company wholly will utilize spaces which support academic rigor,
owned by dōTERRA International, LLC. dōTERRA research, collaboration, creativity, performance and
China was officially registered in Shanghai in May, innovation.
2014, and put into operation in December. It’s now 广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校是爱莎国际教育
a new retailing company that combines offline 集团斥资1.5亿美金打造的旗舰学校,其自有用地建
experience for customers and online sales. 筑面积达78,000平方米,为2200名学生提供幼儿
美国多特瑞公司成立于2008年,总部位于美国犹他 园至高中全流程国际标准课程体系和教学;其中还
州,是全球最大的芳香护理和精油企业之一,产品 可为500名6-12年级的学生提供符合国际标准的一
包括精油和居家生活产品。目前,多特瑞的业务已 流寄宿服务。爱莎科学城学校从管理团队、师资力
遍布全球140多个国家和地区,拥有超过800万名顾 量、课程体系、校区规模与硬件、艺体设施等方面
客,年营业额超20亿美元。 全面打造大湾区顶级国际教育。
设的全资子公司,2014年5月在上海注册成立,同 Berry Global Group, Inc.
年12月正式营业。目前是一家线上销售,线下体 贝里国际集团
Berry Global Group, Inc. (NYSE: BERY), headquartered
Contact person: Andy Zhu in Evansville, Indiana, is committed to its mission of
Add: doTERRA (Shanghai) Commercial Co.,Ltd. A106A107- ‘Always Advancing to Protect What’s Important,’ and
2,1F, Center plaza,161 Linhexi Road, Tianhe District, proudly partners with its customers to provide them
Guangzhou. with value-added protective solutions. The Company is
地址:广州市天河区林和西路161号 中泰国际广场 a leading global supplier of a broad range of innovative
1楼A106.A107-2单位 rigid, flexible, and nonwoven products used every day
E-mail: within consumer and industrial end markets. Berry, a
Website: Fortune 500 company, has generated $12.6 billion of
pro forma net sales in fiscal year 2019, from operations
Guangzhou Estandon Hotel that span over 290 locations on six continents.
广州伊士丹顿酒店有限公司 贝里国际集团(纽交所代码:BERY)致力于“始终
Guangzhou Estandon hotel is one of the boutique 材料,软包装和硬包装等保护性产品解决方案。作为
business hotels owned by Haijing Investment Group 《财富》500强企业,Berry在全球六大洲拥有290多
co., LTD. It is a high-end comprehensive business 个生产基地,2019年集团销售额约为130亿美金。
hotel integrating office, leisure, shopping, catering,
guestrooms and recreation, , South of Pazhou Club— Contact person: Janny Su
the exhibition center, with excellent transportation and Add: 1 China Medical & Hygienic Nonwoven Fabric
geographical location, is an important business hotel Product Demonstration Base, Qihang Road, Jiujiang,
connecting Pazhou Exhibition Center, Guangzhou Nanhai, Foshan, GD Province 528203, China
International Financial City. 地址:广东佛山市南海区九江镇启航大道中国医卫
广州伊士丹顿酒店是集办公、休闲、购物、餐饮、 用非织造产品示范基地1号
客房、康乐等一体的高端综合商务酒店,位于广州 Tel: 0757-81299299-881
市天河区科韵中路9、11号。 Fax: 0757-86265180
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