P. 20
Top Disease Expert Awarded
Major Honor
By GRTRadio
Dr. Zhong Nanshan at an Interview. Image via In addition to Zhong, who was nominated
to receive the Medal of the Republic,
Zhong Nanshan, a prominent infectious which was first awarded last year, the 70th
disease expert, was awarded a highly anniversary of the People's Republic of
prestigious honor for his outstanding China, three others were also shortlisted
contribution to fighting the COVID-19 for national honorary titles for their
epidemic in China. According to a notice contributions in fighting COVID-19, the
released on August 3rd by a working notice said.
committee on Party and State medals Zhong has been a highly popular figure in
and honorary titles, Zhong had been the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic
recommended to receive the Medal of in China since January. He revealed at a
the Republic this year. On August 11th, news conference on Jan 20 that the novel
President Xi Jinping signed a presidential coronavirus that caused the outbreaks in
order, announcing that the Standing Wuhan, Hubei province, can be transmitted
Committee of the National People’s between humans, making him the first
Congress had voted to award Zhong public figure to confirm the important
Nanshan the "Medal of the Republic." characteristic of the virus. In addition to
his contributions in fighting COVID-19,
Zhong is a member of the Chinese Academy Zhong was also a major figure who made
of Engineering and director of the National outstanding contributions to fighting the
Clinical Research Center for Respiratory severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak
Disease in Guangzhou, Guangdong in 2003 in China by identifying the
province. He has made distinguished pathogen and proposing effective epidemic
contributions in areas including the control and prevention measures.
prevention and control of the epidemic,
treatment of severely ill patients and
related scientific research, the notice said.
Top Disease Expert Awarded
Major Honor
By GRTRadio
Dr. Zhong Nanshan at an Interview. Image via In addition to Zhong, who was nominated
to receive the Medal of the Republic,
Zhong Nanshan, a prominent infectious which was first awarded last year, the 70th
disease expert, was awarded a highly anniversary of the People's Republic of
prestigious honor for his outstanding China, three others were also shortlisted
contribution to fighting the COVID-19 for national honorary titles for their
epidemic in China. According to a notice contributions in fighting COVID-19, the
released on August 3rd by a working notice said.
committee on Party and State medals Zhong has been a highly popular figure in
and honorary titles, Zhong had been the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic
recommended to receive the Medal of in China since January. He revealed at a
the Republic this year. On August 11th, news conference on Jan 20 that the novel
President Xi Jinping signed a presidential coronavirus that caused the outbreaks in
order, announcing that the Standing Wuhan, Hubei province, can be transmitted
Committee of the National People’s between humans, making him the first
Congress had voted to award Zhong public figure to confirm the important
Nanshan the "Medal of the Republic." characteristic of the virus. In addition to
his contributions in fighting COVID-19,
Zhong is a member of the Chinese Academy Zhong was also a major figure who made
of Engineering and director of the National outstanding contributions to fighting the
Clinical Research Center for Respiratory severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak
Disease in Guangzhou, Guangdong in 2003 in China by identifying the
province. He has made distinguished pathogen and proposing effective epidemic
contributions in areas including the control and prevention measures.
prevention and control of the epidemic,
treatment of severely ill patients and
related scientific research, the notice said.