P. 41
aissance Shenzhen Bay Hotel Wang Jing & GH Law Firm
深圳湾万丽酒店 广东广悦律师事务所
Renaissance Shenzhen Bay is strategically located Wang Jing & GH is a leading Guangzhou
in Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Eco- headquartered Law Firm with over 20 years’
Park of the center of Nanshan District. The hotel experience in assisting foreign invested companies
has luxurious 293 guest rooms and suites with navigate the complexities of the PRC legal, regulatory
fascinating sea and city view. The hotel offers 5 food & and business landscape. Our 70 strong in-house
beverage outlets which are All-day dining restaurant, lawyers, both Chinese and Europeans, provide a
Cantonese restaurant, R Bar, Executive Lounge, and wide range of legal expertize, including Commercial
Bay Leaf. The hotel offers more than 2,000sqm of Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Real Estate &
conference room and multi-function venues. Provide Construction, TMT, Banking & Finance, Foreign-
the workout room with full equipment, spa and related Civil and Commercial Law, Cross-border M&A
swimming pool on 45th floor. and International Trade, M&A and Taxation, White-
深圳湾万丽酒店由深圳市投资控股有限公司投资建 collar Crime, IPR, and Maritime & Admiralty.
设,委托万豪集团管理。酒店位于深圳市南山区深 广悦总部位于广州,是一家在涉外法律服务领域具
圳湾科技生态园,是一间集崭新、高端、时尚于一 有超过20年历史的领先律师事务所,深耕外商投
体的高端国际酒店。酒店拥有293间客房和套房, 资资企业在中国涉及的复杂的法律、监管和商事服
居高临海、广阔景致,乃深圳湾科技园內地标性建 务。广悦共有70名具有中国或欧洲执业资格的专业
筑。酒店提供特色全天餐厅、地道粤菜中餐厅、R 律师,提供涵盖商事诉讼与争议解决、房地产与建
吧、行政酒廊、湾餐厅。拥有超过2000平方米的会 设工程、互联网与高新科技、银行与金融、涉外民
议室和多功能厅,同时配有45楼高空游泳池,设备 商事、跨境投资与国际贸易、投资并购与税务、商
齐全的健身房及水疗中心。 业刑事、知识产权、海事海商等领域的综合法律服
Contact Person: Jimmy Li 务。
Add: 58F, Building 12A, Shenzhen Bay Science &
Technology Ecological Park, No. 18, South Keji Road, Contact person: Ms. Diana Lowery
High-tech Zone Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan Add: 14/F., Central Tower, 5 Xiancun Road, Zhujiang
District, Shenzhen New Town, Guangzhou 510623, P. R. China
地址:深圳市南山区粤海街道高新区社区科技南路 地址:广州市天河区珠江新城冼村路5号凯华国际中
18 号深圳湾科技生态园 12 栋 A58 层,518057 心14楼
Fax: 020-35641899
Fax: 86 755 8120 2288 E-mail:
e-mail: Website:
Nord Anglia School Shenzhen Star Prototype Manufacturing Co Ltd
深圳市龙华区诺德安达双语学校 中山世达模型制造有限公司
We are a family of 66 premium international Manufacturing and processing of rapid prototype,
schools, based in 29 countries around the world. We rapid tooling, plastic products, metal parts; providing
offer personalized, inspiring learning to more than the designing and quality consulting services
66,000 students between 2 and 18 years old. Nord (excluding accounting, auditing, service items limited
Anglia School Shenzhen opened in September 2019, and prohibited by the government).
