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ITOR'S NOTE Dear Members, line. We need to do a great deal more.
As the festive season arrives and we get ready Being Businessworthy. In my role as the
Dr. Harley Seyedin
to celebrate the holidays and usher in the new recipient 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award,
President, AmCham South China year, we need to continue to do our share to Awarded by the Award Committee of Nobel
Winner of the 2017 Oslo help those less fortunate. The following are my Laureates in Peace and Economics and as an
Business for Peace Award 2021 New Year Resolutions and I hope they also international businessman, I have taken the
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof become yours: pledge to be Businessworthy. The United Nations
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics Sustainable Development Goals provide a
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University Fight Bigotry. By US Federal government once-in-a-life-time opportunity to end poverty,
appointment, I was fortunate to have served combat climate change and fight injustice and
two terms on the Maryland Advisory Board of inequality. It is the enlightened self-interest
the US Civil Rights Commission. In that capacity of business to understand this and pursue the
I learned to recognize and appropriately act business opportunities inherent in building a
when someone’s knee presses against an greener, more equitable and inclusive society.
unfortunate victim’s neck. Therefore, I believe
it is our collective responsibility to not only I have taken the pledge and I call on you to do
fight bigotry, but also expose bigots who often the same:
perform their dastardly deeds from behind
the scene and cloaked in darkness. Those who I know that business cannot succeed in
tolerate discrimination or look the other way societies that fail. I will do my utmost to be
are as guilty as those who exercise it. As we businessworthy in all my efforts, and to tune
greet the new year’s arrival, we must work hard my business to support the United Nations
to make the elimination of bigotry our top Sustainable Development Goals. I call on my
priority. Bigotry is evil, ugly, vile and repugnant peers to do the same.
in any form. It is a plague which destroys not
just the victim but also the perpetrator. Hatred Today, progress is being made in many places,
caused by bigotry, like vitriol, eats away the but, overall, action to meet the goals is not yet
bigot from inside out. advancing at the speed or scale required. 2021
needs to usher in a decade of ambitious action
Poverty Alleviation. I was delighted to see to deliver the Goals by 2030. I pledge to you that
the 550 members and dignitaries attending I will continue to do my part.
our Hope Ball take time at the party to donate
cash to the Guangzhou Women and Children’s Let us work together to make 2021 the best it
Hospital. All the money, which was donated can be therefore, enabling everyone to give their
directly to the hospital foundation, is never children a better life than they have had.
touched by our Chamber and goes directly
to pay for immediate lifesaving surgeries for I wish you all love and peace, a Joyous Holiday
poor and orphaned children. In the past ten season and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous
years we have raised over 5,172,000 RMB New Year.
in cash that literally saved the lives of 221
orphaned children who otherwise would not
be alive today. We have also raised 12,945,811
RMB in in-kind donations which, together
with investments we have introduced, have
raised four impoverished villages and tens of
thousands of poor villagers above the poverty
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