P. 18
States Focus on
Policies to Attract
Companies, Talent
By Thaddeus Swanek
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
What happened? In the annual State of of all sizes. Increasingly, states are competing to
American Business speech last week, U.S. attract and retain businesses and the most talented
Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue workers. The first panel discussion featured a
outlined the path for a widespread economic small business which relocated across state lines in
recovery through a bold agenda of infrastructure search of a better business environment.
investments, workforce reskilling, immigration
reforms, and reinvigorating America’s global A second panel focused on the ways state chambers
competitiveness. Additionally, he warned that of commerce are working to attract business and
excessive regulations and anti-competitive taxes investment while expanding economic opportunity
would undermine the recovery. in their communities. A final panel focused on the
way excessive litigation can drive up the cost of
To complement the speech, the U.S. Chamber living—and conducting business—for everyone.
developed three State of American Business Policy
Power Hours highlighting common-sense policy Key quotes:
solutions for strengthening the recovery on the
international, national, and state/local levels. On small businesses, over-regulation, and the war
for talent.
In the third of three Policy Power Hours, Neil
Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy • “We converted to using independent
officer at the U.S. Chamber and Tom Sullivan, vice contractors and that was driven a lot by the
president of small business policy, led discussions regulations in California that are hindering the
about the challenges facing small businesses ability of companies to operate and grow…It was
including overburdensome state regulations. almost like the state of California was constantly
tightening the screws and making things more and
Also, Harold Kim, president of the U.S. Chamber more difficult.” — Russell Dunn, owner, Maid In
Institute for Legal Reform, hosted discussions on Texas
trends in state and municipal legal climates.
• “We relocated here [to Texas] in 2017 in
Fill me in: The 50 states and the District of June, for both personal and business reasons. It’s
Columbia aren’t just laboratories for democracy — just a more open environment to operate in Texas.”
they also serve as proving grounds for businesses — Dunn
States Focus on
Policies to Attract
Companies, Talent
By Thaddeus Swanek
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
What happened? In the annual State of of all sizes. Increasingly, states are competing to
American Business speech last week, U.S. attract and retain businesses and the most talented
Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue workers. The first panel discussion featured a
outlined the path for a widespread economic small business which relocated across state lines in
recovery through a bold agenda of infrastructure search of a better business environment.
investments, workforce reskilling, immigration
reforms, and reinvigorating America’s global A second panel focused on the ways state chambers
competitiveness. Additionally, he warned that of commerce are working to attract business and
excessive regulations and anti-competitive taxes investment while expanding economic opportunity
would undermine the recovery. in their communities. A final panel focused on the
way excessive litigation can drive up the cost of
To complement the speech, the U.S. Chamber living—and conducting business—for everyone.
developed three State of American Business Policy
Power Hours highlighting common-sense policy Key quotes:
solutions for strengthening the recovery on the
international, national, and state/local levels. On small businesses, over-regulation, and the war
for talent.
In the third of three Policy Power Hours, Neil
Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy • “We converted to using independent
officer at the U.S. Chamber and Tom Sullivan, vice contractors and that was driven a lot by the
president of small business policy, led discussions regulations in California that are hindering the
about the challenges facing small businesses ability of companies to operate and grow…It was
including overburdensome state regulations. almost like the state of California was constantly
tightening the screws and making things more and
Also, Harold Kim, president of the U.S. Chamber more difficult.” — Russell Dunn, owner, Maid In
Institute for Legal Reform, hosted discussions on Texas
trends in state and municipal legal climates.
• “We relocated here [to Texas] in 2017 in
Fill me in: The 50 states and the District of June, for both personal and business reasons. It’s
Columbia aren’t just laboratories for democracy — just a more open environment to operate in Texas.”
they also serve as proving grounds for businesses — Dunn