P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, that when the chips are down, when things
Greetings, look grim, there are always people who
President, AmCham South China Serving two terms by Federal have your back.
Winner of the 2017 Oslo
Business for Peace Award appointment on the Maryland Advisory It is with this in mind, and with great
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof Committee to the United States sorrow, that sometimes we must face
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics Commission on Civil Rights opened the fact that not everyone believes the
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University my eyes to many things. That is why same way we do. According to a recent
I absolutely believe that there is only study conducted by the Asian American
one race on this planet and that is the Bar Association of New York, there were
human race. We must therefore, commit more than 2,500 reports of anti-Asian hate
ourselves to setting a precedent in incidents across the US related to COVID-19
responsible globalization as a decisive between March and September 2020 across
counterpoint to a shameful legacy of the the US alone. This number understates the
colonial exploitation which, for its own actual number of anti-Asian hate incidents
evil purposes created stratification within because most incidents are not reported.
societies and packed human beings into Especially in the days leading up to Lunar
races and classes. This has sadly allowed New Year, a time of cultural pride and
bad actors, then and now, to dehumanize celebration for millions of Asian Americans,
certain people and legitimize violence by the increase in attacks in particular has had
one human being against another. a chilling effect. We must call attention to
these injustices and protect one another.
The most gratifying aspects of my It is not enough to simply disavow racism,
position as president of AmCham South xenophobia, and violence. The increase
China is the relationships I have formed in violence and racism against Asian
over the years with our members, partners, Americans and Pacific Islanders over the
communities, and officials in China and past year is deeply problematic to the
across the Pacific Rim. Our Asian partners cause we hold dear. Our Chamber was
and members are essential to our mutual formed to ensure that all persons have an
goals of seeking ways to heightening equal opportunity to earn their success,
businesses and implement synergies. For rise on their merit, and live their own
example, last month’s AmCham-Fangda dreams. Spanish philosopher Baltasar
Partners Seminar: FIE Restructuring & Gracian once said, “What should move us
Optimization in China: Views from Legal to action is human dignity: the inalienable
Practitioner was considered by all to be dignity of the oppressed, but also the
a wild success (Pg. 33). We are beginning dignity of each of us. We lose dignity if we
a new era for foreign investment in tolerate the intolerable.” Without dignity,
China as foreign invested entities' plans identity is erased. In its absence, humans
require careful analysis in light of recent are defined not by themselves, but by the
legislation and policy considerations. We circumstances in which they are forced
work together to figure these things out, to endure. Racial hatred and violence in
but perhaps even more importantly we America and across the world in all of its
form relationships and friendships along ugly forms must never be tolerated.
the way. AmCham South China hosts, on
average, between eight to nine events
every month. Many of these events such as
the recent Spring Ice-breaking Party and
International Golf Tournament & Texas BBQ
Networking Dinner (Pg. 7) are designed so
that we can get to know each other better,
to break bread, to talk. It is only through
personal relationships that we find out
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, that when the chips are down, when things
Greetings, look grim, there are always people who
President, AmCham South China Serving two terms by Federal have your back.
Winner of the 2017 Oslo
Business for Peace Award appointment on the Maryland Advisory It is with this in mind, and with great
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof Committee to the United States sorrow, that sometimes we must face
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics Commission on Civil Rights opened the fact that not everyone believes the
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University my eyes to many things. That is why same way we do. According to a recent
I absolutely believe that there is only study conducted by the Asian American
one race on this planet and that is the Bar Association of New York, there were
human race. We must therefore, commit more than 2,500 reports of anti-Asian hate
ourselves to setting a precedent in incidents across the US related to COVID-19
responsible globalization as a decisive between March and September 2020 across
counterpoint to a shameful legacy of the the US alone. This number understates the
colonial exploitation which, for its own actual number of anti-Asian hate incidents
evil purposes created stratification within because most incidents are not reported.
societies and packed human beings into Especially in the days leading up to Lunar
races and classes. This has sadly allowed New Year, a time of cultural pride and
bad actors, then and now, to dehumanize celebration for millions of Asian Americans,
certain people and legitimize violence by the increase in attacks in particular has had
one human being against another. a chilling effect. We must call attention to
these injustices and protect one another.
The most gratifying aspects of my It is not enough to simply disavow racism,
position as president of AmCham South xenophobia, and violence. The increase
China is the relationships I have formed in violence and racism against Asian
over the years with our members, partners, Americans and Pacific Islanders over the
communities, and officials in China and past year is deeply problematic to the
across the Pacific Rim. Our Asian partners cause we hold dear. Our Chamber was
and members are essential to our mutual formed to ensure that all persons have an
goals of seeking ways to heightening equal opportunity to earn their success,
businesses and implement synergies. For rise on their merit, and live their own
example, last month’s AmCham-Fangda dreams. Spanish philosopher Baltasar
Partners Seminar: FIE Restructuring & Gracian once said, “What should move us
Optimization in China: Views from Legal to action is human dignity: the inalienable
Practitioner was considered by all to be dignity of the oppressed, but also the
a wild success (Pg. 33). We are beginning dignity of each of us. We lose dignity if we
a new era for foreign investment in tolerate the intolerable.” Without dignity,
China as foreign invested entities' plans identity is erased. In its absence, humans
require careful analysis in light of recent are defined not by themselves, but by the
legislation and policy considerations. We circumstances in which they are forced
work together to figure these things out, to endure. Racial hatred and violence in
but perhaps even more importantly we America and across the world in all of its
form relationships and friendships along ugly forms must never be tolerated.
the way. AmCham South China hosts, on
average, between eight to nine events
every month. Many of these events such as
the recent Spring Ice-breaking Party and
International Golf Tournament & Texas BBQ
Networking Dinner (Pg. 7) are designed so
that we can get to know each other better,
to break bread, to talk. It is only through
personal relationships that we find out