P. 31
cation Webinar with URI

From top to bottom:
Coordinator of Office
of Undergraduate
Admission at the
University of Rhode
Island, Bowen Gillie;
Dean of College of Arts
and Sciences, URI,
Dr. Jeannette E. Riley
and Interim Director,
Professor, Program
Chair of Communication
Studies of URI, Dr.
Norbert Mundorf at the

AmCham held an education webinar on VISA, Professor, Program Chair of Communication
boarder control and State and school policies Studies of URI, Dr. Norbert Mundorf gave detailed
interpretation with the University of Rhode Island. interpretation over recent VISA arrangements,
AmCham president Harley Seyedin opened the the impacts of grad and PHD applications with
webinar with a brief summary of the changes of re- deferring semesters or online courses and the credit
entry visa application to China. He remained hopeful system of online courses. Coordinator of Office
on the China-US diplomatic relations and on the of Undergraduate Admission at the University of
future of global COVID-19 prevention and control. Rhode Island, Bowen Gillie briefed the readers
Professor and Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, on changes of undergraduate admission policies
URI, Dr. Jeannette E. Riley gave a brief introduction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many AmCham
of the history, learning environment, academic South China members attended the webinar as well
resources, research capabilities, and opportunities as those involved in higher education including
of the University of Rhode Island. Interim Director, officials from several universities.

Construction Industry Online Meetings

AmCham held a construction industry
online meeting with member enterprises.
Directors and General Managers of five
member enterprises attended the meeting.
Members expressed their concerns over the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their
expansion and investment plan. AmCham
president Harley Seyedin gave management
suggestions and investment advice to member
enterprises and helped members connect with
one another.

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