P. 4
itor's Note

Dr. Harley Seyedin Iwas fortunate to be invited to and attend and Xi deserve our thanks for listening
the White House Christmas Party in to our concerns and our congratulations
President, AmCham South China Washington in December and must say for working hard to bring about a clear
Winner of the 2017 Oslo the magnificence and elegance of the path and level playing field for US and
Business for Peace Award Christmas decorations by our First Lady Chinese companies alike. I fully expect the
Awarded by the Award Committee of Melania were truly breathtaking. The agreement will help release many large
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics First Lady’s commitment to excellence investments which are now on hold and
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University and her planning, execution, delivery will contribute to the growth of the US and
and presentation must have consumed Chinese economies and benefit the entire
a great deal of her time and deserve our world. Of course, you can read more about
praise, thanks, and congratulations. the Phase One agreement in our cover story
While in Washington, I was also invited on page 5.
to a luncheon attended by Vice President
Mike Pence and a Gala Dinner attended I must also congratulate our all-volunteer
by President Donald Trump. I have shared administration and Board of Governors, our
some photos of the White House at team and our members for our Chamber’s
Christmas on page 8. sold-out Winter Ball which was attended
by 520 corporate executives, government
Our Chamber takes great pride in having officials, and media as well as Consuls
led an unprecedented major effort in General of more than 30 foreign consulates
Washington for the past several months based in South China. More on the Winter
to explain issues facing our members, help Ball on pages 21-28.
bring about a mutually beneficial end to
the Trade War, and ensure a healthy and I do have a couple more things I must say
rewarding relationship going forward. or I will be in hot water with the people
In our efforts we found listening ears of in our office. Don’t forget to sign up your
leaders on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. kids for the 2020 AmCham Youth Baseball
Just as in the complaint mechanism of League – the one and only all-volunteer
China’s new Foreign Investment Law, the run youth baseball league in China. It is
Phase One agreement reflects many of a pleasure to bring our youth the joy of
the issues suggested by our Chamber as America’s pastime, sportsmanship and
mutually beneficial to US and China. As a healthy competition while teaching them
result, both sides are true winners! It does the game of baseball. Assessment Day is
seem clear that both sides have made some Saturday, Jan 11 at the Professional Baseball
healthy promises to open up their markets, Field in Tianhe Sports Center. Registration
and commitments on intellectual property is also available online. As you are aware,
that are similar to those in the recently our Chamber supported the establishment
passed USMCA. Both governments have of the first professional baseball team and
incentive to finish the job since the success club in Guangzhou, the Olopo Leopards.
of the first phase of talks would determine We are also assisting them in establishing
success in the second, which in turn would a relationship with MLB. Please see our
unlock further tariff cuts. That a deal exists report on the Launch of the Olopo Leopards
in writing is proof of progress. Even better, Professional Baseball Club which I attended
the Chinese and the American governments together with US professional baseball
are roughly pursuing similar paths together representatives. Our partnership with the
one step at a time. I have full confidence Olopo Leopards will further enhance our
that the strong leadership I have witnessed AmCham’s Youth Baseball League. We are
in both countries will soon arrive at a more expecting many homeruns on many fields
complete and comprehensive agreement in by the end of the summer.
the coming months. Both Presidents Trump
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