providing bilingual curriculum to support the child 生产经营快速成型模型、快速成型模具、塑胶制
to love learning and achieve more than they ever 品、机械零配件。从事上述产品的设计、质量咨询
thought possible. 服务(会计、审计及国家限制、禁止类除外)
中西多元双语课程,为学生提供个性化和启发式的 Contact person: Max Liu
教学。 Add: 15 Huan Mao 1 Road Zhongshan Torch
Development Zone Guangdong Province China
Contact person: Mr. Timothy Wedge 地址:广东省中山市火炬开发区环茂一路15号
Add: 339 Guiyue Road, Longhua District Shenzhen Tel: 0760-22222556
Guangdong Fax: 0760-22222558
地址:深圳市龙华区诺德安达双语学校 E-mail:
Tel: +86 (755) 2810 4888 Website:
深圳湾万丽酒店 广东广悦律师事务所
Renaissance Shenzhen Bay is strategically located Wang Jing & GH is a leading Guangzhou
in Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Eco- headquartered Law Firm with over 20 years’
Park of the center of Nanshan District. The hotel experience in assisting foreign invested companies
has luxurious 293 guest rooms and suites with navigate the complexities of the PRC legal, regulatory
fascinating sea and city view. The hotel offers 5 food & and business landscape. Our 70 strong in-house
beverage outlets which are All-day dining restaurant, lawyers, both Chinese and Europeans, provide a
Cantonese restaurant, R Bar, Executive Lounge, and wide range of legal expertize, including Commercial
Bay Leaf. The hotel offers more than 2,000sqm of Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Real Estate &
conference room and multi-function venues. Provide Construction, TMT, Banking & Finance, Foreign-
the workout room with full equipment, spa and related Civil and Commercial Law, Cross-border M&A
swimming pool on 45th floor. and International Trade, M&A and Taxation, White-
深圳湾万丽酒店由深圳市投资控股有限公司投资建 collar Crime, IPR, and Maritime & Admiralty.
设,委托万豪集团管理。酒店位于深圳市南山区深 广悦总部位于广州,是一家在涉外法律服务领域具
圳湾科技生态园,是一间集崭新、高端、时尚于一 有超过20年历史的领先律师事务所,深耕外商投
体的高端国际酒店。酒店拥有293间客房和套房, 资资企业在中国涉及的复杂的法律、监管和商事服
居高临海、广阔景致,乃深圳湾科技园內地标性建 务。广悦共有70名具有中国或欧洲执业资格的专业
筑。酒店提供特色全天餐厅、地道粤菜中餐厅、R 律师,提供涵盖商事诉讼与争议解决、房地产与建
吧、行政酒廊、湾餐厅。拥有超过2000平方米的会 设工程、互联网与高新科技、银行与金融、涉外民
议室和多功能厅,同时配有45楼高空游泳池,设备 商事、跨境投资与国际贸易、投资并购与税务、商
齐全的健身房及水疗中心。 业刑事、知识产权、海事海商等领域的综合法律服
Contact Person: Jimmy Li 务。
Add: 58F, Building 12A, Shenzhen Bay Science &
Technology Ecological Park, No. 18, South Keji Road, Contact person: Ms. Diana Lowery
High-tech Zone Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan Add: 14/F., Central Tower, 5 Xiancun Road, Zhujiang
District, Shenzhen New Town, Guangzhou 510623, P. R. China
地址:深圳市南山区粤海街道高新区社区科技南路 地址:广州市天河区珠江新城冼村路5号凯华国际中
18 号深圳湾科技生态园 12 栋 A58 层,518057 心14楼
Fax: 020-35641899
Fax: 86 755 8120 2288 E-mail:
e-mail: Website:
Nord Anglia School Shenzhen Star Prototype Manufacturing Co Ltd
深圳市龙华区诺德安达双语学校 中山世达模型制造有限公司
We are a family of 66 premium international Manufacturing and processing of rapid prototype,
schools, based in 29 countries around the world. We rapid tooling, plastic products, metal parts; providing
offer personalized, inspiring learning to more than the designing and quality consulting services
66,000 students between 2 and 18 years old. Nord (excluding accounting, auditing, service items limited
Anglia School Shenzhen opened in September 2019, and prohibited by the government).
providing bilingual curriculum to support the child 生产经营快速成型模型、快速成型模具、塑胶制
to love learning and achieve more than they ever 品、机械零配件。从事上述产品的设计、质量咨询
thought possible. 服务(会计、审计及国家限制、禁止类除外)
中西多元双语课程,为学生提供个性化和启发式的 Contact person: Max Liu
教学。 Add: 15 Huan Mao 1 Road Zhongshan Torch
Development Zone Guangdong Province China
Contact person: Mr. Timothy Wedge 地址:广东省中山市火炬开发区环茂一路15号
Add: 339 Guiyue Road, Longhua District Shenzhen Tel: 0760-22222556
Guangdong Fax: 0760-22222558
地址:深圳市龙华区诺德安达双语学校 E-mail:
Tel: +86 (755) 2810 4888 Website: